
Event Driven Equity Analyst (x)

Chain Bridge Research, a boutique international investment research firm serving institutional investors is looking for a full-time Event Driven Equity Analyst.

The firm has established a reputation for high quality, incisive research focused on mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and event driven arbitrage. We are looking for a highly motivated Analyst with fluent English skills, who would join our research analyst team of four. We are looking for someone who is hard working, motivated and has a genuine passion for investment.

Key responsibilities include:

  • Following daily news flow on M&A transactions, preparing daily notes for clients
  • Preparing in-depth reports including risk analysis of global M&A situations and providing trade recommendations
  • Monitoring deal universe, collecting and analysing data on past and pending deals
  • Keeping contact with clients
  • Attending industry conferences

Key attributes for the successful applicant include:

  • Minimum of Bachelor’s degree
  • Fluency in English
  • 2-5 years` experience within equity research, corporate finance or investment banking
  • Excellent analytical and conceptual skills encompassing finance and valuation
  • Pro-active and problem-solving nature
  • Experience with Bloomberg platform is an advantage
  • CFA® qualification or participation in the CFA® Program is an advantage

What we offer:

  • Competitive remuneration package
  • Potential to develop professionally
  • High degree of autonomy

Place and time of job:

  • Budapest, Óbuda Gate (Budapest, 1023 Árpád fejedelem útja 26-28, 5. em, Regus Offices)
  • Full-time permanent employment

If you are interested in the position, please, send your CV to Gábor Szabó (g.szabo@chainbridgeresearch.com) by January 31. For more information about Chain Bridge, please visit our website www.chainbridgeresearch.com


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