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Portfolio.hu Property Investment Forum 2007

Date: 4th December 2007  

Location: Hilton Budapest WestEnd, Hungary


  • Város a városban - Komplex városfejlesztések Magyarországon
  • Miért olcsóbbak a lakások Budapesten, mint Varsóban vagy Prágában? Végleg lemaradunk?
  • Tovább ömlik a tőke az ingatlanszektorba - Globális pillanatkép
  • Kelet-Európa forró ingatlanpiacai - Fókuszban Románia és Oroszország
  • KKE: a hozamesésnek vége, hogyan tovább?
  • Irodafejlesztési hullám Budapesten - Ki költözik az új irodaházakba?
  • Mit vesznek a nagy halak, mit finanszíroznak a nagy bankok?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Beleznay Éva
Senior sustainability consultant
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Blandow Kay-Uwe
Ügyvezető igazgató
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Michael Carlson
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Associate Partner
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Ezer Rezső
Director of transactions and investor relations
Futureal Management Kft.
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Forgács Pál
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Dr. Futó Péter
Mixolid Tanácsadó Iroda
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Futó Gábor
Founder and Co-Owner
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Sven Göller
ügyvezető igazgató
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Dr Hajnal István FRICS
Project Director
Grant Thornton
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Dr. Hermán Róbert MRICS
Managing Partner
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Illy Péter
Nego Asset Management Kft.
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Jackson Andrew
Managing Director
First Title CEE
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Járosi Tamás
CEU-REality Csoport - Károlyi Városközpont
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Jellinek Dániel
Partner, CEO
Indotek Group
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Hartley Karen
European Sales and Marketing Director
ORCO Property Gruop
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Kosztya Zsolt
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Dr. Lakatos Péter
irodavezető partner
Clifford Chance Ügyvédi Iroda
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Malarczyk Anna
fejlesztési igazgató
Echo Investment S.A.
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Mészáros Margaréta MRICS
Director, RICS Registered Valuer, Head of Valuation
CBRE Hungary
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David O'Hara
ügyvezető igazgató
DTZ Russia
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Péter Ágnes
ügyvezető igazgató, társtulajdonos
One2one Property
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Petrovszky Gábor
konzuli tanácsi tag
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Pilhál Zsolt
financial and transaction manager
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Polster Tamás MRICS
Partner and Co-Founder
Urbanite Advisors
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Dr. Rosenmayr Edgar MRICS
Managing Director
Kulczyk Silverstein Properties
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Simon Rubinsohn
Chief Economist
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Dr. Martin Sabelko
Managing Director Austria
Warburg-HIH Invest Real Estate GmbH
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Sitery Csaba
dél-kelet európai divízió vezetője
EURO Hypo - Frankfurt
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Anna Staniszewska
regionális elemzési vezető
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Noah Steinberg FRICS
Chairman & CEO
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Péter Számely MRICS
Head of Real Estate Finance CEE
HYPO NOE / RICS Austria Ambassador
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Dr Takács Ernő
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Tapodi László
Erste Bank
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Tatár Tibor MRICS
Head of Hungarian residential and office development
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Dr. Ungár Attila
ingatlanjogi szakcsoport vezetője
Clifford Chance Ügyvédi Iroda
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John Verpeleti FRICS
Chairman of the Management Board – Eastern Europe
Colliers International

Why you should come?

Portfolio.hu Property Investment Forum is the leading industry event in CEE since 2005. The conference, lining up acknowledged international experts, the biggest Hungarian property investors and developers, as well as speakers from the whole spectrum of real estate financing, will lead you behind the curtains of the region's property business. The case studies will also help the audience gain an unprecedentedly profound insight to property investment trends in Central and Eastern Europe and Hungary.

Video of the Property Investment Forum 2007 Conference:

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Our Sponsors


The leading industry get-together in CEE since 2005

Hot topics:
- Office developments in Hungary: the flood is coming
- CEE: end of yield compression - What’s next?
- Money into property - The global picture
- Hot markets of Eastern Europe - Focusing on Romania and Russia
- City within the city - Complex district developments in Hungary
- Budapest: the cheapest city in the region - Why are residential prices lower in Budapest, than in most of CEE's capitals

Influential speakers:
Our speakers the leading European developers, financing experts, consultants and analysts.

