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The day after the event, our Digital Transformation 2022 conference will take place at the Marriott Hotel, Budapest. Register for both and get our one-time 25.000 HUF discount: enter the code FINKOMBDT25 in the comment field!
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Banks have recognised quickly and in time that everyone needs to get on the digitalisation super-train, but with the diversity of technologies, the volatility of the regulatory environment, and the day-to-day operational tasks to be solved, everyone is going their own way. In the meantime, the digital battle has become international; the stakes are high in this tense situation. Senior bank managers and top experts debate where and how to strengthen positions.
08:30 - 08:35
08:35 - 09:00
Fintech sector in the war-torn Ukraine - What will be the fate of the huge IT capacity?
Stage interview with the head of the Ukrainian Fintech Association (UAFinTech)
Moderator: Balázs Faluvégi, senior elemző, Portfolio
Conversation participants:
09:00 - 09:20
09:20 - 09:40
09:40 - 10:30
Executive panel: Digital Incumbents, Superapps and Neobanks - Who Will Win the Contest?
Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)
Conversation participants:
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee break & Networking
Digitalisation has opened the world; global banking trends have reached Hungary as well: artificial intelligence has appeared in banks from cybersecurity to sales and customer relations, cloud solutions are spreading, the ESG trend is gaining ground, and the agile approach is thoroughly rewriting the former siloed organisational operation. What is happening in banks’ IT departments?
11:00 - 11:15
Reimagining Customer Engagement with AI-Driven CRM
Speaker: Martin Stiller, Presales Manager, SAS Institute
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 11:45
11:45 - 11:55
11:55 - 12:40
Panel discussion: Innovative technology for business
Moderator: Tamás Kórász, partner, KPMG
Conversation participants:
Banks have an incredible amount of structured and unstructured data. A big question is how to better exploit the potential of this enormous asset and improve sales and operational processes such as claims management or lending while developing the right data strategy.
11:00 - 11:15
Digital identity, once and for all
Speaker: Balázs Horváth, Partner, senior consultant, Bancard Tanácsadó Kft.
11:15 - 11:30
Cost reduction with IBM's new Power 10 servers
Speaker: Viktor Sebestény, Systems Engineer, Inter-Computer-Informatika Zrt.
11:30 - 11:45
Data-driven decision making – Do not take risks if AI says it
Speaker: Ádám Böszörményi, Solution Sales Manager, Dun & Bradstreet
11:45 - 11:55
360 Degree Cyber Protection - RiskRecon
Speaker: Máté Nemes, Product Development Manager, Mastercard
11:55 - 12:40
Panel discussion: Use of data in banks - Limits and opportunities
Moderator: Balázs Horváth, Partner, senior consultant, Bancard Tanácsadó Kft.
Conversation participants:
A cashless Hungary is being built: AFR 2.0 is coming, i.e. the instant payment system is entering its next phase, card payments are growing at an unrelenting pace, the first BNPLs have appeared, and more and more forums suspect the possibility of introducing digital central bank money. What is happening in the payment sector?
13:30 - 13:45
Payment Experience Report 3.0 - Life on the longtail from here and beyond
Speaker: Péter Mondovics, Marketing Manager, Mastercard
13:45 - 14:00
Central Bank Digital Currency - International Experience and Hungarian Plans
Speaker: Zsolt Kuti, monetáris politikáért, pénzügyi piaci és makrofinanszírozási elemzésekért felelős ügyvezető igazgató, Magyar Nemzeti Bank
14:00 - 14:40
Panel discussion: AFR 2.0, card payments and digital central bank money - What does the future hold?
Moderator: Ádám Turzó, Analyst, Portfolio
Conversation participants:
14:40 - 15:00
Coffee break & Networking
Digital bank is a buzzword for clients and partners, but digitalisation has rewritten marketing in other ways as well: nowadays, in addition to online banners and native articles, podcasts and social media campaigns, you also need to pay attention to the SEO aspects of digital presences. How does marketing work in banks, and how has the industry digitalised?
13:30 - 14:30
Panel discussion
Moderator: Márton Orosz, tartalomfejlesztési igazgató, Portfolio Csoport
Conversation participants:
The first generation of fintech startups has grown up, and today there are already mature, profitable fintechs operating in Hungary. What can we learn from them, and what are the domestic market’s characteristics? What do the leaders of domestic success stories know?
15:00 - 15:20
15:20 - 15:35
Bank and fintech start-up collaboration - How do the two worlds become friends?
Speaker: György Mudri, CEO and co-founder, FintechX
15:35 - 15:50
Digital customer identification and remote contracting - with qualified electronic signature by Infocert
Speaker: Zsolt Dunai, Head of Digital Marketing and Customer Experience, CIB Bank Zrt.
15:50 - 16:40
Panel discussion: Fintech Success Stories in Hungary - Is there a secret recipe?
Moderator: Balázs Faluvégi, senior elemző, Portfolio
Conversation participants:
16:40 - 16:45
Closing remarks
After a day of thought-provoking discussions, guests are invited to stay for a drink and continue networking in a more informal setting.
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