GDP likely contracted also in the first quarter
First quarter performance feeble
EU, USA and China industrial production, and EU consumer price index also on the calendar
Export booms, production shrinks
New Convergence Programme published, inflation estimate unchanged
WIIW publishes gloomy outlook
Major events of the week concentrated on Tuesday and Friday
György Surányi says Investment has made only a small contribution to raising living standards
World Economic Outlook released
Exclusive analysis on the Romanian economy's cohesion by the academic economist, former National Bank of Hungary (MNB) Governor
Anaemic performance in early 2023
New analysis lands
Differences on spectacular charts
The homework of economic success cannot be done with a few assembly plants
Key figures of Inflation Report published
Eurostat publishes GDP per capita statistics
Construction output contracts sharply too
Rating agency remains optimistic, but points to a string of challenges
Hungarian economy would make significant progress in the development ranking
War is just the surface, PM says at year-opening event of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry