Label: "inflation"

Drámai jóslat érkezett a gyenge forintról - Megszólaltak az elemzők a történelmi mélypont után
July 03, 2023 16:45

When could Hungary's forint ease above 400 versus the euro?

Here's a projection, and others too for the Hungarian economy

euró kassza pénz bevétel
July 03, 2023 13:20

Greedflation is real! But how concerned should we be about it?

Analysts of large global banks answer

July 03, 2023 08:22

This week may tell us when inflation will finally fall below 20%

We will not get bored

vihar felhő
June 26, 2023 11:03

One scary graph to show why the Hungarian government is in deep trouble

The budget model is facing perhaps its biggest challenge yet

June 26, 2023 08:25

Fitch affirms Hungary at 'BBB'

Outlook remains negative

idős dolgozó worker munkavállaló
June 23, 2023 08:30

No unemployment in Hungary despite crisis

Employment at high level

varga mihály parlament pénzügyminiszter
June 22, 2023 16:04

This is how the Hungarian government is raising taxes in 2024

Central bank staff calculates tax hikes

Döntött az MNB: jön az azonnali átutalás
June 22, 2023 11:38

Hungary central bank vexed by inflation of banking and telecom services

Inflation Report published

Megmondta a tutit az MNB: soha nem látott ábrák a biztosításainkról
June 20, 2023 16:50

Hungarian central bank raises its inflation estimate

While keeping GDP projection unchanged

June 20, 2023 15:35

Everything points to a sharp deceleration of inflation - Hungary central banker

Barnabás Virág talks monetary policy

June 20, 2023 14:00

Hungary central bank takes step towards lowering benchmark rate further

Press conference, updated estimates to follow

mnb jegybank
June 19, 2023 10:45

We've had the turnaround, now it's up to the Hungarian cenbank to follow through

A seemingly uneventful event ahead

virág barnabás mnb bef
June 19, 2023 09:40

MNB Deputy Governor: no return to previous negative real interest rates

Barnabás Virág also spoke about inflation

ipari termelés dolgozó worker fizetés
June 15, 2023 10:40

There is a huge pay gap between companies of different size in Hungary

Is it HUF 300,000 or 600,000?

June 13, 2023 12:00

Romania reaches what Hungary can only dream of

Inflation half of Hungarian CPI