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Energy Investment Forum 2017

Date: 7th November 2017  

Location: Hotel Sofitel Budapest

08:10-08:40 Registration, welcome coffee

Section I: The energy sector of Hungary in regional and global perspectives

08:40 - 08:45

Opening remarks - Zoltán Bán, Chief Executive, Net Média Zrt. (Portfolio)

08:45 - 09:05

The state of renewable energy and energy efficiency

Speaker: dr. Tamás Velez, Deputy Head of Department, Department for Green Economy Development, Ministry of National Development

09:05 - 09:25

Hungarian and regional electricity supply outlook and the Paks II. project

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Attila Aszódi, a Paksi Atomerőmű kapacitásának fenntartásáért felelős államtitkár, BME Nukleáris Technikai Intézet, egyetemi tanár

09:25 - 09:45

Chemical raw material from fuel – various ways to utilise fossil energy sources, and the future of oil companies

Speaker: Sándor Fasimon, COO, MOL Hungary

09:45 - 10:05

Gas supply in the region and Hungary on new paths

Speaker: Gergely Szabó, Country Chairman, MET Csoport, Magyarország

10:05 - 10:25

Towards an Energy Union – What could it bring about for Hungary?

Speaker: Attila Ságodi, Partner, igazgatósági tag, Dentons Europe Consulting

10:25 - 10:45

Climate protection and sustainability gaining importance in Hungary’s energy supply

Speaker: ifj. Attila Chikán, elnök, vezérigazgató, BCSDH, ALTEO Nyrt.

10:45 - 11:15

Coffee break

SECTION II: Transformation of the activities of energy companies in light of the challenges faced by the new entrants / Energy companies exploring new areas – new companies in energy.

11:15 - 12:10

Roundtable of CEOs – Directions and opportunities in the domestic energy sector

  • Change in the activity of energy companies in response to new trends and conditions
  • Strategic planning in a rapidly changing environment
  • Cheap, safe, clean and "lovable" – growing needs towards energy supply
  • The impact of ever stronger climate factors in the energy economy
  • The impact of new technologies on traditional supply/distribution chains
  • The impact of the European Energy Union, U.S. sanctions and (regional) geopolitics on the operation of companies


Moderator: Richárd Hlavay, energiapiaci szakértő, tréner, Lego® Serious Play® facilitátor, Bricks Magic

Conversation participants:

12:10 - 12:30

The future of the regulation: how will the legal environment change and respond to the trends and the challenges of the energy sector.

Speaker: Dr. Gergely Légrádi, Attorney-at-law, Partner, Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda

12:30 - 12:50

New directions for the development of heating system

Speaker: Róbert Balog, Head of Department, FŐTÁV Zrt.

12:50 - 14:00

Lunch break

SECTION III: Do all roads lead to electrical energy?

14:00 - 14:20

Rosatom projects worldwide

Speaker: Zalán Bács, Director, Rosatom Central Europe (Hungary)

14:20 - 14:40

Is Hungary on the verge of a solar energy boom? What happens on the market after the submission of a record number of applications for permit?

Speaker: Ádám Szolnoki, Chairman, MANAP Industry Association

14:40 - 15:30

Panel discussion: Global trends of the electric power industry

  • Ways of development for Hungary's electricity sector, and estimated capacity development needs
  • Where is innovation taking the industry?
  • The impacts of the need to go digital on energy companies
  • Energy efficiency: a neglected area?
  • How do energy storage systems affect power supply?
  • What role will the different energy sources play in Hungary's energy mix after 2030?

Moderator: Dr. Michael LaBelle, Professor, Central European University and Jean Monnet Chair in Energy and Innovation Strategies

Conversation participants:

  • Zsolt Bertalan, csoportszintű technológiai innovációs igazgató, MVM Zrt.
  • György Istvánffy, piacfejlesztési vezető, HUPX Zrt.
  • Tamás Pletser CFA, olaj- és gázipar elemző, Erste
  • Ádám Szolnoki, Chairman, MANAP Industry Association
  • Péter Tilesch, Head of Department, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority, Department of Electricity Supervision and Price Regulation

15:30 - 15:50

Coffee break

SECTION IV: Financial planning and investment opportunities in a fast-moving environment

15:50 - 16:10

Financing issues relating to the establishment of production capacities using renewable energy sources

Speaker: dr. Péter Horvai-Hillenbrand, Lawyer, Partner, Oppenheim Law Firm

16:10 - 16:50

Panel discussion: Investment opportunities in the sector; strengthening of the green investment approach and its consequences

  • The impact of a low-price environment on the fossil industry and the energy transition
  • The Impact of the new technologies on traditional supply-sales chains
  • The correlation between price changes and energy markets becoming increasingly uniform
  • Challenges of energy supply and energy transition for the labour market
  • The role of EU transfers in energy developments in Hungary (and in the region)

Moderator: Dr sandor, President and Chief Executive Officer, DBH Investment

Conversation participants:

16:50 - 16:55

Closing remarks

Our Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor


Organisation, general questions

Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751



András Major
  • András Major
  • Email:
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