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Nina Kandler-Schmitt

Vállalat: Audi Hungaria Motor Kft.
Beosztás: Quality Assurance, Supplier Quality Management
Mrs. Nina Kandler-Schmitt, born Sarge, has international experience in automotive quality management and quality methods. She was leader of supplier audits across the globe. As a VDA approved trainer she trains worldwide quality methods. She has held lectures and presentations at international conferences, also e. g., Andrassy University Budapest, Széchenyi University Győr and the RWTH Aachen. She gives lessons in quality management at Andrassy University Budapest. She is employed at AUDI AG since 2004 and started in supplier quality management as an supplier auditor. Since end of 2012 she is sent as an expad to coordinate the supplier quality management at AUDI Hungary Motor Kft. She was delegated from AUDI as the leader at VDA working committee of the new VDA standard Robust Production Processes. Internal she trains also automotive quality management, quality methods and quality standards and supervised students and their thesis. Three years she was the central SQD/SQA manager at Knorr Bremse SfN (trucks and busses, QS 9000 and ISO/TS 16949, VDA standards). Further she works 11 years at Freudenberg FFD KG at the lab as a group leader of electrical and caloric measurements and she was furthermore responsible for the design and implementation of the integrated quality management system (ISO 17025, ISO9001, ISO14000). After high school graduation she made an apprenticeship as a lab assistant of physical analysis at the University Aachen (RWTH). She visited the evening course of the technical school in Ludwigshafen and associate as a technican at physical technics. Later she visited the evening and weekend seminars of the University Wiesbaden-Rüsselsheim and degreed as an engineer at mechanical engineering (Dipl-Ing. FH). She degreed by correspondence course distance learning at the University Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel as a MBA of environmental and quality management. She absolved an interdisciplinary course about on-board electronics systems and new technologies at the Volkswagen AutoUniversity. She was student of the interdisciplinary PhD Programme at the Andrassy University Budapest with study courses in four different fields: Political Sciences, History, Comparative Law and Governance and Economy. Today she is still in process to design her PhD thesis at the Andrassy University Budapest with focus on quality management.

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