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Property Investment Forum 2019

Date: 21st November 2019  

Location: Groupama Aréna - Lagardère Sports Hungary

07:45-09:00 Registration

Section I – Portfolio Main Stage – Blue Room, 4th floor

08:25 - 08:30

Welcome speech

Speaker: Gergely Ditróy, Head of Real Estate Division, Portfolio

08:25 - 08:30

Opening speech

Speaker: Noah Steinberg FRICS, elnök-vezérigazgató, WING

08:30 - 08:50

New situation in Budapest

Speaker: Balázs Fürjes, Budapestért és a fővárosi agglomeráció fejlesztéséért felelős államtitkár, Miniszterelnökség

08:50 - 09:10

Keynote speech

Speaker: Peter Sweatman, Chief Executive, Climate Strategy & Partners

09:10 - 09:55

Revolution in the property market - Focusing on climate change

Moderator: Zsombor Barta MRICS, Greenbors Consulting Kft. alapító partner, HuGBC (Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete), elnök

Conversation participants:

09:55 - 10:40

Before and after the peak - The future of the domestic property market

Moderator: Dr. Szilárd Kui, Local Partner, DLA Piper

Conversation participants:

10:40 - 11:00

Coffee break

Legal and alternative investments workshop – Orange Room, 3rd floor left

09:20 - 10:10

Backstage secrets of the real estate lawyers

Moderator: Tamás Pásztor, Head of Legal and Operation, CPI Hungary

Conversation participants:

10:10 - 10:50

Attractive yields, lukewarm interest - Will there be a breakthrough in alternative instruments?

Moderator: Dr Dániel Ódor MRICS, Partner, Taylor Wessing

Conversation participants:

10:50 - 11:30

Lunch break

Sustainability stage – Turquoise Room, 3rd floor right

09:50 - 10:50

Planning is no longer enough - Tangible measures are required

Moderator: Benedek Timár, Urban Development Expert

Conversation participants:

10:50 - 11:10

Coffee break

Section II – Portfolio Main Stage – Blue Room, 4th floor

11:00 - 11:20

Outlook of the commercial real estate market as seen by the MNB

Speaker: Gergely Fábián, ügyvezető igazgató, Magyar Nemzeti Bank

11:20 - 12:05

Office market - New cards dealt

Moderator: András Kovács, Sales Director, Indotek Group

Conversation participants:

12:05 - 12:55

CEE's market outlook is good. But what are the dangers?

Moderator: Jean-Bernard Wurm, Co-Founder & Managing Director, Secure Legal Title, London

Conversation participants:

12:55 - 14:00

Lunch break

Macroeconomy workshop – Orange Room, 3rd floor left

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

11:30 - 11:55

Macroeconomic outlook - Openly about the gas and brake pedals

Conversation participants:

11:55 - 12:10

Central bank Q&A

Speaker: Gergely Fábián, ügyvezető igazgató, Magyar Nemzeti Bank

12:10 - 12:40

Forint-based property market - Insanity or inevitable decision?

Conversation participants:

12:40 - 13:30

Lunch break

Sustainability stage - Turquoise Room, 3rd floor right

11:05 - 11:20

Challenges in Budapest’s energy supply – Chances for avoiding a climate disaster

Speaker: Dr. György Mitnyan, CEO, Főtáv

11:20 - 12:10

The fixed stars of the property market - The future of FM

Moderator: József Schmidt, Chairman, LEO

Conversation participants:

12:10 - 13:00

Racing against changing demands - Challenges in FM

Moderator: István Rézsó, Head of Business Development, Cushman & Wakefield

Conversation participants:

  • dr. Magdolna Csider, Lawyer, Associate partner, Deloitte Legal Erdős és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda
  • Dániel Pintér, társigazgató, Eston International
  • Attila Prosits, Business Development Director – Property Management, Gránit Pólus
  • Ágnes Szentpály, Property & Facility Management igazgató, Colliers Real Estate Management Services (REMS), Colliers International
  • Máriusz Várnai, ügyvezető, Diófa Ingatlankezelő Kft.

