Label: "inflation"

Megállította a forintesést egy fontos szint
June 13, 2023 09:46

Markets do not fancy Hungarian minister's proposal to tweak inflation target

An irresponsible proposal when inflation is still so high

nagy márton
June 12, 2023 11:20

Hungary Development Minister Nagy urges cenbank to set inflation target higher

Higher CPI goal would help real interest rates drop, he argues

June 09, 2023 11:30

Hungarian gov't takes unexpected step amidst fight against inflation

How much will excise tax hike on fuel will fuel inflation?

infláció bolt beváráslás fogyasztás kisker
June 08, 2023 10:44

Hungary cenbank inflation measures also show substantial easing

Underlying inflation retreats too

Brutális különbség a multik és a kisboltok között - Százezerrel is többet kereshetsz
June 08, 2023 08:40

A pleasant surprise at last: inflation drops sharply in Hungary

A much-awaited fall

magyar gdp, magyarország, magyar gazdaság,
June 07, 2023 19:10

Hungarian economy will not grow in 2023 - OECD

Stagnation, deficit target overshoot projected for this year

áruház élelmiszer bevásárlás gyümölcs
June 06, 2023 12:50

Hungarian stores got the hardest kick in the gut in the entire EU

Retail trade hasn't decline this much anywhere else

June 06, 2023 08:45

Hungarian shops show grim figures, no turnaround in sight yet

Retail trade down in monthly terms again

kosar inflacio zoldseg
June 05, 2023 08:37

Will the brutal price rises finally start to moderate? We may find out this week

May inflation data due this week

City SPAR_Budapest_Tuzolto-utca
June 02, 2023 15:55

Special tax kicks Spar into the red in Hungary for the first time in nine years

Sales growth couldn't offset mammoth tax liability

June 02, 2023 09:15

Hungary's Orbán talks war, inflation, Erdoğan, overheads

Gives "interview" on public radio

May 31, 2023 10:47

Industrial producer prices started to drop in Hungary

PPI has fallen for third consecutive month

étterem vendéglátás
May 30, 2023 17:25

A wave of closures is sweeping across Hungary, affecting millions

Prices go up, entertainment and recreational opportunities wane

May 30, 2023 12:30

Inflation will save Hungarian debt reduction this year, but what about next year?

We have outlined how the debt ratio could evolve in 2023-24

recesszió dollár usa
May 30, 2023 08:20

U.S. dodges default but we will not be left without zesty events this week

Monday was a holiday not only in Hungary

ipar termelés worker dolgozó gyártósor bérek keresetek
May 24, 2023 09:20

Hungary average gross wage reaches HUF 578,000 - Price-wage spiral awakened?

Gross average wage at companies is nearly HUF 600,000