Celebrating the construction industry
We will present the increasingly prestigious joint award of Market and Portfolio, "Construction Industry Person of the Year", for the third year on 10 June. The award will go to the professional in Hungary's construction industry with the most outstanding performance, as decided by the jury.
Be there at the award ceremony! The post-conference event will be complete with a standing reception, networking, a gin bar and informal professional discussions. Let us celebrate the outstanding performances in Hungary's construction industry together!
As soon as the conference ends, we will be ready to welcome participants both on location and joining us online.
Teljes konferenciaélmény a teraszon is: egész napos élő közvetítés, kültéri networking várja!
Éljük át együtt újra a Portfolio konferenciák személyes élményét és indítsuk be rendezvényszezont.
Találkozzon ismét a szakmával már a teraszon is:
- a konferencia helyszínen hatalmas privát terasz áll csak a résztvevőink rendelkezésére
- a teraszon kivetítőn követheti élőben a konferenciát egész nap
- a szabad levegőn töltheti a kávészüneteket és az ebédszünetet is
- a teraszon megbeszélés, tárgyalás vagy kötetlen networking lehetőség áll rendelkezésére
Although construction remained one of the most crisis-resilient industries in the Hungarian economy even during the pandemic-ridden past 12 months, it faces the challenges of a changing environment, difficulties in the global market, as well as day-to-day question marks regarding supply, finance and the property market. We must talk about the bright future and high hopes of the Hungarian construction industry and about the problems, challenges, transformations and tasks of the present to be solved.
09:00 - 09:05
09:05 - 09:25
Role of government in the development of construction industry
Speaker: Márton Nagy, nemzetgazdasági miniszter, Magyarország Kormánya
09:25 - 09:35
09:35 - 10:15
Let the skeletons fall out the closet!
Moderator: Gergely Ditróy, Head of Real Estate Division, Portfolio
Conversation participants:
10:15 - 10:30
Coffee break
10:15 - 10:30
Politics, market, major players along the entire value chain, technological breakthroughs and digitalisation: these are the fields that can move or shake the foundations of the entire construction industry or cause huge changes and systemic transformations, be those positive or negative. But where are we now and what is the outlook?
10:30 - 11:05
What is the vision for the construction industry? – The projects of tomorrow
Moderator: Gergely Ditróy, Head of Real Estate Division, Portfolio
Conversation participants:
11:05 - 11:50
Value chain – The fault lines are spectacular, but who is calling the shots? – Prices, materials, labour, regulations
Moderator: Gábor Kiss, Managing Director, Metrodom Kivitelező Kft., IFK, Vice-chairman
Conversation participants:
12:00 - 12:15
DTLS - A kivitelezés után az anyaggazdálkodás digitalizációja
Speaker: Ádám Dálnoki, CEO, BauApp Kft.
12:15 - 13:00
ConTech: Digitalisation of the industry is underway, but not without difficulties and challenges
Moderator: Orsolya Heidenwolf, Innovációs tanácsadó, ConTech Consulting
Conversation participants:
13:00 - 13:50
Lunch break
Ez az szekció csak online lesz elérhető!
13:30 - 13:45
Mit üzen a BIM?
Speaker: Zsolt Csaba, Modern Építésgazdaságért Nonprofit Kft, Founder-CEO, Chairman of Hungarian BIM standardization TC
Finances and engineering presence. From planning to execution. Financing, exchange rate risks, tax issues, bonds, grants, chain debts, deadlines. If adapting, following or solving the extra burdens and lots of novelties in the profession was not enough, there are also ample financial issues and risks. Let the opposites clash! Increasingly emphatic presence of engineers and designers in the construction industry.
13:50 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:30
Finances in construction
Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)
Conversation participants:
14:30 - 14:45
Digitalisation effectiveness and sustainability in the construction industry
Speaker: Csaba Gyutai, CEO, ÉMI Nonprofit Kft., kormánybiztos
14:45 - 15:30
Engineers and architects
Moderator: Gergely Ditróy, Head of Real Estate Division, Portfolio
Conversation participants:
15:30 - 15:45
15:45 - 16:00
Coffee break
But what is the market building? Will residential and logistics properties top the charts for years to come, or will segments that are less popular nowadays or carry more risks become revitalised? This is how the Hungarian property developer profession is preparing for coming years.
16:00 - 16:15
16:15 - 16:30
Speaker: Zsombor Barta MRICS, Greenbors Consulting Kft. alapító partner, HuGBC (Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete), elnök
16:30 - 17:15
Developers: What will happen to projects? Waiting? Replanning? – What, where and how much is the market building?
Moderator: Ádám Banai PhD, MRICS, jegybanki eszköztárért, pénzügyi stabilitásért és devizatartalék-kezelésért felelős ügyvezető igazgató, Magyar Nemzeti Bank
Conversation participants:
All participants of our conference are welcome to attend the award ceremony and standing reception.
Award Sponsor
GIN bar of the reception is sponsored by
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Beer bar is sponsored by
Official car rental partner
In association with
Exclusive coffee specialities sponsored by
Media Partner
The sponsor of maximum health and safety
Accessibility Partner
Organisation, general questions