Label: "GDP"

May 15, 2023 11:29

Hungarian economy could be stuck in a recession in 2023

GDP likely contracted also in the first quarter

építőipari munka
May 15, 2023 10:00

Hungary construction industry ailing, and it's only going to get worse this year

First quarter performance feeble

európai unió, európai bizottság, eu, brüsszel
May 15, 2023 09:40

Hungarian and EU GDP data to arrive at the same time this week

EU, USA and China industrial production, and EU consumer price index also on the calendar

May 12, 2023 10:30

Strange changes in Hungary's industry

Export booms, production shrinks

parlament országház budapest getty stock
May 04, 2023 14:22

Hungary gov't revises 2024 deficit target upwardly

New Convergence Programme published, inflation estimate unchanged

naptár 2023
April 24, 2023 09:55

After a quiet start, this week brings a Hungarian interest rate decision and a tidal wave of international macro data

Major events of the week concentrated on Tuesday and Friday

suranyi gyorgy2
April 17, 2023 10:57

Hungary balance indicators started to deteriorate well before the war - former chief

György Surányi says Investment has made only a small contribution to raising living standards

festői bukarest, románia, hajnal
April 05, 2023 12:40

Péter Ákos Bod: How did Romania catch up with Hungary?

Exclusive analysis on the Romanian economy's cohesion by the academic economist, former National Bank of Hungary (MNB) Governor

April 05, 2023 09:05

Hungary's industry shows symbolic improvement in February

Anaemic performance in early 2023

építkezés, építőipar, fúró, fúrás, alapozás
March 29, 2023 15:15

How does the Hungarian construction industry compare with the rest of Europe?

Differences on spectacular charts

elektromos autó akkumulátor
March 29, 2023 14:15

Battery factories in Hungary: The land of milk and honey or the land of Mordor?

The homework of economic success cannot be done with a few assembly plants

March 28, 2023 17:25

Hungary central bank revises 2023 inflation forecast upwardly

Key figures of Inflation Report published

March 23, 2023 14:40

Historic moment: Romania catches up with Hungary in economic development

Eurostat publishes GDP per capita statistics

építőipar építkezés
March 14, 2023 09:10

Hungarian economy kicks off 2023 on wobbly feet

Construction output contracts sharply too

magyar gdp, magyarország, magyar gazdaság,
March 09, 2023 15:45

Moody's identifies a host of risks to the Hungarian economy

Rating agency remains optimistic, but points to a string of challenges

March 09, 2023 14:15

Hungary to become 15th most developed country in Europe? - Isn't this an overly ambitious goal?

Hungarian economy would make significant progress in the development ranking

orbán viktor mkik gazdasági évnyitó
March 09, 2023 12:02

PM Orbán says Hungary needs 500,000 more workers

War is just the surface, PM says at year-opening event of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry