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Portfolio - RICS Property Valuation 2015

Retail challenges

Date: 26th February 2015  

Location: SOFITEL Hotel Budapest

Szabolcs Anselmo

Head of Retail Property & Asset Management, Cushman & Wakefield of Hungary

Borbély Gábor

Director, CBRE

Dr. Czike Gábor FRICS

Partner, CMS Cameron McKenna

Csoma András MRICS

elnökségi tag, RICS

Csukás Csongor MRICS

International Director of Operations for the PM, BNP Paribas Real Estate

MRICS Michael Edwards MRICS

Head of Capital Markets (Hungary) / Valuation & Advisory (Central Europe), Cushman & Wakefield

Egyedi Anikó

Director, Estee Lauder Companies

Ioannis Ganos MRICS

CEO, Alpha Astika Akinita

Gyalay-Korpos Gyula

Managing Director, ECE Projektmanagement Budapest

Dr. Györkő Krisztina

Country Property Manager for Site Acquisition and Assets, Tesco Globál Zrt.

Hatvani Dániel

strukturált finanszírozás vezetője, CIB Bank

Herczku György MRICS

Head of Property Management, AmRest Kft.

Dr. Hermán Róbert MRICS

Hungary Board Member, RICS

Kákosy Zsolt MBA MRICS

Head of Asset Services, CBRE

Kopcsányi Zoltán

értékesítési igazgató, Libri Könyvkereskedelmi Kft.

Limp Adrián MRICS

Director, Head of Valuation & Advisory, Cushman & Wakefield

Dr. Morsányi László FRICS

Head of Department, MKB Bank Zrt.

Jane Petrie MRICS

Director - Asset Management - Head of Retail CEE, AEW

Pósfai Gábor

Managing Director, Decathlon Hungary

Sarlós Nóra MRICS

hitel- és vagyonértékelési főosztályvezető, MARK Magyar Reorganizációs és Követeléskezelő Zrt.

Soóki-Tóth Gábor

Head of the Planning & Development Professional Group, RICS CEE

Szabó Gyula

Manager for Hungary, Coffeeshop Company

Török Árpád MRICS

Chief Executive Officer, TriGranit

Vella Rita

Director, GfK

John Verpeleti FRICS

Chairman of the Management Board – Eastern Europe, Colliers International

Étienne Winisdoerffer MRICS

Asset Manager, RICS France

Jancso Zaprjanov MRICS

Shopping Centre Leasing Manager, Spar European Shopping Centers

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