We will present the increasingly prestigious “Construction Industry Person of the Year" award of Market and Portfolio for the fourth time this year on the 26th of April! The award is given to a professional chosen by the jury who has made an outstanding contribution to the domestic construction industry.
Don’t miss out on the award ceremony! Join the post-conference event with a standing reception, networking, gin bar and informal professional discussions. Let’s celebrate together the outstanding professional performance of the domestic construction industry.
Whole-day professional programme with topics and participants influencing the domestic construction industry
An excellent opportunity for creating and tending to relationships
Award ceremony and toast
Meet your current or future professional partners live or follow the event online
We cannot sit back. Constant risks, challenges, problems surround the economic life which are felt and suffered by the construction industry (especially in Hungary). We are living in especially hard and unpredictable times where mid- and long-term business planning can be regarded as blind flying or predicting the future rather than conscious risk analysis and strategy. What can we do in these circumstances? How can we get ready, escape forward? What can players of the whole vertical and value chain of the construction industry expect? How can companies from the smallest to the biggest actors of the industry be ready, crisis-resistant, sustainable, and most importantly, have the potential to develop? We will look for the answers to these questions all day long.
08:55 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:05
09:05 - 09:25
War and energy crisis: economic outlook after the elections
Speaker: István Madár, Senior Analyst, Portfolio
09:25 - 09:40
Opportunities and challenges in the construction industry
Speaker: Csaba Gyutai, CEO, ÉMI Nonprofit Kft., kormánybiztos
09:40 - 10:20
One shock after the other – The age of unpredictability has arrived. How strong and stable is the Hungarian construction industry?
Moderator: Gergely Ditróy, Head of Real Estate Division, Portfolio
Conversation participants:
10:20 - 10:35
Coffee break
The issue of material prices and supply chains has been one of the most important and most pressing risks in the construction industry for several years. Inflation, incomes, shortages, delays, quality problems, demand are all serious challenges. The situation requires constant re-evaluations in light of the newest events while putting huge pressure on the budget and deadlines for the work undertaken. How is the market today? With what can we calculate? What do suppliers, sub-contractors, or even customers expect?
10:35 - 10:50
Introduction of an intelligent delivery note for the Hungarian construction industry
Speaker: Ádám Dálnoki, CEO, BauApp Kft.
10:50 - 11:40
Raw material prices and supply chains - Will it keep growing as long as it is bought?
Moderator: Gábor Kiss, Managing Director, Metrodom Kivitelező Kft., IFK, Vice-chairman
Conversation participants:
11:40 - 11:55
How can the Hungarian construction industry achieve the efficiency offered by digitalisation?
Speaker: Péter Reicher, Country Manager, Graphisoft SE
11:55 - 12:10
Energy 4.0 - Needs and solutions: value-creating awareness, increasing efficiency
Speaker: Dániel Racsek, Business Development and Sales Director, EcoStruxure, Schneider Electric
12:10 - 12:50
Fit-out - new clothes on an old frame, the secret to sustainability
Moderator: Adorján Salamon MRICS, CEO, ESTON International
Conversation participants:
11:30 - 11:45
Let's at least know what we don't know - Finding out what we don't know in the digital literature
Speaker: László Polgár, Senior Technical Consultant, ASA Építőipari Kft.
11:45 - 12:00
Cost Planning System for Construction Investments
Speaker: György Spányi MRICS, CEO, Spányi Partners Zrt.
12:00 - 12:50
Engineering challenges and solutions in the new world
Moderator: Ernő Wagner, President, Magyar Mérnöki Kamara
Conversation participants:
13:40 - 13:55
Data-driven decisions in the construction industry
Speaker: Szabolcs Vida, Chief Financial Officer, Új Ház Zrt.
13:55 - 14:40
Light years away from the present? Where is the key to increasing the sector’s efficiency? – BIM, Big Data, robotisation
Moderator: Balázs Báthory, Deputy CEO, Market Építő Zrt.
Conversation participants:
14:40 - 14:55
A blessing or a curse? Pitfalls and breakthroughs of BIM in the context of complex and large investments
Speaker: Csaba Livják, Managing Director, BuildEXT
14:55 - 15:35
Replacement and skills shortages - Is there a solution?
Moderator: Dr. Tamás Lovas, tanszékvezető, BME Építőmérnöki Kar
Conversation participants:
13:40 - 13:55
Sustainability dilemmas for the construction industry
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Anita Boros, központvezető, Magyar Argár- és Élettudományi Egyetem Körforgásos Gazdaság Elemző Központ
13:55 - 14:45
The “circular-swing” is on the move - Real expectations and solutions on the road to a circular economy and climate neutrality
Moderator: Henrietta Budai, titkár, HuGBC
Conversation participants:
14:45 - 15:35
The 3 magic letters: ESG which is reaching the construction industry as well
Moderator: Balázs Bozsik, fenntarthatósági és ESG üzleti szolgáltatások vezető, PwC Magyarország
Conversation participants:
15:35 - 15:55
Coffee break
Financial stability, authenticity, safety, the ever-changing legal and regulatory environment, emphases arising from EU and national redistribution and priorities, coupled with the individual market surveillance activities that increasingly characterise the construction industry, represent a particularly exciting and delicate balance. How do the construction industry’s financial and legal sides work and how could they work better?
15:55 - 16:10
MOL Campus + BIM + construction = x, or what is the equation for efficient construction?
Speaker: Szabolcs Grátzer, Head of Design Department and Head of Digital Engineering Services, Market Építő Zrt.
16:10 - 16:25
Paks 2 - What's next?
Speaker: Zsolt Tarkovács, Head of Department of Architecture and Site Investigation, Paks II. Atomerőmű Zrt.
16:25 - 17:15
What does the market order? - Developers and developments of the future
Moderator: Dr Ernő Takács, Chairman, IFK
Conversation participants:
At the end of the conference, we'll do our best to ensure that you can discuss the most exciting professional issues in a relaxed atmosphere and successfully build new business relationships.
For the standing reception, thanks to Layher, we will open our popular Gin&Tonic bar again this year, where our gin masters will be waiting for the participants with the most special gins, spices and premium tonics. Market will bring the exotic offerings of Yama sushi bar to the conference, and Budafer will offer guests an exclusive selection of prosecco alongside gourmet bites. Stay tuned until the end of the evening, and don't miss the craft beers courtesy of Lesselsberger Hungária Kft. Let's celebrate together again!
Super Gold Sponsor
GIN bar of the reception is sponsored by
Silver Sponsor
Silver/Expert Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Sushi bar of the reception is sponsored by
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Accessibility Partner
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