
August 03, 2023 09:36

Disappointing data brought to light in Hungary

R&D expenditure declines as a percentage of GDP

magyar nyugdíjas
August 03, 2023 08:46

Pension supplements in November at the earliest, but experts say it will be pretty much nothing

Finance Minister responds to head of pensioners' association

benzin üzemanyag tankolás
August 02, 2023 16:55

Motorists, beware! Another sharp hike to fuel prices in Hungary on Friday!

The fifth increase in just a few days

August 02, 2023 15:50

Housing loans take a plunge in Hungary, new central bank data show

Numbers much worse than a year ago

August 02, 2023 10:32

U.S. State Department also addresses visa waiver tightening for Hungarians

Reiterates previous argument

homok építőipar
August 02, 2023 10:14

Government seeks pre-emption rights on construction material companies

Consultation will start in the autumn

Ezentúl minden héten egy bizottság dönt a nyugdíjak utalásáról
August 02, 2023 09:20

Higher pension supplement may come in November, expert says

There may not be a supplement in the summer, however

August 02, 2023 08:58

Record number of electric cars in Hungary

Growth at a terrific pace

philadelphia, usa, város, metropolisz
August 01, 2023 16:39

Hundreds of thousands of Hungarians not affected by U.S. visa waiver resriction

But they have nothing to be happy about: they have not been eligible in any case

forint euró
August 01, 2023 10:58

Hungary forint eases to over 390 vs. euro!

Due to U.S. travel restriction

August 01, 2023 10:47

A staggering number of first graders have failed in Hungary this year

And almost half of eighth graders are functionally illiterate

manhattan válság krízis usa new york felhő
August 01, 2023 10:32

USA imposes visa restriction for Hungarian citizens

Forint tumbles in response

doktor orvos háziorvos rendel
July 31, 2023 17:19

AI-assisted medical exams could help Hungary alleviate doctor shortage

"It could fundamentally change everything we have thought about medical practice."

Már 300 ezer forintot kereshetsz az áruházakban
July 31, 2023 13:24

Price freeze ends in Hungarian stores on Tuesday

Mandatory sales discount to be raised to 15%

July 31, 2023 10:06

Expert forecast bad news for Hungarian motorists

Attila Holoda sees no easing in fuel prices in the foreseeable future

bankjegy forint
July 31, 2023 09:49

Can the government's new inflation target really be met?

Sounds interesting at first glance - let's look at the aspects and possibilities