4th Portfolio.hu Property Investment Forum 2008 - The leading industry get-together in CEE since 2005.Meet all the important players on the Hungarian real estate market, all in one day!
Over 300 developers, financiers, institutional investors, agencies, advisors and municipalities.
Portfolio.hu, Hungary’s leading financial and investment medium, will organize its Property Investment Forum for the fourth time on November 11, 2008.
The event has become the largest real estate conference from Vienna to Moscow in the past four years.In 2007 over 40 speakers and 250 delegates attended from Hungary and the leading European real estate markets.
This year, we take the event to another level: we moved the conference to the newest and most modern conference center in Budapest so that we can have 300-350 guests, extended the program (3 parallel sessions, with over 60 speakers) and added an Awards Gala Reception in the evening.
Hot topics:- Investment and development options in Hungary and throughout the CEE region
- Complex city development projects in Hungary
- Which direction is the Hungarian and regional real estate market heading?
- Is there life after the credit crunch?
Influential speakers: Our speakers the leading European developers, financing experts, consultants and analysts.
VIDEOS OF THE PORTFOLIO.HU PROPERTY INVESTMENT FORUM 2008 CONFERENCE:http://www.portfolio.hu/video/PARTICIPANTS OF THE PORTFOLIO.HU PROPERTY INVESTMENT FORUM 2008 A1 Ingatlan, Accent Hotel Management, AERA Property Marketing, AFI Europe Hungary Kft., Agrogate Zrt., AIG/Lincoln, AL Holding, American Appraisal Magyarország Vagyonértékelő Kft., Andrékó Linklaters Ügyvédi Iroda, Arcadom Zrt., ARETE 90 kft, AXA REIM, B&V International Kft., Balatonfüred Önkormányzata, Banco Primus Fióktelep Magyarország, Bánki és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, Bécs Önkormányzata, Bedori Investment Kft., Beltex Ingatlan Kft., BHG Beruházó Kft., Biggeorge’s-NV Ingatlanfejlesztő Zrt., Biggeorge's Holding, Budapest Önkormányzata, Budapesti Ingatlan Nyrt, Carion Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Carion Holding Zrt., Casa Catalana Kft, CB Richard Ellis, CD Hungary Zrt., CEU Business School, CEU-REality Csoport, CIB Ingatlanlízing Zrt., CIB Lízing, Clifford Chance Ügyvédi Iroda, CMS Cameron McKenna, Colliers International, Corvin Áruház Kft., Corvinus Egyetem, EVK Szakkollégium, , Credit Union Hungary Kft., Cushman & Wakefield Kft, D. Yacht Zrt., Deloitte Üzletviteli és Vezetési Tanácsadó Zrt., DeTe Immobilien Hungary Zrt. , Development Associates Ltd., DTZ, DTZ Hungary Kft., Duna House , DunaCity Budapest Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft., EC Harris Hungary Kft., ECE Projektmanagement Budapest Kft., Echo Investment Hungary Kft., Ecorys Magyarország Kft., ERM Hungária Kft., Ernst & Young Tanácsadó Kft., Erős Ügyvédi Iroda, ESTON International Zrt, EUROAD 2000 KFT, EUROHYPO AG, Európa Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., EUROPOLIS, Europolis Real Estate Vagyonkezelő Kft., Fakthorn Invest Kft, Faludi Wolf Theiss ügyvédi iroda, FirstFund Közép-Európai Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Focus Home Kft, FOX Autorent, Futureal Development Zrt., Futureal Management Kft. - Cordia Magyarország Zrt., Generali-Ingatlan Kft., Gestesa Kft., GLL Capital Partners, Goodman, GUARDIAN Magyarország Kft, Henderson Global Investors Immobilien Austria GmbH, HOCHTIEF Development Hungary Kft., HSH N Real Estate Management Kft., Hypo Alpe-Adria Leasing Zrt. , HYPO Investmentbank AG, Immobilia Zrt., IMMO-FORTE KFT, Immorent Kft., INFO Befektetésszervező és Ingatlanforgalmazó Kft., ING Leasing Magyarország Kft., ING Magyarország Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft., ING Real Estate, Investkredit Bank AG, INVESTOR HOLDING ZRT., Iroda.hu Kft., IVG Development Hungary Ingatlanfejlesztési Kft., K&H Bank Zrt., KER-EST Ingatlanforgalmazó Zrt., KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Lébetra Tanácsadó Kft., Liffey Tanácsadó Kft., Lombard Lízing Zrt., LSGI Hungary Kft., Mac Kft. - Arcadom csoport, MACROGAMMA Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Magyar Export-Import Bank Zrt., Market Építő Zrt. , Marsh Kockázatkezelési Tanácsadó és Biztosítási Alkusz Kft. (Marsh Kft.), MÁV Vagyonkezelő Zrt., Metro Group Asset Kft., MKB Alapkezelő Zrt. , MKB Bank Zrt, Nomura , Olimpia Csoport - Nanette Real Estate Group, OTP Ingatlan Alapkezelő Zrt., OTP Ingatlan Zrt., Otthon Centrum, Öböl XI Kft., Pannon GSM Távközlési Zrt., Parker Green International, Peek and Clopenburg, PERI Kft., PKF, Portico Investments Kft., Pozsony Önkormányzata, PricewaterhouseCoopers Könyvvizsgáló és Gazdasági Tanácsadó Kft., Pro Real Vagyonkezelő Kft., ProfiPower Kft., ProLogis, Protacon Kft., QUAESTOR Pénzügyi Tanácsadó Zrt., Quinlan Private Golub Magyarország Kft., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Raiffeisen Property Lízing Zrt., RE/MAX 100 Ingatlanközvetítő Iroda / Carrer-Trade Kft., Region Immo Kft, Revital ZRt., RICS Hungary, RICS London, RM IRODA, RRA Agency, S.B.I. - RED Group, SBI Management Kft., SCD Ingatlan (CE) Zrt., Schönherr Szécsényi Ügyvédi Iroda, Segro, Siófok Önkormányzata, koglund Holding Zrt., Spányi és Jakab Kft., Stratus Project Kft., T2.a Építész Iroda Kft., Talentis Csoport, Tanimex Kft., Terra Consult Hungary Kft, Terrapark, Tesco Global Áruházak Zrt., TIBA Építész Stúdió Kft., Tiszacash ZRt., TóPark, Tourconsult Kft., TRADE-INVEST KFT., TriGranit, TÜV Rheinland Intercert Kft, UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Valor Kft., Volumetric Magyarország Kft., Walker & Williams Investment Group, Website Media Zrt., Whitestone, WING Ingatlanfejlesztő és Beruházó Zrt...