13:00 - 13:30

Lunch break

Innovation and Technology Stage - 2nd floor

Moderator: James Dearsley, Consultant and Board Advisor, Unissu

11:00 - 11:10

A new variable in operation


  • Zoltán Bauer, Chief Energetical Engineer, CPI Facility Management Kft.
  • Gyula Győri, Facility Management Director, CPI Facility Management Kft.

11:10 - 11:20

Futuristic (v. high-tech) business displays in service of the property market

Speaker: Mihály Klemencz, Regional Sales Manager - Business Solutions, LG Electronics Magyar Kft.

11:20 - 11:30

Accessibility? A business advantage and a moral value!

Speaker: Balázs Berecz, Founder, CEO, Access4You International Kft.

11:30 - 11:40

Environmental awareness and Industry 4.0 How can parking develop further?

Speaker: András Dubitz, Founder, CEO, Sparking powered by Rollet

11:40 - 11:50

Cooperation actions for innovation and sustainability – good practices of the building and construction sector

Speaker: Adrienn Buday-Malik, innovációért felelős vezérigazgató-helyettes, ÉMI Nonprofit Kft.

11:50 - 12:00

BottleFree Zone: Make the world a better place drop by drop – with Magnesium Mineralized BWT water

Speaker: Dániel Lugosi, HoReCa sales representative, BWT Hungária Kft.

GRAPHISOFT Dimension change in Hungary's construction industry – workshop – Gold Room, 3rd floor left

Moderator: Péter Reicher..

11:10 - 11:30

BIM, the biggest step ahead in architecture since digitalisation

Speaker: Péter Reicher..

11:30 - 11:50

Why is engineer training at the University of Navarra built on BIM?

Speaker: Bruno Sanchez Saiz-Ezquerra PhD, Professor of Project Management and Building Information Modelling, Universidad de Navarra

11:50 - 12:40

A breakthrough is required

Conversation participants:

12:40 - 14:00

Lunch break

Section III – Portfolio Main Stage – Blue Room, 4th floor

Moderator: Gergely Ditróy, Head of Real Estate Division, Portfolio

14:00 - 14:45

Futó & Jellinek - What are they up to?

Conversation participants:

14:45 - 15:10

Coffee break

Hotel and tourism – Orange Room, 3rd floor left

13:30 - 13:45

Trends and outlooks in the hotel market - Luxury boom in Budapest

Speaker: Bálint Erdei, CEO, RedWood Real Estate Holding

13:45 - 14:40

What makes the hotel market so attractive at present?

Moderator: Richárd Németh MRICS, Partner, BDO

Conversation participants:

14:40 - 15:20

Coffee break

Retail metamorphosis – E-commerce and logistics – Turquoise Room, 3rd floor right

13:30 - 14:20

Retail transformation - Futuristic or down-to-earth future for malls

Moderator: Gyula Gyalay-Korpos, Chairman, Magyar Bevásárlóközpontok Szövetsége

Conversation participants:

14:20 - 15:10

E-commerce and logistics

Moderator: Gábor Halász-Csatári, Partner, Head of Industrial Leasing, Cushman & Wakefield

Conversation participants:

15:10 - 15:20

Coffee break

Employer Branding and Marketing workshop – Gold Room, 3rd floor left

14:00 - 14:15

Life and Quality: experience design in the office of the future

Speaker: Tibor Remete, Strategy and Creative Director, Super Channel

14:15 - 15:00

Offices are not just spaces but also brands now

Moderator: Bea Déri, Director of PR, Marketing & Design, CPI Property Group

Conversation participants:

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee break

Section IV – Portfolio Main Stage – Blue Room, 4th floor

15:10 - 15:25

The first experiences regarding NKP

Speaker: Dr. Gábor Erdős, Partner, Head of Deloitte Legal, Deloitte Legal Erdős és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda

15:25 - 16:20

Financing strategies - Which pedal to push?

