
nyaralás turizmus
August 09, 2023 09:05 scandal: thousands of people could be put out of business

The Hungarian Tourism Agency has spoken out about the platform's late payments

Kiszámolták: ennyit segítettek a magyar gazdaságnak az adócsökkentések
August 08, 2023 12:20

Hungary's budget deficit is the lowest in nine years, but we can't afford to sit back and relax

Meanwhile, nearly nine-tenths of the annual deficit target has been met

ivivoz1 Energiaugyi Miniszterium
August 08, 2023 11:38

Hungarian drinking water network to undergo major improvements

...sometime in the near future, according to the State Secretary

August 08, 2023 11:30

The's inflation indicators also paint an encouraging picture

However we look at it, the basic processes are favourable

August 08, 2023 11:07

Murderous prices in Hungarian hotels: more and more people can't afford a holiday

HUF 60,000 for a night in 4-star hotels

Nagy meglepetés az inflációban: óriási fordulat a hazai áremelkedésben!
August 08, 2023 10:17

Some great news on Hungarian inflation, we may start to breathe a sigh of relief

It is increasingly certain that annual inflation will fall below 10% by late autumn

export trade
August 08, 2023 09:19

Hungarian foreign trade improving at an astonishing pace

€1.5 billion surplus in a single month

August 07, 2023 12:27

No end in sight, Wednesday will see another rise in fuel prices

Diesel prices go up again

MNB: heteken belül indul a bankok homokozója
August 07, 2023 10:52

Hungary's international reserves a slim margin away from historic peak

We asked the MNB Press Department about a strange movement

egeszsegugy adatok shutter1500-20170418
August 07, 2023 10:00

Health care can no longer be financed as it has been

Alternative sources are needed. Interview.

Eltüntetné az eldobható műanyagokat a boltokból az EU
August 07, 2023 08:38

Plastic waste floods the world, but Hungary is among those saving the day

At least according to a new report

szijjártó péter
August 07, 2023 08:15

Hungarian Foreign Minister announces important facilitations for investment grants

He also talked about a new type of aid

forint euro árfolyam 400 forint
August 07, 2023 06:29

Important inflation data to come this week, we may see big movements in the markets

Key data coming from the US and Hungary

acélipar munkás
August 04, 2023 09:00

Hungarian industry remains under pressure

Feeble domestic demand causes m/m, yr/yr contraction

Mit művelt a forint árfolyama a kamatdöntés után?
August 04, 2023 08:50

Decline in Hungary's retail sales stops - Is this already a turnaround?

Retail trade up on a monthly basis in June

August 03, 2023 10:50

A host of Hungarians want to switch jobs

Due to immense inflation

August 03, 2023 09:45

Hungarians can't afford holidays, foreigners save this year's season

Hotel prices skyrocket, domestic guests increasingly prefer private accommodation