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RICS - Portfolio.hu Property Valuation 2013

Date: 28th February 2013  

Location: Hotel Hilton Budapest (Budai Vár)

Chris Bennett BA(Hons), FRICS

Europa Capital, Director - Emerging Europe

MRICS Michael Edwards MRICS

Head of Capital Markets (Hungary) / Valuation & Advisory (Central Europe), Cushman & Wakefield

Ioannis Ganos MRICS

CEO, Alpha Astika Akinita

Hornok Krisztián MRICS

Managing Director, International Transactions and Asset Management, Indotek Group

Jellinek Dániel

partner, vezérigazgató, Indotek Group

Kocsis Péter MRICS

Deputy CEO, WING

Graham MacMillan MRICS

Head of Valuation CEE, CBRE

Madár István

Senior Analyst, Portfolio

Nassos Manginas

ügyvezető igazgató - Svájc, Ausztria, KKE, IPD - Investment Property Databank

Rudolf Riedl MRICS

ügyvezető igazgató, Raiffeisen Evolution

Michael P. Smithing FRICS

Former Chairman of RICS in Hungary LEED AP ID+C, BREEAM Assessor, BREEAM In-Use Assessor Director, Green Building Advisory, Colliers

Soóki-Tóth Gábor

Head of the Planning & Development Professional Group, RICS CEE

Székely Gábor

vezérigazgató, Appeninn Holding Nyrt.

John Verpeleti FRICS

Chairman of the Management Board – Eastern Europe, Colliers International

Andrea Winkelsdorf MRICS

Senior Associate, Deutsche Pfandbriefbank AG

Edina Winkler MRICS

Vezető értékbecslő, DTZ

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