
July 31, 2023 09:08

Housing construction take a dive in Hungary

Dwelling builds drop like a stone

July 31, 2023 08:50

A host of key data in the pipeline for this week

Not a boring moment

Debrecen akkumulator bejelentes
July 31, 2023 08:40

Another Chinese battery investment comes to Debrecen, though it has yet to be announced officially

A HUF 23 billion project is launched to better serve Western markets

Aki rabszolgabéren tudja dolgoztatni csak az embereket, az hagyja abba, amit csinál
July 28, 2023 12:18

Employment and unemployment both up year-on-year in Hungary

The figures for the first half of this year are in

July 28, 2023 11:57

Crisis hits Tesco in Hungary, only a sale of real estate helped

They became profitable only because of a one-off item

July 28, 2023 10:20

Water tariffs could rise sharply as a result of the changes to the overheads reduction scheme

Utility charges could rise by up to one and a half times

Havi 40 ezer forint a kétgyermekes családoknak
July 28, 2023 09:10

Hungarian population decreases rapidly

But the number of deaths has also fallen

July 28, 2023 08:14

Viktor Orbán: multinationals are behaving like price speculators

The PM also spoke of profiteering multinationals, the hopelessness of supporting Ukrainians and the ghettoisation of the world market

pintér sándor belügyminiszter egészségügy állami egészségügy kórház
July 27, 2023 12:34

Hungarian Medical Chamber holds talks with the Ministry of the Interior

On the restructuring of the Hungarian healthcare system

akkumulátor, akkumulátorgyár, akkumulátorgyártás,
July 27, 2023 12:05

New battery factory coming to Nyíregyháza

Sunwoda's plant will be 1.5 kilometres from residential areas

July 27, 2023 10:07

Third motorway link between Hungary and Romania to be created

Oradea will also be much easier to reach by car

shopping bevásárlás kiskereskedelem
July 27, 2023 09:50

End of the food price freeze means a surplus of HUF 12,400 per person on 4 basic foodstuffs

Calculated on average consumption, for 5 months

bor vörösbor borászat alkohol
July 27, 2023 09:26

Government considers relaxing drink-driving rules

One ministry wants relaxation, the other opposes it

Erős üzenetet küldött az MNB - Hasít a forint
July 27, 2023 08:58

Hungary's interest expenditure looks scary, but there is light at the end of the tunnel

However, it is too early to breathe a sigh of relief

July 26, 2023 11:38

China could weaponise battery production, Hungary in a special situation

More and more countries respond to the threat

állami egészségügy kórház beteg sérült
July 26, 2023 10:46

Hospital debt at an all-time high in Hungary

Patient care is under threat

forint forintárfolyam forintgyengülés költségvetés deviza
July 26, 2023 10:10

More and more GDP forecasts bury the Hungarian economy

Even the government is starting to back off its optimism

virág barnabás mnb bef
July 25, 2023 17:50

Lowering the base rate is not on the agenda - Hungarian central banker

Virág talks shop after rate cut