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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák



Péter Balogh

Baconsult Kft., Angel Investor
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Péter Balogh

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Péter Balogh

Managing Director
MBH Bank
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Péter Balogh

Territory Manager
Google Cloud
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Roland Balogh FCCA

Senior manager – Capital markets and accounting advisory services certified auditor
PwC Hungary
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Samu Márton Balogh

Mayor's Chief of Staff
Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata
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Szabolcs Balogh

Managing Director
MVM Mobiliti Kft.
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Zsolt Balogh

Executive Director
Liferay Hungary
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Ágota Baloghné Kiss

Business Manager
SGS Hungária
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Kristóf Bán

Head of Mass Client Department
CIB Bank
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Zoltán Bán

Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Ádám Banai PhD, MRICS

Executive director for monetary policy instruments, financial stability and foreign reserve management
Magyar Nemzeti Bank
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Béla Bánáti

Architect, founder and owner
Bánáti+Hartvig Architects Hungary Contact info Bánáti + Hartvig Architects
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Gergely Bánfai

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István Bánfalvi

Chief Financial Officer
BPW - Hungária
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László Bánfalvi

Managing Director
Otthon Centrum Hitel Center
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Zoltán Bánfi

Quality Manager
NEMAK Győr Kft.
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Gábor Bánhalmi

Chief Strategist
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Zsófia Bánhegyi

Chief Commercial Officer
Szerencsejáték Zrt.
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Costin Banică

Head of Industrial Agency
JLL Romania
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Ben Bannatyne MRICS

Managing Director, Regional Head for CEE
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Harry Bannatyne

Partner, Head of Industrial Agency CEE
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Jakub Baňovič

Leasing Manager
Immocap Group
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Árpád Bányai

Security and Productivity Technology Solution Professional
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Gábor Bányai

IT Manager
Emerson Automation Solutions
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Tibor Bányai

Managing Director
Bányai & Partners Consulting Kft.
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Tibor Bányai

Gazda Kontroll Kft.
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Dr. József Banyár

elnöki főtanácsadó
Pénzügyi Szervezetek Állami Felügyelete
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Gábor Bara

Strategic manager
Erste Bank
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Tamás Bara

Facility and Maintenance Manager
Valeo Auto-Electric Magyarország Kft.
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