Teljes konferenciaélmény a teraszon is, egész napos élő közvetítés, kültéri networking várja!
Kezdje velünk újra együtt beindítani az életet 2021-ben.
Találkozzon ismét a szakmával már a teraszon is:
- a konferencia helyszínen hatalmas privát terasz áll csak a résztvevőink rendelkezésére
- a teraszon kivetítőn követheti élőben a konferenciát egész nap
- a szabad levegőn töltheti a kávészüneteket és az ebédszünetet is
- a teraszon megbeszélés, tárgyalás vagy kötetlen networking lehetőség áll rendelkezésére
The job market as seen by top executives of Hungary's biggest corporations.
Red alert! A new front may be opening in Hungarian workplaces. Like it or not, the coronavirus pandemic will stay with us this year, and the flickering light at the end of the tunnel will bring new challenges in addition to the much-awaited sigh of relief. While last year, almost everyone managed to mount the hurdles with some degree of success, even making substantial headway in areas such as atypical forms of employment or digitalisation, the return to normal will not be without hiccups, either. All the more so because evaluation of the measures hastily introduced is yet to be completed, and the upcoming reopening currently presents serious challenges to business decision-makers, so HR professionals will have to provide clear support. In the opening section of the conference, we will take a look at the domestic and regional labour markets with business owners and top executives, trying to find out what is needed in the current critical situation from an HR perspective in order to sustain economic growth and productivity and to improve efficiency.
08:30 - 08:35
08:35 - 08:55
Keynote speech: Current labour market trends in Hungary
Speaker: István Madár, Senior Analyst, Portfolio
08:55 - 09:15
The world, and Hungary within, in 2021. HR trends in terms of numbers. What will the world be like after COVID?
Speaker: Sándor Baja, Managing Director Czech, Hungary, Romania, Randstad Hungary Kft.
09:15 - 10:15
Executive panel
Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)
Conversation participants:
10:15 - 10:45
Coffee break, networking
Work organisation and home office after the COVID crisis.
How to go on? The operation of businesses has changed with unexpected speed due to the coronavirus pandemic. While home office became the scene of daily work in many sectors, while changing labour market demand and headcount planning ruffled some feathers in others. Meanwhile, the crisis encouraged executives to transform benefits, communications, recruiting solutions, so basically all HR processes. But what of the above will remain with us? Which of the emergency practices will or should be incorporated into organisational culture, and to which ones will we say goodbye? What do employers and management want? Can the diverse requirements be harmonised at all? This section will seek to answer the above questions, and we will also find out whether hybrid operations or using 'A' and 'B' weeks could work.
10:45 - 11:00
Is caring more important now than it was before the pandemic?
11:00 - 11:15
Employee integration: a common interest, not social responsibility
Speaker: Erika Halász, senior manager, KPMG
11:15 - 11:30
The big re-routing – Back to the office home: Planing strategies for employee-friendly office spaces
Speaker: Ida Kiss, Head of Design, DVM group Kft.
11:30 - 11:45
Recruitment trends and strategies after the COVID crisis
Speaker: Gábor Toldi, SocialTalent CEE partner, DTC solution ügyvezető igazgató
11:45 - 12:30
Panel discussion: What, how and when? Organisational challenges at the dawn of the post-COVID era
Moderator: Zsolt Lukács, Managing Director, Telkes Consulting
Conversation participants:
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch break
Labour law questions and answers after the COVID crisis
Last year, the emergency prompted employers to take immediate action, but the big question is how much of these forced practices remains in effect in the long term. Laying the groundwork for the post-crisis operation of organisations is not a simple task, as there are a number of legal uncertainties involved. Nevertheless, these issues cannot be postponed any longer, as most organisations will face a completely new period in a few months' time. This requires them to be aware of their legal options. In Section III of our conference, we will take a close look at the most relevant changes in labour laws with experts.
13:30 - 13:45
How can the obligation to protect whistleblowers become an advantage? - Changes in whislteblowing regulations in Hungary and the EU
Speaker: dr. János Kopasz, ügyvéd, adatvédelmi szakértő, Taylor Wessing Hungary
13:45 - 14:25
Situations and practices: the organisational, labour law and tax aspects of the COVID crisis.
Moderator: dr. Petra Knall (Mag. iur.), Senior Associate, Taylor Wessing
Conversation participants:
14:25 - 14:45
Coffee break
How does the endemic disease of our times affect organisational cohesion and efficiency?
Burnout is the endemic of our times. It is not just simply tiredness or exhaustion; it is a much deeper social, and of course organisational, problem. As such, it should not be treated as a personal problem but should rather be tackled by a complex array of solutions in order to remedy a situation that could jeopardise efficient operation. For a support organisation to do this, it first must re-calibrate the definition of work, which in turn requires modern methods. The goal of this section is to turn the trendy Employee Experience Journey into more than an elusive buzzword with a nice ring to it for HR professionals by offering them specific and practical guidance in a changing labour market and in a new environment regarding social and organisational psychology.
14:45 - 15:00
The transforming effect of isolation on the individual and the organisation both online and offline
Speaker: Hajnalka Szirtes,
15:00 - 15:25
Burnout – Is it really a side effect of excellent performance?
15:25 - 16:25
Panel discussion: Profit-oriented responsibility: what makes a productive employee?
Moderator: Bálint Nagy, Senior Editor, Pénzcentrum - HRCentrum
Conversation participants:
16:25 - 16:30
Closing remarks
14:10 - 14:20
14:20 - 14:25
Hulladékból érték - a körforgásos gazdaság szerepe a MOL-csoport stratégájában
Speaker: Krisztina Petrényiné Szabó,
14:25 - 14:30
Mérnöki projekt közgazdász szemmel – bioüzemanyagok és innováció a finomításban
Speaker: Csaba Zsótér,
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