Are you a smallholder? Or have you started farming recently? Now you can participate in the outstanding spring agricultural event, the AgroFood 2025 Conference in Kecskemét, on 20 May with a 50% discount.
Please, fill out the following form, and Portfolio’s professional team will assess your claim so that you can redeem your discounted ticket.
If you have filled out the form, save it and send it to
The subject of the letter: Portfolio AgroFood 2025 – smallholder application
You can access the form by clicking here.
The professional program of the event will be uploaded soon. Thank you for your patience! Please check back later!
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2024-ben rendeztük meg első Portfolio AgroFood konferenciánkat, amely az élelmiszeripart érintő legfontosabb kérdésekkel foglalkozott. A konferencián
250+ résztvevő
35 előadó
80+ cég
közel 8 óra szakmai program, majd pezsgős koccintás és networking várta a résztvevőket.
Lássam a tavalyi programot >>
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