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Roy von der Locht

Vállalat: H4 Customized Software Zrt.
Beosztás: CEO

Roy founded his first Software company for Business applications, when he was still studying Computer Science at the Technical University in Munich (TUM). For his master thesis he could start a project with Microsoft, and inspired by the very new developments in Software engineering, he founded his second software company, Software4You. That company became one of the first Microsoft Solution Providers in Germany and Roy and his team developed very sophisticated BI solutions for companies like BMW, Munich Re, Metro, Henkel and other blue chip companies. Some of these projects were so innovative, that they found their way into books written by Bill Gates. After 5 years Software4You had grown to 64 employees and was acquired by DataDesign AG, an innovative German Fintech company. After staying there for another 3 years, Roy switched sides and worked as a consultant. In 2014, he decided to get back to his passion of developing easy to use, but powerful BI solutions and he founded P2 Software GmbH in Germany. In 2018 he build an R&D hub in Budapest, H4 Customized Software Zrt.. Today the focus is set on BI solutions using to build the digital fundament of companies, so that high value employees can concentrate on much more complex challenges of full automation and process optimization instead of taking care of data collection, analysis and reporting. He strongly believes in a better separation of tasks between computers and humans, as there are topics which can be handled by smart algorithms faster and cheaper than by humans. On the other side intuition and unconventional thinking are clear strength of humans.

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