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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák

Digital Transformation 2023

Date: 3rd May 2023  

Location: Marriott Hotel, Budapest




Session I. - A paradigm shift in digitalisation – Don’t miss out!

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

09:00 - 09:05

Welcome speech

Speaker: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

09:05 - 09:25

Brave New World – Global polycrisis or a systematic risk

As a result of the combination of numerous factors, our living conditions will change significantly in the near future, and, in order to sustain a liveable life, we have to adapt to the new conditions to our best knowledge and our best intent. Deal with the question, learn the facts, and accept the change. This is a prerequisite to understanding the challenge. And this will be the first step on the way to gaining awareness...

Speaker: Balázs Stumpf-Biró, collapse-researcher, Co-founder of the Cassandra Programme

09:25 - 09:45

Financing digital transformation directly from EU funds – How is it possible?

Speaker: Bernadett Petri, Közigazgatási és Területfejlesztési Minisztérium közvetlen uniós források felhasználásának koordinációjáért felelős miniszteri biztos, ügyvezető igazgató Magyar Fejlesztésösztönző Iroda (MFOI)

09:45 - 10:45

Executive panel: AI-boom and digitalisation in Hungary – Are those who lag behind really missing out?

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

Conversation participants:


Coffee break & Networking


Session II/A – Company Management and Digital Transformation - Practical Presentations, Use Cases

Moderator: Ádám Turzó, Analyst, Portfolio

11:10 - 11:25

Artificial Intelligence and company efficiency improvement

Speaker: Bálint Koródi, CEO, Telvice Zrt.

11:25 - 11:40

EU AI regulation in the pipeline – What do you need to know about AI Regulation?

Speaker: Dr. Attila Menyhárd, lawyer, VJT & Partners

11:40 - 12:30

Panel discussion: AI, chatbots, and end-to-end digitalisation – Digital transformation levels up

Moderator: Ádám Turzó, Analyst, Portfolio

Conversation participants:


Session II/B - Company management, RPA, back office digitalisation – Practical presentations and use cases

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

11:10 - 11:30

Corporate management 4.0, which ERP does not solve

Speaker: László Varga, Director of Business Development, DMS One Hu

11:30 - 11:50

We are growing out of a few things: Corporate service management case study on GLS

Speaker: Anita Zakrzewski, sales manager, TOPdesk Magyarország Kft.

11:50 - 12:30

Panel discussion: They have succeeded already! – Digital transformation from EU funds: Three Hungarian success stories

Moderator: Péter Sere, Senior Expert, Magyar Fejlesztésösztönző Iroda

Conversation participants:


Lunch break & Networking


Session III/A - Cloud, blockchain, robots – Innovative digitalisation technologies

Moderator: Dániel Dojcsák, marketing communications director, Shiwaforce

13:30 - 13:45

What is blockchain good for today and what will we use it for tomorrow?

Speaker: Tamás Czeglédi MBA, társalapító, Blockchaineum

13:45 - 13:55

Panel introduction speech

Speaker: Gábor Mádi, CIO, Shiwaforce

13:55 - 14:45

Panel discussion: Cloud vs. traditional IT – Business aspects in the focus

Moderator: Dániel Dojcsák, marketing communications director, Shiwaforce

Conversation participants:


Session III/B - Digitalisation in practice – Practical presentations and use cases

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

13:30 - 13:50

Resilient, innovative, digital - The business of the future is the decision of today

Speaker: Levente Czimbalmos, project manager, Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Modern Enterprises’ Program

13:50 - 14:10

The case of Erste Bank with chatbots – Experiences and lessons learnt

Speaker: László Bek-Balla, Head of Digital & Contact Center, Erste Bank Hungary

14:10 - 14:30

Higher education’s role in companies’ digital transformation


14:30 - 14:45


Speaker: Csaba Lengyel, CEO, Partner, Business Development Director, Vialto Consulting


Coffee break & Networking


Session IV. - Digital regulations, compliance, and e-administration

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

15:05 - 15:20

Handling personal data in the digital world – What must we pay attention to?

Speaker: dr. Tamás Bendik, chief advisor, NAIH

15:20 - 15:35

Digital touristic ecosystem – Why is the National Tourist Information Centre the future?

Speaker: Krisztina Szántó, , Hungarian Tourism Agency

15:35 - 16:15

Digital compliance roundtable

Moderator: dr Andrea Megyeri, Head of Innovation and Content Transformation, Wolters Kluwer Hungary Kft.

Conversation participants:

16:15 - 16:20

Closing marks


Networking & Champagne toast

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Organisation, general questions

Renáta Szekeres
  • Renáta Szekeres
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 1 646 4367


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:


Ádám Turzó
  • Ádám Turzó
  • Phone: 06/1-472-2093 / 42
  • Email:
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