5th Portfolio.hu Property Investment Forum 2009 - The leading industry get-together in CEE since 2005. Meet all the important players on the Hungarian real estate market, all in one day!
Over 400 developers, financiers, institutional investors, agencies, advisors and municipalities.
Portfolio.hu, Hungary’s leading financial and investment medium, will organize its Property Investment Forum for the fifth time on November 10, 2009.
Bring your colleagues with you for half the price!From the 3rd registration from the same company everyone receives a 50% discount.
The event has become the largest real estate conference from Vienna to Moscow in the past four years.In 2008 over 60 speakers and 400 delegates attended from Hungary and the leading European real estate markets.
This year, we take the event to another level: we moved the conference to the newest and most modern conference center in Budapest so that we can have 400-450 guests, extended the program (3 parallel sessions, with over 60 speakers) and added an Awards Gala Reception in the evening.
HOT TOPICS:- Investment and development options in Hungary and throughout the CEE region
- Complex city development projects in Hungary
- Which direction is the Hungarian and regional real estate market heading?
- Is there life after the credit crunch?
INFLUENTIAL SPEAKERS: Our speakers the leading European developers, financing experts, consultants and analysts.
VIDEOS OF THE PORTFOLIO.HU PROPERTY INVESTMENT FORUM 2008 CONFERENCE:http://www.portfolio.hu/video/ Hotel Information, MAP & LocationPARTICIPANTS OF THE PORTFOLIO.HU PROPERTY INVESTMENT FORUM 2009 18 Hektár Kft., Aberdeen Property Investors, ABLON Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft., Adriatiq Islands Group, AIG/Lincoln Kft., AL Holding Ingatlanfejlesztő Zrt., B&V Group Zrt., Bank Austria Immobilienservice Partneroffice Hungary, c/o HFMA Kft., BBR, Biggeorge's-NV, Budapesti Energiakereskedő Kft., CB Richard Ellis, CEE Real Invest Kft., Deloitte Üzletviteli és Vezetési Tanácsadó Zrt., Dr. Kicska Gabriella Ügyvédi Iroda, DTZ Hungary Kft., Duna House Holding, EC Harris Hungary Kft., Echo-Project-Management Kft., EHL Real Estate Hungary Kft., Erick van Egeraat Építész Iroda, Erste Bank Hungary Nyrt., Estland Kft., ESTON International Zrt., Europolis Real Estate Asset Management Kft., Faludi Wolf Theiss ügyvédi iroda, FHB Jelzálogbank Nyrt., First Title CEE Kft., FirstFund Zrt., Future Trading Kft., Futureal Development Zrt., Generali-Ingatlan Kft., Hochtief Development Hungary Kft., Horizon Development, HYPO Investmentbank, Ibens Kft., Immobilia Zrt., Immorent Kft., INFO Befektetésszervező és Ingatlanforgalmazó Kft., ING Real Estate Development Hungary, Interag Zrt., Investkredit Bank AG, Iroda.hu Kft., Jones Lang LaSalle Kft., K&H Bank Zrt., Kaló Ügyvédi Iroda, KBC Securities, KÉSZ Ingatlan Kft., KPMG Hungaria Kft., Lébetra Tanácsadó Kft., Macrogamma Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Magyar GLN Kft., Nanette Construction Hungary, One2one Property, OTP Ingatlan Alapkezelő Zrt., Otthon Centrum Franchising Kft., Öböl Invest Kft., Patrizia Immobilien, Pesti Házak Zrt., Portico Investments Kft., PricewaterhouseCoopers Tanácsadó Kft., Quinlan Private Golub Kft., Raiffeisen Evolution, RE project development Kft., RICS London, Roland Divatház, SCD Group Zrt., Schönherr Szécsényi Ügyvédi Iroda, Squire Sanders, SSD (CEE), Strabag , TESCO Global Áruházak Zrt., TFAC Kft., TóPARK - FORIS Real Estate Kft., TriGranit Management Kft., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Valad Magyarország Kft. Volumetric Magyarország Kft., Westcliff Associates Kft., Wienerberger Téglaipari Zrt., WING Zrt., Wolf Theiss...
Some Speakers’ sentences about topics:"The office market in Budapest is going through a period of over supply, similarly to the cycle experienced in the early years of the decade. Coupled with a severe global recession, this made the market players face huge challenges. This is the case across the entire region - the property market needs the economy and financing to recover: the sooner, the better. Fortunately, there have been signs lately for a more positive outlook in Hungary as well."Gábor Borbély, senior analyst, CB Richard Ellis
"I hate the word "plaza’. We must reach back to the real emotions of shopping and must build retail projects in locations and building quality that people accept as an expression of their urban identity."Pál Baross, FRICS, CRE, ING Real Estate Development
"Considerable negative sentiment has surrounded CEE as a region since fall 2008. While this sentiment has been justified with regard to certain parts of the region, other parts of CEE have been unfairly swept up by it. Sentiment towards Hungary has been improving slightly recently, albeit from a low basis, with some potential investors starting to slowly see the long-term value of the market again."Jos Tromp, Director - Head of CEE Research & Consulting, CB Richard Ellis
"The winner is already chosen! Those can overcome the crisis successfully who has already made the necessary steps: increasing cost efficiency, centralizing corporate governance, starting fewer projects, only with secured financial supports."Árpád Török, CEO, TriGranit Magyarország
"The urban planning is very important for all settlements, as our district too. The EU -tenders give us a big chance to make developed infrastructure and better milieu for the people of the resident population."Zsolt Láng, mayor, Municipality of District II. in Budapest
"The financial crisis highlighted the utmost importance of cash flow. Operation ensures continuous cashflow with a decent profit. Its no accident that it has caught the attention of everyone as a good opportunity on this scanty, crisis-ridden transaction market. Operating smaller, lower standard facility portfolios, performing operational sub-tasks is not a great challenge; however not many are competent in integrated, software based operations."László Vágó, CEO, STRABAG Property and Facility Services Zrt.
"This panel will feature the intruductions of the panelists' favorite office developments in Hungary and abroad. In addition, the prominent represesentatives of office developers and knlowledgeable experts of the office market will share with the audience their views on the past, the present and the future of the Hungarian office market."Ákos Mester Dr., partner, SSD
Bring your colleagues with you for half the price!From the 3rd registration from the same company everyone receives a 50% discount.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Program - Zoltán BÁN, chief analyst, tel.: +36 1/428-9090, e-mail: ban@portfolio.hu
Sponsorship - Balázs AGÓCS, Deputy-CEO/Sales, tel.: +36 1/ 327-40-88, e-mail: agocs@portfolio.hu
Find out more on www.portfolio.hu/en or conference@portfolio.hu