Hungarian government spent the most in relation to GDP
Unpleasant surprise in the KSH first estimate
The country slips down the EU rankings
Almost all sub-segments are shrinking
Effects of the money handouts around the election are still with us today
Next year can only be better.
Even agriculture was unable to save the country from abysmal performance
Inflation measured according to European methodology is already below 20%
The main reason still being energy imports
From 1 April
It all depends on the inflation trajectory - so perhaps not anytime soon
According to the analysts, the end of the interest rate freeze and the lack of EU funds would eat away at Hungarian GDP
Monthly deficit over EUR 1 billion
New details emerged from György Matolcsy's sharp critique yesterday
Stringency index halves in a few weeks
Recovery faster than expected
Is the forint good when it's stable or when it's weak?
Migration rejected again as a solution to demographic problems.
Radical changes await us in the next 15 years.
Retail volume up 6.9% y/y