Changes in the regulatory and funding position of the bank sector 

This highly ranked conference of gets the most important participants of the Hungarian bank sector, legislation and intermediary market to sit at the same table already on the sixth occasion in order to exchange their views concerning the challenges of the sector and the available domestic retail and corporate lending opportunities. Both the title and the content of the event wish to reflect the changes of the recent years. Therefore - by moving from mortgage lending towards the complete range of bank services - the conference wishes to provide an overall and at the same time detailed introduction of the expectations of the most important players of the sector. The event - at the same time - offers an excellent opportunity for exchanging opinions concerning the current issues of the profession.

The Hungarian bank sector left behind months of disappointment and shattering happenings. Although probably each player of the market is already over the greatest shocks, the engines of growth are hardly visible. Credit institutions have to struggle with frozen crediting, with being forced to continuous adaptation and with the narrowing growth options. In view of all the above to what extent will the bank sector be able to play the intermediary role that has been expected from it for a long time, which is needed for the undisturbed operation of the Hungarian economy? Where is the limit of adaptation and how will the sector look like in the coming years? To whom and how will they provide credits in the future?

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  • Júlia Király Dr., Vice President, Hungarian National Bank (MNB)
  • Miklós Dietz CFA, Dr., Partner, McKinsey & Company
  • Dániel Gyuris, Chairman-CEO, OTP Mortgage Bank
  • László Harmati, CEO, FHB Mortgage Bank
  • Hendrik Scheerlinck, CEO, K&H Bank
  • Pál Simák, Chairman-CEO, MKB Bank
  • Péter Szép, Partner, Deloitte Zrt.
  • Dávid Csont, Managing Director, CIB Bank
  • Gergő Soltész, Deputy CEO, FHB Bank
  • Levente Szabó, Deputy CEO, Takarékbank
  • Tibor Csonka, Director, OTP Bank
  • Viktor Tóth, Head of corporate business, Budapest Bank
  • Ádám Kiss, CEO, Díjbeszedő Faktorház Zrt.
  • András Becsei, Director, OTP Bank
  • Márton Nagy, Director, Hungarian National Bank (MNB)
  • András Mikolasek, Retail credit control manager, K&H Bank
  • Tamás Kálmán, dr. Managing Director, MKB Bank Zrt.
  • Zsolt Szarka, Director, Board member, FHB Kereskedelmi Bank Zrt.


  • The current situation of hungary’s banking sector
  • Changes in the regulatory and funding position of the bank sector
  • Lessons to be learnt and consequences of the retail “rescue packages"
  • Shocks in the area of saving in year 2011: consequences and lessons to be learnt
  • New and expected legislation, new products, new business opportunities
  • Current processes of large company and SME lending
  • Steps taken by the banks for getting prepared for the market and legislative novelties of the coming years
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TARGET AUDIENCE: Our conference can provide useful information to: 1. middle and top management of financial institutions dealing in retail lending; 2. players on the sales side of the sector; 3. investors on the real estate market. THE EVENT: DATE: May 17, 2012 PLACE: Hilton Budapest, Buda Castle (1014 Budapest, Hess András tér 1-3. HUNGARY) Hotel Information, Map & Location COST: HUF 79,900 + VAT / person Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks. The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation. DISCOUNTS:

  • 10% discount is available for 2 registrations,
  • 20% on 3 or more.
' title='

PARTICIPANTS OF THE PORTFOLIO.HU MORTGAGE LENDING AND HOME FINANCING IN HUNGARY CONFERENCE 2011 Advisesoft Kft., AEGON Magyarország Hitel Zrt., Agrárgazdasági Kutató Intézet, Allianz Hungária Zrt., Appeninn Nyrt., AXA Bank Europe SA Magyarországi Fióktelepe, BANKBROKER Csoport, BellResearch Kutatási és Tanácsadó Kft., BISZ Zrt., BROKERNET Csoport, Budapest Bank Nyrt., CARDIF Biztosító Zrt., CEMP, CIB Bank Zrt., Citibank Europe plc. Magyarországi Fióktelepe, COFIDIS Magyarországi Fióktelepe, CompLex Kiadó Kft., Concorde, CO-OP HITEL Zrt., Corvinus Egyetem, Credit Rheinland Groep A.G. Magyarországi fióktelepe, Credit Suisse, Deloitte Zrt., Duna House Holding Kft., Ecorys Magyarország, ELTINGA Ingatlanpiaci Kutatóközpont, Enetha Learning, EOS KSI Mo. Inkasszó Kft., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Exodar Kft., Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda, FHB Bank Zrt., FHB Ingatlan Zrt., FHB Ingatlanlízing Zrt., FHB Jelzálogbank Nyrt., Fundamenta-Lakáskassza Zrt., Gazdasági Versenyhivatal, Gránit Bank Zrt., Hetényi Ügyvédi Iroda, Hill LLC Kft., i-CSM Ltd., IFUA Kft., Zrt., InHold Pénzügyi Zrt., K&H Bank Zrt., K&H Pannonlízing Zrt., KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., KSH, Lombard Lízing Zrt., Magyar Jelzálogbank Egyesület, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyarországi Volksbank Zrt., Máltai Szeretetszolgálat, MKB Bank Zrt., Money & More Pénzügyi Tanácsadó Zrt., OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP Jelzálogbank Zrt., OTP Lakáslízing Zrt., Otthon Centrum Franchising Kft., Pérchy Ügyvédi Iroda, Pilisvörösvár és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet, PricewaterhouseCoopers Kft., Program-IT Kft., Provident Pénzügyi Zrt., Quaestor Jelzálog Zrt., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, SAM-LAK Kft., SAS Institute Kft., Sopron Bank Zrt., SpenglerFox, UCB Ingatlanhitel Zrt., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., UniCredit Jelzálogbank Zrt., Volumetric Magyarország Kft. ... Our conference is expected not only to provide an opportunity to expand the participants’ knowledge base, but also to create an excellent forum for high-level networking and the forging of new professional relations. Our goal is more than just to organise another cut an dry event; we strive to make this conference a regular, interactive and international forum that keeps its finger on the pulse of the market. The conferences are highly renowned for their great opportunities of networking and building business relationships, merely not just giving new professional knowledge. Our aim is not to have a one time occasion event, but creating a yearly international interactive forum about the changes of the market. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Program: István PALKÓ, Analyst, Phone: +00 36 1/428-9065, e-mail: Sponsorship: Balázs AGÓCS, Deputy CEO / Sales, Phone: +00 36 1/327-4088, Organization, general questions: András BENKŐ, Conference Organizer - Event Manager, e-mail: (x)


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