Label: "inflation"

forint forintárfolyam forintgyengülés költségvetés deviza
July 26, 2023 10:10

More and more GDP forecasts bury the Hungarian economy

Even the government is starting to back off its optimism

virág barnabás mnb bef
July 25, 2023 17:50

Lowering the base rate is not on the agenda - Hungarian central banker

Virág talks shop after rate cut

Holnap kiderül, mennyire látja derűsen a világot az MNB
July 25, 2023 14:00

Hungary cenbank does not veer off the beaten track

Will soon reveal rationale

July 25, 2023 13:00

Hungarian employees' financial woes ease, but no real recovery yet

Real wage trends still negative

nyugdíjas nő megtakarítás nyugdíjcélú megtakarítás
July 25, 2023 09:41

Expert outlines six steps that could make Hungarian pension reform a success

A fairer, more transparent and modern system is needed, says András Farkas

varga mihaly portfolio budapest economic forum
July 21, 2023 09:35

Hungary FinMin says budget to be reviewed in Sept, central bank law to be amended

Varga stresses importance of forint stability

régi európa térkép
July 19, 2023 12:15

Hungarian inflation still champion in Europe, but has fallen below a psychological level

Inflation measured according to European methodology is already below 20%

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő
July 14, 2023 10:01

Orbán talks migration, inflation target, waste management in his weekly interview

Not much of substance apart from the well-known talking points

virág barnabás mnb bef
July 12, 2023 09:27

MNB Deputy Governor: inflation in Hungary could reach single digits within months

Barnabás Virág spoke about the prospects

magyar nyugdíjas
July 11, 2023 12:21

Time has come for Hungarian pensioners to fall into poverty

Exclusive analysis by pensions expert András Farkas

Idén és jövőre is lesz extra nyugdíj
July 11, 2023 09:35

Pensioners' Council addresses Viktor Orbán in an open letter

High inflation makes their subsistence insecure

nyugdíj átlagnyugdíj nyugdíjemelés nyugdíjas infláció
July 10, 2023 10:30

Mid-year adjustment of pensions to inflation may not happen

Terribly unpleasant news for pensioners

mnb jegybank
July 07, 2023 10:53

Hungarian central bank figures also show inflation retreat on every front

Measures of underlying inflation developments published

Nagyot drágul a benzin és a gázolaj
July 05, 2023 08:36

Hungarian fuel prices could reach HUF 650 per litre - forecast

Think tank GKI comes up with forlorn estimate

kiskereskedelem bolt infláció bevásárlás
July 04, 2023 17:01

Inflation started to ebb in Hungary, but vast majority of firms plan to raise prices

Three out of four businesses would sell produce for more

orbán viktor parlament
July 04, 2023 08:50

Hungarian PM Orbán says there will be no chemicals distribution hub in Budapest district

Asked about leaked plan of Chinese investment in Parliament