Some Speakers’ sentences about topics:" We have not seen a wave to the outskirts of Budapest like Budaörs in the last years.
Our tenants in Terrapark are those who traditionally and concerning to their business don`t want to rent in downtown.
Other tenants prefer logically the higher prestige of staying in the city. The oversupply, the moderate rents, high incentives and the strong Forint were leading to the fact, that tenants are quite contentious with the costs for their premises. There was no need to search for cheaper locations.
This all will change in near future. The available plots for developments are getting more expensive, technical ploblems are increasing, the costs for construction and financing are rising and the weak Forint is making the situation worse. In the future it seems impossible, that the big number of tenants will be contentious with their costs for renting. At the same time, the wish of the tenants to reach their office easily by car is rising.
Outskirt offices with perfect infrastructure like that of Terrapark in Budaörs with its cheap renting level, will be attractive for tenants, who cannot afford the high costs in downtown." Jürgen Blum, Terrapark
"The development of the city centre area should not only be considered as a real estate or a retail space development, but also as an "immage development". Without the paralel improvement of the public space even a promissing Project could turn into just a "face lift". András Elekes, Immobilia Inc.
"It’s a fact: the burden of taxation is far heavier in Hungary than in the neighbouring countries. The financial crisis will inevitably hinder the development of the logistics sector as well. We must not, however, forget that its central location and logistics infrastructure will always make Hungary a favourable choice. The stable growth in past years indicates that after the consolidation of the market, large companies will need more and more quality warehouses in primary locations. These companies move slowly, but when they set forth, they take up considerable space."Zsombor Török, Goodman
"Does Hungary follow the Western European example and global trend, as a result of which centers providing a full-value living and working environment are established outside Budapest’s city limits that is still considered a watershed? Do large companies realize the advantages offered by these centers in the fields of cost-efficiency, quality environment, livability and environment awareness?" Takács Péter, TóPARK
"First of all, it would not be appropriate to start any discussion on the Hungarian real estate market without a reference to the present financial crisis which has a major impact on the markets. We should express opinions as to the prospects of getting out of this situation.
Having said that, I think it would be appropriate to speak about the reasons we thought that buying land around the Balaton is a sound decision. The major reason is of course the fact that Balaton is the biggest body of fresh water in Central Europe around which land for development is still available at reasonable prices. Furthermore the cost per vacation day for holiday makers is still very reasonable compared to places in Italy, Switzerland, western parts of Germany as well as the coasts of the Mediterranean and Black Seas.
Most of the CEE bigger population concentrations are within a reasonable travel distance, and many are along high quality highways. Budapest, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Vienna, Prague, Belgrade, Krakow, Warsaw are all within 500 Kms, while cities like Bucharest and Berlin are within around 650 Kms. If we add the possibility to drive by car to the lake to the relatively competitive cost of vacations to families we believe that substantial business opportunities do exist.
On the down side one has to consider the relative short duration of the season as well as the legal and environmental requirements associated with the approval of zoning plans around the lake as factors that have direct negative effect on land values.
A major fact in our view is to what extent multiple developers will enter this market and go ahead with good to high class projects, as, we believe that this is a classical case were a "critical mass" of opportunities to the end users is a factor of major importance in order to attract the required numbers of holiday makers.
Two other very important issues should also be discussed. One is the possibility, by cooperation between various developers, to create the basis for types of activities that will extend the season into the winter month. The other is the prospect for the sale of residential units of various types around the lake.
Yet one more interesting subject (time allowing) may be the possibility to raise EU or other public funds as part of the financing of recreation type projects around the Balaton." Zvi Frank, SBI R.E.D.
Additional Information: Program - Zoltán BÁN, chief analyst, tel.: +36 1/428-9090, e-mail: ban@portfolio.hu
Sponsorship - Balázs AGÓCS, sales director, tel.: +36 1/ 327-40-88, e-mail: agocs@portfolio.hu
Find out more on www.portfolio.hu/en or conference@portfolio.hu