08:55 - 09:00
Welcome speech
09:00 - 09:30
The reign of PSD2 and GDPR is coming - What does this mean for the banks?
Speaker: Dr. Ádám Farkas, Director, European Banking Authority
09:30 - 09:40
Q&A session about the details of PSD2 with Ádám Farkas
Speaker: Dr. Ádám Farkas, Director, European Banking Authority
09:40 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:50
Panel discussion: Fundamental changes in banking- - perspective of the financial institutions
Conversation participants:
10:50 - 11:20
Coffee Break
11:20 - 11:40
2018, the year of challenges: PSD2, instant payment
Speaker: Lajos Bartha, Managing Director, National Bank of Hungary
11:40 - 12:00
Cash replacing payment solutions on the Hungarian market - Where to go?
Speaker: Bálint Kelemen, IT vezető, Budapest Bank
12:00 - 12:20
Instant payments from the integrator's viewpoint
Speaker: Ákos Németh, Key Account Manager, Ness Hungary
12:20 - 13:10
Panel discussion: Instant payment, cashless society and digital wallets
Moderator: István Serfőző, Senior Consultant, Ness Hungary
Conversation participants:
13:10 - 14:00
Lunch Break
11:20 - 11:40
11:40 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:00
Panel discussion: How does IT help the digital transformation of banks?
Conversation participants:
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 - 14:20
14:20 - 14:30
How can we recognise the banking technology processes involved in data protection?
Speaker: Zsombor Orbán Dr., Managing Associate, Head of TMT practice Budapest, Kinstellar
14:30 - 14:35
14:35 - 15:15
Panel discussion: PSD2 and GDPR are already upon us - Are the financial institutions ready for them?
Conversation participants:
15:15 - 15:35
Coffee Break
14:00 - 14:30
Opportunities of The Regulatory Sandbox and Innovation Hub in Hungary
Speaker: Anikó Szombati, makroprudenciális politikáért felelős ügyvezető igazgatója, Magyar Nemzeti Bank
14:30 - 14:40
Regulatory Sandbox Q&A session
Speaker: Anikó Szombati, makroprudenciális politikáért felelős ügyvezető igazgatója, Magyar Nemzeti Bank
14:40 - 15:00
Observing the role of fintech through practical examples
Speaker: Tamás Erni, Managing Partner, Loxon
15:00 - 15:20
What should be done with our legacy systems? Should we update or should we replace them?
Speaker: Csaba Földházi, CPO, Shiwaforce
15:20 - 15:35
Coffee Break
15:35 - 15:50
One of the most important rule of PSD2: Strong customer authentication
Speaker: Endre Eölyüs, igazgató, Mastercard Europe
15:50 - 16:10
What's the purpose of blockchain technology and how does it work?
Speaker: Balázs Deme, Founder, Herdius
16:10 - 17:00
Panel discussion: Bitcoin, Ethereum and the others - What should financial institutions do with them?
Conversation participants:
17:00 - 17:05
Closing remarks
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