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Agrarium 2023


Registration & Welcome Coffee break


Session I: Agricultural subsidies, rural development: the big changes in 2023

Moderator: László Hazafi, agriculture journalist, Portfolio/Agrárszektor

08:30 - 08:35

Welcome speech

Speaker: László Hazafi, agriculture journalist, Portfolio/Agrárszektor

08:35 - 08:55

The biggest challenges of agriculture in 2023 – Subsidy possibilities and government measures

Speaker: Sándor Farkas, miniszterhelyettes, Agrárminisztérium

08:55 - 09:10

Single Farm Payment applications: what to know in 2023

Speaker: Miklós Detre, Vice President, Hungarian State Treasury

09:10 - 10:00

New Common Agricultural Policy from 2023: what to pay attention to when applying for funding? – New rural development tender possibilities

Conversation participants:


Coffee break & Networking


Session II: Severe energy crisis, vital financing: agribusiness solutions

10:20 - 10:30

The role of renewable energy in agriculture

Speaker: Roland Lugos, Director Of Business Development, Optimum Solar Zrt.

10:30 - 11:15

Horrendous energy prices in agriculture: how can we protect ourselves from the drastic effects of the energy crisis? – Solution possibilities and alternatives for agribusinesses

Moderator: Attila Weinhardt, Analyst, Portfolio

Conversation participants:

11:15 - 11:30

A shift in trends in the food economy – New directions in production and financing in 2023

Speaker: Dávid Hollósi, Agrár- és Élelmiszeripari Üzletág ügyvezető igazgató, MBH Bank, elnök, Magyar Bankszövetség agrár munkabizottság

11:30 - 12:10

Changing macroenvironment, a new situation in agrarian financing – Subsidised loan programmes, new loan products, banking strategies in 2023

Moderator: Lajos Braunmüller, szerkesztő, Portfolio Csoport

Conversation participants:

  • Zoltán Demeter, agrárfejlesztési főosztályvezető, K&H Csoport
  • András Herczegh, Managing Director, Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány
  • Dávid Hollósi, Agrár- és Élelmiszeripari Üzletág ügyvezető igazgató, MBH Bank, elnök, Magyar Bankszövetség agrár munkabizottság


Lunch break & Networking

Maestro A-B

Session III/A: Huge challenges in foraging and animal husbandry

Moderator: Zoltán Fórián, leading agricultural expert, Agricultural Competence Centre, Erste Bank Zrt.

13:10 - 13:25

Prices and trends in the feed market – Research and development directions for sustainable feeding

Speaker: Dr. Balázs Gregosits, Research and Development Director, Vitafort Zrt.

13:25 - 13:35

Is soy the crop of the future? - Stronger arguments for soya than ever before

Speaker: Zoltán Bene, Manager, Karintia Kft.

13:35 - 13:45

A transforming global economy – A possibility for further development

Speaker: Ákos Varga, Chairman of the board, UBM Group

13:45 - 14:30

Competitive feeding in an exceptional market environment – Price forecasts and this year's livestock subsidies

Conversation participants:

Maestro C

Session III/B: Arable crop production: will we win or lose in 2023?

Moderator: Tamás Petőházi, Chamber Department Chair, President of the Grain Producer’s Association - Hungary

13:10 - 13:25

Global challenges ahead of crop production sectors: climate change, intensification, sustainability

Speaker: Sándor Keszthelyi, Professor, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

13:25 - 14:30

How long will the market price explosion and drastic rise in costs last? – Prospects for arable crop profitability in 2023

Conversation participants:


Coffee break & Networking

Maestro A-B

Session IV/A: A fight for survival in the food industry

Moderator: László Friedrich, university professor, institute director, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

14:50 - 15:05

Urgent digitalisation: development opportunities in the light of the new Digital Food Strategy

Speaker: László Friedrich, university professor, institute director, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

15:05 - 15:20

Industry 4.0 from Delta’s aspect – Agribusiness digitalisation improvements

Speaker: András Ujhegyi, Chief Sales Officer, Delta Systems Kft.

15:20 - 16:10

Market trends, cost and price optimisation in the food industry – Development and support schemes of this year, efficiency enhancer innovations

Conversation participants:

  • Tamás Éder, President, Federation of Hungarian Food Industries
  • Gergely Giczi, Deputy General Manager, Agricultural Marketing Centre
  • Dávid Hollósi, Agrár- és Élelmiszeripari Üzletág ügyvezető igazgató, MBH Bank, elnök, Magyar Bankszövetség agrár munkabizottság
  • Giacomo Pedranzini, Executive Director, Kometa 99
  • János Ruck, CEO, Gallicoop

Maestro C

Session IV/B: Prices and trends in the agricultural input markets

Moderator: Róbert Görög, Managing Director, Hungarian Crop Protection Association

14:50 - 15:05

The effects of EU regulatory changes on input markets

Speaker: Róbert Görög, Managing Director, Hungarian Crop Protection Association

15:05 - 15:55

Vital decisions in input material use – Prices, trends, and innovations in the fertiliser, seeds, and pesticide markets

Conversation participants:

Maestro A-B

Session V/A: Big movements on the land market: state land sales, new land acquisition rules

Moderator: László Hazafi, agriculture journalist, Portfolio/Agrárszektor

16:10 - 16:25

Land market 2023: The most important changes in domestic land regulation

Speaker: Tamás Andréka, State Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture

16:25 - 17:20

Launch of a huge new public land sales programme – New conditions for land purchase and lease contracts

Conversation participants:

Maestro C

Session V/B: A revolution in automation – A breakthrough in the use of drones

Moderator: Gábor Milics, associate professor, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

15:55 - 16:10

How does the Hungarian State Treasury’s regional monitoring system work?

Speaker: Levente Gulyás, Head Of Department, Hungarian State Treasury

16:10 - 16:20

Increasing farming efficiency with precision technologies: challenges in practice

Speaker: Sándor Vitéz, Head of Sales, Smart Greenhouse Control Kft.

16:20 - 16:35

Precision drone spraying platform and monitoring service

Speaker: Gyula Solymos, CEO & Chief Technology Advisor, Alpha Management Advisory

16:35 - 17:20

Subsidies and new developments in precision farming and agricultural digitalisation – Breakthrough in the use of drones in agriculture in 2023

Conversation participants:

Networking & Pezsgős koccintás

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Organisation, general questions

Gábor Ócsai
  • Gábor Ócsai
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 472 2095


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Klaudia Pisont
  • Klaudia Pisont
  • sales manager


László Hazafi
  • László Hazafi
  • Email:
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