Portfolio Seeks Translator / Proofreader

Portfolio Seeks Translator / Proofreader

Portfolio, Hungary’s leading economic and financial online journal, is seeking a translator / proofreader for its English language website.

Who we are:

Portfolio.hu/en is one of Hungary's longest-established English-language news portals, created for our premium readership. Decision makers, politicians, business people, corporate executives can find out from you what the really important economic news are in Hungary. What you write for us really matters - it's no coincidence that we're looking for the best.

The job:

You’d be translating / proofreading for Portfolio’s English site. Translating from Hungarian to English, checking if already translated text matches original.

Language skills required:

Hungarian and English proficiency. You should expect to cover subjects including the macroeconomy (GDP, inflation), finances (budget, monetary policy, FX, bond market), the stock market (earnings reports, daily price changes), various industries, so the whole nine yards, with focus on economic / financial / business issues.

Time of work:

That may be the best part yet. Absolutely flexible working hours. Mornings / earning mornings preferred. On some days you can ‘take over’ and be responsible for the content of the site.

Place of work:

Home. Office. Hybrid. You choose.


Working for Hungary’s leading online financial journal.

Other skills needed:

Word, Excel, Portfolio’s admin platform (will teach you).

Applications (with CV) to muller@portfolio.hucsiki@portfolio.hu

Címlapkép forrása: Shutterstock

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