
Deutsche Bank is looking for Internal Auditor (x)

Deutsche Bank is a leading global investment bank with a strong and profitable client franchise. A leader in Germany and Europe, the Bank is continuously growing in North America, Asia and key emerging markets. Deutsche Bank offers unparalleled financial services throughout the world.
The Bank competes to be the leading global provider of financial solutions for demanding clients creating exceptional value for its shareholders and people.
Position: Internal Auditor
Department Name: Group Audit
fixed-term position (max. 2 years)
Job Location: Budapest, Hungary

Deutsche Bank Group Audit runs a professional, business focused, proactive risk-based global audit function that operates with openness, transparency, integrity and independence, and which assists the business to mitigate high level control risks in the implementation of Group strategy. GA has a team that prides itself in ensuring the highest standard in professional delivery.

Key Responsibilities
Based in Budapest, the successful candidate will be responsible for:
• Reporting into the Country Head/Principal Audit Manager (PAM) who in turn reports in the CB&S Chief Auditor (CA) who has the global/regional business responsibility and regionally to CE Regional Head.
• Working in partnership with other local functions in order to implement the HFSA regulatory expected framework for the review of banking and IT processes on a yearly basis.
• Evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls relating to risks involved in the relevant business areas in accordance with group audit methodology and the established risk assessment framework.
• Contributing to risk assessment profiles/ business monitoring and overall implementation of group audit methodology.
• Working with the PAM to manage audit budgets and assisting in the evaluation of risks to develop specific engagement plans
• Developing and maintaining broad financial services experience and Bank knowledge. Keeping abreast of business/industry/regulatory changes and their affect on DB Hungary plan/approach
• Undertaking audit assignments, draft audit reports for review by audit management and facilitating issue tracking and validating closure of issues.
• Completing audit work/assignments in line with agreed budgets which may also include participation in global departmental initiatives (e.g. audits abroad, ad hoc projects, special investigations) as required
• Proactively developing and maintaining professional working relationships with colleagues, the business and respective support areas.
• maintain relationship with the regulators (HFSA / PSZÁF, NBH/MNB) and the external auditors.

Candidate Requirements:
Successful candidates will be self-starters, combining enthusiasm for the role with the ability to work in partnership with the other teams as well in delivering to our clients and external stakeholders. It is expected that the candidate:
• Be a native Hungarian speaker and fluent also in English both verbal and written to be able to communicate effectively at all levels within GA and with the client
• Have a detailed understanding of the local rules and regulations with a solid understanding of internal control risk assessment and strong analytical skills
• Detailed knowledge and significant experience in the corporate investment banking specifically FX, Money Markets, Debt and Transaction Banking products (loan, cash management, custody and trade finance) and credit, market, Finance and Compliance risks
• Have university degree in economics /law/external audit or accounting qualification
• Have at least 5 years of relevant working experience
• Have advanced PC knowledge with MS office application (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

The candidate will also:
• Flexible, proactive with strong organizational skills to take ownership implement and execute program of continuous auditing for the areas of responsibility
• have flexibility to travel
• have good project management skills
• have strong communication and excellent team working skills
• be able to demonstrate to have innovative mindset developing ideas with positive impact.

If you would like to apply for this position, please send us your English and Hungarian CV with a photo to: job.application@db.com .

Deutsche Bank is looking for Internal Auditor

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