Label: "GDP"

March 23, 2023 14:40

Historic moment: Romania catches up with Hungary in economic development

Eurostat publishes GDP per capita statistics

építőipar építkezés
March 14, 2023 09:10

Hungarian economy kicks off 2023 on wobbly feet

Construction output contracts sharply too

magyar gdp, magyarország, magyar gazdaság,
March 09, 2023 15:45

Moody's identifies a host of risks to the Hungarian economy

Rating agency remains optimistic, but points to a string of challenges

March 09, 2023 14:15

Hungary to become 15th most developed country in Europe? - Isn't this an overly ambitious goal?

Hungarian economy would make significant progress in the development ranking

orbán viktor mkik gazdasági évnyitó
March 09, 2023 12:02

PM Orbán says Hungary needs 500,000 more workers

War is just the surface, PM says at year-opening event of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

March 07, 2023 09:00

Hungary's industry delivers nasty surprise

Output drops significantly

March 02, 2023 09:27

Latest GDP data provides insight into the Hungarian economy's recession

The detailed report is out

March 01, 2023 08:30

Hungary investments fall sharply at the end of 2022

Dreadful figures published

koronavírus gazdasági hatása autógyártás
February 14, 2023 12:35

Hungary drops sharply in European growth ranking

Only a couple of EU member states are in a recession

budapest magyarország
February 14, 2023 09:29

Fresh GDP data shows Hungary in a technical recession

The economy performed as expected in the last quarter of 2022

energia aram
February 13, 2023 09:25

Recession is here, but we have some good news about the Hungarian economy too

GDP data to be released on Tuesday

audi gyor hibrid autogyartas audi q3
February 13, 2023 08:22

A recession in Hungary appears certain, the only question is how deep

The first half of the week will be the more exciting

Budapest bazilika
February 02, 2023 10:46

Last year has shown Hungary's vulnerability, MNB must be cautious - Amundi Fund Management

The easing could start in March at the earliest

imf épület
January 31, 2023 09:15

IMF: inflation peaks, world economy grows modestly

The International Monetary Fund has issued its new forecast

nagy márton
January 30, 2023 07:05

Hungary Minister of Economic Development responds to S&P downgrade

Hungary will avoid recession, says Márton Nagy

hősök tere budapest_getty_stock
January 18, 2023 09:24

High inflation actually helps the Hungarian government in a certain way

The debt-to-GDP ratio is reduced as a result of rising consumer prices