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Marta Piekarska

Vállalat: Hyperledger
Beosztás: Director of Ecosystem
Marta serves as the Director of Ecosystem at Hyperledger. Marta obtained her BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Warsaw University of Technology and a double Master from Computer Science and Informatics at Technical University of Berlin and Warsaw University of Technology. Marta received PhD in User-Informed Design of Privacy Tools while working at one of the hottest startups in Silicon Valley - Blockstream. Marta also taught at Technical University of Berlin as a Post-doc. As part of her role in Hyperledger Marta evangelizes the technology and Open Source at conferences around the world and helps enterprises with applying permissioned Blockchains to their use-cases. Marta is passionate about how Blockchain can help in non traditional spaces, such as identity, last mile aid and education delivery and sustainability.

Korábban a következő Portfolio konferencián vett részt előadóként:

Önnek ajánljuk

XX. Property Investment Forum

XX. Property Investment Forum

2024. szeptember 25.
Private Health Forum 2024

Private Health Forum 2024

2024. szeptember 26.
Future of Finance 2024

Future of Finance 2024

2024. szeptember 17.
Iratkozzon fel exkluzív rendezvényértesítőnkre!

Hírek, eseményajánlók első kézből

A feliratkozással elfogadom az Adatkezelési tájékoztató 
és ÁSZF feltételeit. 
Elmúltam 16 éves.