Label: "GDP"

Átalakítja eszköztárát és felkészült a normalizációra az MNB!
December 22, 2022 13:10

Hungarian forecasts a significant fall in real wages for 2023

Central bank inflation report published

mnb jegybank
December 20, 2022 17:02

Hungarian central bank raises 2023 inflation forecast significantly

GDP growth estimate left on hold

mnb jegybank
December 20, 2022 15:24

Hungary keeps providing foreign currency for energy bill even in 2023

Monetary Policy publishes post-meeting statement

nagy márton
December 15, 2022 15:03

Hungary development minister labels energy situation as "tragic"

Márton Nagy speaks at a conference

olajfinomito magyar
December 01, 2022 09:00

Fresh data show how the Hungarian economy shifted gears into a downturn

Country on the brink of a recession

építőipari munka
November 24, 2022 15:25

Hungary economic outlook worsens, momentum may not be regained even in 2024

Unemployment seen rising too

parlament országház budapest getty stock
November 15, 2022 12:39

Hungarian economy brakes almost the hardest in EU in the third quarter

Annual figure still nice, quarter-on-quarter performance clearly attests loss of momentum

magyar gyar
November 15, 2022 09:00

Hungary GDP contracts in the fourth quarter

Recession looks increasingly likely

November 14, 2022 12:49

We're about to find out if Hungary has slipped into a recession or not

When will the energy crisis go boom?

2022 naptar
November 14, 2022 09:01

How does Hungary's inflation compare to CPI in European countries?

We are going to find out this week

parlament országház budapest getty stock
November 11, 2022 17:25

Hungary could avoid recession next year, but at a high cost, EU Commission predicts

The forecast is for high inflation, a budget deficit and minimal debt reduction.

October 12, 2022 11:56

New estimate on Hungary's economic growth

From Kopint-Tárki

fitch ratings hitelminősítő
September 30, 2022 09:25

Energy crisis to weaken CEE growth in 2023 - Fitch

GDP growth may drop to 10-year low

bolt szamla inflacio draga
September 27, 2022 15:30

Hungary central bank sharply raises inflation forecasts for this year and 2023

MNB publishes key updated macro estimates

September 27, 2022 13:02

OECD expects Europe to drive Russia into the ground in economic war

Most countries in Europe seen dodging a recession

elorejelzes grafikon
September 21, 2022 13:21

Major slowdown, high inflation to befall Hungary in 2023 - think tank

Equilibrium Institute does not expect a deep recession, though

vihar, tornádó, klímaváltozás
September 16, 2022 08:59

World Bank says even a moderate negative shock could cause global recession

IMF, Fitch Ratings also have a gloomy outlook

export szallitas kikoto hajo
September 08, 2022 10:17

Hungary incurs monstrous trade deficit

EUR 1.15 bn gap in July