Moderator: Dr. Gábor Erdős, Partner, Head of Deloitte Legal, Deloitte Legal Erdős és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda

Conversation participants:

  • Pál Darida, Director of Financing and Transactions, Futureal Group
  • Krisztián Hornok MRICS, Managing Director, International Transactions and Asset Management, Indotek Group
  • Péter Kereskényi, Head of Real Estate, Acquisition and Syndicated Finance, Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.
  • Máté Lóga, gazdaságstratégiáért, pénzügyi forrásokért és makrogazdasági elemzésért felelős államtitkár, Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium
  • Zsolt Morvai, vállalati üzletág igazgató, Takarék Csoport, Takarékbank Zrt.
  • Gábor Pető, finanszírozási és tranzakciós igazgató, Forestay Group

16:20 - 17:05

Record prices, downcast outlook - Which way will the investor market turn?

Moderator: Péter Takács, Partner, VLK Cresa

Conversation participants:

Proptech Q&A – Gold Room, 3rd floor left

Moderator: James Dearsley, Consultant and Board Advisor, Unissu

15:30 - 16:30

Proptech Q&A

Office market + "Concept of the year" talks and voting - Orange Room, 3rd floor left

15:20 - 16:10

Office market - Fighting for tenants

Moderator: Balázs Simonyi MRICS, közgazdász, ingatlanpiaci szakértő.

Conversation participants:

16:10 - 16:20

Atenor presents a project started in one of the most popular locations in Buda

Speaker: Nikolett Püschl, Development & Leasing Manager, Atenor Hungary

16:20 - 16:30

Tech heaven on the Hungária ring: Gizella Loft

Speaker: Anita Hancz, értékesítési igazgató, irodák, Wing Zrt.

16:30 - 16:40

Hotels done differently – a brand new concept is being developed downtown

Speaker: Bálint Erdei, CEO, RedWood Real Estate Holding

16:40 - 16:50

Project Presentation

Speaker: Tímea Aladics-Szili, Group Marketing And Communications Director, Futureal Group

16:50 - 17:00

New Age

Speaker: Iván Nagy, Development Director, CPI Hungary

Construction industry and the residential market – Turquoise Room, 3rd floor right

15:20 - 15:35

Energy efficiency in large structures

Speaker: Jan Babiak, Project Manager Project Engineering, Uponor

15:35 - 16:20

Construction capacities in the future

Moderator: Gábor Kiss, Managing Director, Metrodom Kivitelező Kft., IFK, Vice-chairman

Conversation participants:

  • József Erdei Z., Managing Director, EB HUNGARY INVEST Kft.
  • Tamás Gegesi Kiss, Managing Director, Gépész Centrál Kft.
  • Ádám Nagy, iparági stratégiákért és szabályozásért felelős helyettes államtitkár, Ministry for Innovation and Technology
  • Sándor Scheer, vezérigazgató, Market Építő Zrt.

16:20 - 17:05

Will the market for newly built homes collapse? The 5% VAT rate is out. What now?

Moderator: Zoltán Sápi, elemző, Eltinga

Conversation participants:

  • Tibor Földi, igazgatóság elnöke, Cordia International
  • Ákos Kiss, értékesítési igazgató, Property Market Kft.
  • János Martin MRICS, Director of Residential Developments, Wing Zrt.
  • Gergely Nagy, Budapesti Régió - ügyvezető igazgató-helyettes, OTP Csoport
  • Edit Vincze, Managing Director, Otthon Centrum Solutions Kft.

17:30 - 22:30 AWARD CEREMONY AND RECEPTION - 2nd floor

17:30 - 17:40

Welcome speech

17:40 - 18:30

Portfolio Property Awards ceremony

Presenting the awards assigned by a jury of nine renowned professionals, as well as the audience award.

18:30 - 22:30

Reception – Dinner – Live music

The evening will be hosted by Nóra Ördög

Our Sponsors

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Super Gold+ Sponsor

Super Gold Sponsor

President/Gold Sponsor

Supporter of the reception

GIN bar of the reception is sponsored by

Provides seamless parking for our guests

Coffee Lounge Red sponsor

Coffee Lounge Blue sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver/Expert Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

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Organisation, general questions

Gábor Ócsai
  • Gábor Ócsai
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 472 2095


Bacsa Attila
  • Bacsa Attila


Gergely Ditróy
  • Gergely Ditróy
  • üzletfejlesztési igazgató
  • Email:
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