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HVCA-Portfolio Investment Conference 2019

Időpont: 2019. június 5.  

Helyszín: New York Palace Budapest

08:30-09:00 REGISTRATION


09:00 - 09:10


Előadó: Dr. Posztl András, Country Managing Partner, DLA Piper Hungary

09:10 - 09:15

Opening Speech

Előadó: Eszter Elemér, elnök, HVCA

09:15 - 09:45

Keynote Speech: Mekkora az elvárható IRR 1500 év alatt?

Hányszoros térülést hozott Nursiai Benedek befektetése?

Előadó: Hortobágyi T. Cirill, főapát, Pannonhalmi Főapátság

09:45 - 10:15

Opening presentation: Overview of the European PE Market - Challenges and potential of CEE

Előadó: Tim Wright, Partner, London, Head of Private Equity, DLA Piper

10:15-10:45 COFFEE BREAK

10:45 - 10:50

Corporate Strategy – Capital Markets

Előadó: Máté-Tóth István, Deputy CEO of Business Development, Budapest Stock Exchange

10:50 - 11:25

Panel discussion: Enterprise Strategy - Capital Market Presence

Moderátor: Dr. Hollós Gábor, Counsel, DLA Piper Hungary

Beszélgetés résztvevői:

  • Karvalits Ferenc, vezérigazgató-helyettes, Wallis Asset Management Zrt.
  • Lóga Máté, gazdaságstratégiáért, pénzügyi forrásokért és makrogazdasági elemzésért felelős államtitkár, Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium
  • Máté Ferenc, vezérigazgató helyettes, igazgatósági tag, Duna House Cégcsoport
  • Máté-Tóth István, Deputy CEO of Business Development, Budapest Stock Exchange

11:25 - 11:55

Panel discussion: Are succession stories still the main source for deals for PE/VC in the region, or is there a new generation of entrepreneurs who have taken over as a market for PE/VC investors?

  • Succession stories have been a valuable source of deals for PE/VC in the region
  • However, since 2010 we have seen the rise of a younger new generation of entrepreneurs (shaped by the 2008 financial crisis) who have successfully built profitable businesses ripe for PE/VC investment
  • Are succession-based investment opportunities still the primary source for PE/VC deals, or has this new class of founder entrepreneur taken over?

Moderátor: -, Partner, Dentons

Beszélgetés résztvevői:

11:55 - 12:25

Panel discussion: What is the place for impact investment focused funds in CEE, and what exactly does impact investment mean?

  • Impact Investment is a large market for PE/VC in Europe generally, although there are precious few CEE focused players in this market.  Why is this and how can we expect this to change in the future?
  • Does this trend and relative vacuum of regional impact investment funds represent a blue ocean of opportunities for fund raising?
  • Is the divestment trend of large institutionals in fossil fuels creating an opportunity for VC/PE funds to focus on impact investments?
  • Does impact investment mean a lesser focus on returning profit?  Or can a fund focus on high returns while focusing on impact investments?

Moderátor: Szabadhegy Péter, vezérigazgató, Arete

Beszélgetés résztvevői:

12:25-13:50 LUNCH BREAK


13:50 - 14:00


Előadó: Haás László, Head of Capital and Debt Advisory Services, EY

14:00 - 14:20

Afternoon Keynote Speech: Big Picture - Reflection 2018 and Trends in 2019

Előadó: Kisgergely Kornél, főigazgató, MFB

14:20 - 15:00

Panel discussion: Government and EU money in the European VC market

  • USA, China and EU: comparing VC funds – public vs. private money
  • Forms of public money (direct vs. fund of funds) in different EU countries
  • Public vs. private money – differences in investments terms (state aid vs. market principles)
  • Effect of public money in the past and the upcoming 10 years in UK, DE, F, IRL, FI, PL and HU

Moderátor: Hradszki László, Member of the Board of Directors, Hiventures

Beszélgetés résztvevői:

15:00-15:25 COFFEE BREAK

15:25 - 15:55

Panel discussion: How has the regional landscape of PE Funds changed, and what will the next five years bring?

  • Large PE/VC have closed down CEE operations in last ten years, and invest in the region only opportunistically (rather than strategically).
  • Has this trend left a vacuum for regional players to fill?
  • Or is this a referendum on the attractiveness of CEE as a Region – is it still attractive for PE/VC?
  • Who are the typical LP investors in regional funds?  Have the changes in the market changed the LP landscape?

Moderátor: Dusan Tomic, Partner, Head of Advisory and Transactions, EY Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro

Beszélgetés résztvevői:

15:55 - 16:05

Presentation: Capitalization and commercialization of university-based innovations. What are the most significant achievements of Yeda R&D Center, and how their strategies may be implemented in other innovation cultures?

Előadó: Dr. Ronen Kreizman, Director of Business Development, Yeda R&D - Technology Transfer from The Weizmann Institute of Science

16:05 - 16:40

Panel discussion: Capitalization and commercialization of university and research institute-based innovations

  • How the entrepreneurial mindset and culture shall be shaped in higher education and research institutes?
  • Who owns the IP? - The legal understanding between VC’s and academic institutions.
  • The road to the market - the possible ways of university-based innovations to be commercialized.

Moderátor: Gémesi Zsolt, Director, Incubation at Startup Campus

Beszélgetés résztvevői:

  • Ackermann Mária, Deputy Investment Director, Hiventures
  • Richard Bijlard, Owner, Bijlard Technologies B.V.
  • Irene Fialka, Chief Executive Officer, INiTS Universitäres Gründerservice Wien GmbH
  • Kölkedi Krisztián, startup ökoszisztémáért felelős elnöki tanácsadó, Nemzeti Kutatási, Fejlesztési és Innovációs Hivatal
  • Dr. Ronen Kreizman, Director of Business Development, Yeda R&D - Technology Transfer from The Weizmann Institute of Science

16:40 - 16:45

Closing remarks

16:45 - 18:00

Wine tasting



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