Label: "inflation"

September 15, 2023 11:35

Self-centered liberals don't want to give children to the nation - Orbán

Multinational chains are also behind rising consumer prices, the PM says

zsiday viktor 2017 cfo summit
September 14, 2023 13:00

Hungarian economic policy at the crossroads, EU funds could save it from collapse

Country has to choose a path

gulyás gergely kormány
September 14, 2023 10:15

Hungary to soften solar rules, expects no deficit boost from Budapest Airport buy

Key government decisions announced at press conference

nagy márton
September 12, 2023 15:55

Hungarian minister admits one of key goals cannot be met this year

Growth seen picking up in Q3

Itt a 700 ezres fizetés a Lidlnél, cégautó is jár hozzá
September 11, 2023 15:08

Lidl raises wages for the second time this year

21-43% hike in 2023 alone

nyugdíj idős öreg getty stock
September 11, 2023 09:06

Pensioners expect a 3.5-4% pension increase from the government in November

Consultative Council of Pensioners' Organisations reacts to the fresh KSH data

galamb ekb frankfurt
September 11, 2023 08:26

All eyes on Frankfurt this week, Thursday is the ECB's big day

Apart from this and a US inflation data, relatively little of interest this week

mnb jegybank
September 08, 2023 11:33

Hungary central bank inflation indicators confirm easing

Core inflation drops too

nyugdíjas infláció vásárlás
September 08, 2023 09:00

Hungary's inflation has fallen further but could disappoint many

A mixed bag of figures

Csak úgy röpködnek a hozamok, lesz mire pezsgőt bontani az év végén?
September 07, 2023 10:30

Pressure on Hungarian consumers eases further, but it's too soon to paint the town red

Inflation expected to show further retreat

Már 300 ezer forintot kereshetsz az áruházakban
September 06, 2023 09:11

Grim data from Hungarian stores - the worst is not over yet!

Volume of retail sales drops on a quarterly basis

Megvan, miért drágította az inflációkövető állampapírokat a kincstár
September 04, 2023 09:00

Moody’s affirms Hungary's ratings

Outlook remains stable

September 04, 2023 08:37

Data galore in the first week of autumn

Fresh inflation statistics are also coming

virág barnabás mnb bef
August 29, 2023 15:39

Hungarian central banker sheds light on post-September path

Shares rationale for today's rate cut too

310 fölé lökte a forintot az MNB döntése
August 29, 2023 15:00

Hungarian central bank publishes rationale for rate reduction

100bp cut, as expected

Zsiday Viktor
August 28, 2023 15:50

Hidden inflation is here to stay in Hungary - economist

Until we do away with populism

August 26, 2023 06:10

Hungarians may breathe a sigh of relief after price surges, but new risk looms

Inflation subsiding, but risks remain

Az Ikea elektromos autói lephetik el a világ nagyvárosait
August 25, 2023 14:37

Big innovation coming to IKEA stores in Hungary

A digital solution will be introduced in the purchase process

orbán viktor miniszterelnök kormányfő
August 25, 2023 08:46

Viktor Orbán: the government had to show teeth, claws, and strength to the multinationals

The Prime Minister slightly changed his expectations for the next year and a half in his regular live interview

August 24, 2023 12:54

Hungary in dispute with the European Commission on Ukraine grain import

PM Orbán promises wage increases, continued fight against inflation