These companies have already registered:

A1 Real Estate Kft., Adriatiq Islands Group, AL Holding, Andrékó Linklaters Ügyvédi Iroda, Arete 90 Kft., AREX fm Ingatlanhasznosító Kft., AXA REIM Central Europe Kft., B&V Real Kft., Bernheim Comofi Kft., Béres Befektetési Zrt., Biggeorges NV, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Calyon Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Capital Eyes Hungary Kft., CB Richard Ellis, CD Hungary Zrt., CEU Reality, Colliers Magyarország Kft., Clifford Chance, CPB Hungária Kft., Crossroads Capital (Hungary) Kft., Cushman & Wakefield Residential Kft., Deloitte Könyvvizsgáló és Tanácsadó Kft., DeTeImmobilien-Hungary Zrt., DTZ, Duna Bay Kft., DunaCity Budapest Ingatlanfejlesztő Kft., EC Harris Hungary Kft., Echo Investment, Edifica S.A., Erste Bank, Ernst & Young Tanácsadó Kft., Estland Kft., ESTON International Ingatlantanácsadó Zrt., Eurohypo, Európa Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Europolis REAM Kft., Fadesa Hungária Zrt., Fakthorn Kft, First Title CEE, FirstFund befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Fővárosi Önkormányzat, Futureal, GB Európa, Generali-Ingatlan Kft., GSE Hungária Kft., GTC Magyarország Ingatlanfejleszto Zrt., GVA Robertson Hungary Kft., Habitat Continental Kft, Hallmark Properties, HB Reavis Hungary Kft., Henderson Global Investors, Hochtief, Immorent Kft., Indotek, INFO KFT, Ingatlanbank Budaörs és környéke iroda, IVG Hungária Kft., JM Landomax Ltd., K&H Bank Nyrt., KÉSZ Holding Zrt, Köves Clifford Chance Ügyvédi Iroda, KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Magyar Ingatlan Fejlesztő Zrt., Marker Export-Import Kft., MÁV Vagyonkezelő Zrt., Metro Group Asset Kft., MYO Management, MKB, NAI Otto Hungary Kft., Norfolk Development Kft., Oliva 2003 Kft., One2one Property, Orco Property Group, Organo Kft., OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP Lakáslízing Zrt., PERI Kft., Portico Investments, PricewaterhouseCoopers Kft., QUAESTOR Zrt., Pesti Házak Zrt., Raiffeisen, REevolutio Kft., Revital Ingatlanfejlesztési Zrt., RICS, Savills, SCD Csoport, Skanska Property Hungary Kft., Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P., Szécsényi Ügyvédi Iroda, Talentis Program, Teesland IOG Magyarország Kft., TóPARK - FORIS Real Estate Kft., Trigranit, Trinity Consulting Zrt., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Walker & Williams Investment Group, Wallis Ingatlan Zrt., WhiteStone Investment....

The attendance of the conference now: 200 people, the capacity of the the Ballroom A&B 200 people.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept further registrations for the conference, as all seats are already booked.

Video of the Property Investment Forum 2007 Conference:

Some Speakers’ sentences about topics:

"The office market in Budapest remains dynamic and take-up remains strong. As the market has developed, architecture, location, and functionality are increasingly important to tenants and investors. In short, in addition to quantity, there is an increase in quality as well."
Noah M. Steinberg,Wallis Real Estate

"The market has changed, and quite significantly. This does not mean that opportunities do not exist or have become scarcer. But it does mean that fundamentals like location and the demand/supply equation should receive far more attention than some have given them recently."
John Verpeleti, AXA IM

"Money into property - Global picture: The presentation will be focused on money flows into the real estate market across the world, with the emphasis on the European markets, including the CEE region. The analysis will also cover the possible impact of financial sector turbulence on real estate. It will provide an outlook for the future and estimation of the key property market indicators."
Anna Staniszewska, DTZ

Find out more on www.portfolio.hu/en or call +36-1-327-4088


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