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Banking Technology 2023

Date: 7th November 2023  

Location: Corinthia Hotel


  • Fintech companies, neobanks, and digital incumbents – Where is the international and domestic digital banking competition headed?
  • Artificial Intelligence revolution in banks – What is it good for now and what will AI be able to do in the future for financial institutions?
  • AFR, BNPL, card trends and central bank digital currencies in the cash flow
  • DORA, MiCA, PSD3 and Hungarian digital suggestions – What regulatory changes are coming to digital banking?
  • Scams have exploded in Hungary - What can banks do to combat fraud?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Ákos Tamás
Deputy CEO
CIB Bank
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Becsei András
Deputy CEO, Vice President
OTP Bank, Hungarian Banking Association
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Branislav Beer
Cross border payments reimagined
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Benyó Péter
Payments Tribe Director
OTP Bank
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Bodnár Béla
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Ralf Cymanek
Raiffeisen Bank Zrt.
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Eölyüs Endre
Country Manager for Hungary and Slovenia
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Erni Tamás
Managing Partner
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Fischer Bálint
Chief Business Development Officer
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Ginzer Ildikó
Deputy CEO for Standard Business Services
MBH Bank
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Haász Gabriella
Senior advisor
RowanHill Digital Kft.
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Harmati László
Deputy CEO
Erste Bank
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H. Kelly Natalie
Chief Risk Officer
Visa Europe
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Hoffmann Bence
Deputy CEO
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Horváth Katalin
Senior Counsel
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Horváth Péter
Project Office Manager
K&H Bank
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Ignácz Péter
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Karol Jaroszewski
Head of Data Science Lab
Visa, Central Eastern Europe
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Jendrolovics Máté
GB Solutions
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Juhász Katalin
Products & Solutions Director
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Keleti Arthur
cyber-secret futurist
Founder of Info/Cybersec, Trends, Buzz & Networking (ITBN)
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Kiss Kitti
Head of Documentum Management
MBH Bank
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Kórász Tamás
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Madarász Tamás
Decision Science Team Lead - Vice President
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
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Marosi Bence
Business Director
Giro Zrt.
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Dr. Menyhárd Attila
VJT & Partners
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Mérő László
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Mura József
director, Retail Lendig Tribe
OTP Bank Nyrt.
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Nemes Máté
Product Development Manager
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Ragó István
Chief Security Officer
Raiffeisen Bank Hungary
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Sármay Bence
Country Manager Hungary
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Szebellédy Balázs
Business Development Head
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Sziráki László
Head of Multichannel & CRM
CIB Bank
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Tóth Kata
Conference project leader
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Turzó Ádám
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Uszov Márk
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Vadócz Zsolt
Head of Innovation Directorate
K&H Bank
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Varga László
Director of Business Development
DMS One Hu
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Weissmüller Gábor
EMEA CSIS IAU Head Lead Investigator
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Zelczer Tamás
Cursor Insight

Why you should come?

We are organising our Banking Technology conference for the eighth time now, one of the most important intellectual workshops for the banking sector, the IT sector, and fintech companies, where we will discuss banks’ digital transformation and the sector’s most important IT-business and technological development directions.

The AI revolution that has broken out in the wake of ChatGPT has become the largest technology megatrend of recent times, and it might reshape the banking sector’s operation, development directions, and IT strategic goals. Which areas of banking will be transformed by AI, where can it help in reducing costs and a more efficient operation?

In addition to the digital transformation of domestic banks, at the event, we will talk about cash flow trends, AFR 2.0, cybersecurity issues, the growing problem of phishing scams, the innovations of the Hungarian fintech sector and the post-MiCA crypto world.

Now in its eighth year, the cream of the banking industry's top executives, fintech gurus, consultants, regulators and IT experts gather at our conference to share their thoughts on the most important business and IT issues affecting the banking sector.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

We would like to inform you that this conference will not be held online. There is no recording and possibility for subsequent viewing. We are looking forward to seeing you face-to-face!

Who we recommend

  • Banks
  • IT companies and IT subcontractors
  • Fintech companies
  • Consultants
  • Regulators

Our Sponsors

Platinum Sponsor

Gold+ Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver/Expert Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Accessibility Partner

4iG Nyrt., AAM Tanácsadó Zrt., Alfa Vienna Insurance Group Zrt., Alvicom Kft., Amazon Web Services, Appello, Apter, Asseco South Eastern Europe S.A., Auchan Magyarország Kft., BIG FISH Payment Services Kft., BISZ Zrt., BNP Paribas Hungary Branch, BPC Payments Services Zrt., Bankmonitor Partner Kft., BeHive, Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, CIB Bank Zrt., CMG IT, CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Capgemini Magyarország Kft., Capsys Informatikai Kft., Citi, Citibank Europe plc Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Consilium LLC, Cursor Insight, DANDELION Kft., DHK Hátralékkezelő és Pénzügyi Szolgáltató Zrt., DMS One Zrt., Deloitte Digital, Deloitte Üzletviteli és Vezetési Tanácsadó Zrt., Devertix, Diebold Nixdorf Kft., Dorsum, E-F@ktor Zrt., ELTE, ENET Magyarország Kft., EVK Szakkollégium, EY, Empire Transactions Zrt., Ergománia Kft., Erlang Solutions Hungary Kft., Ernst & Young Kft., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Euroleasing Zrt., Ex Machina Kft., Eximbank Zrt., FX sofware Zrt., Finshape Hungary Kft., Fundamenta Lakáskassza Zrt., GIRO Zrt., Garantiqa Hitelgarancia Zrt., Giro Zrt., Grayling Hungary, Gránit Bank, Hays Hungary Kft, Hegymegi-Barakonyi és Fehérváry Baker & McKenzie Ügyvédi Iroda, Hiflylabs Zrt., Hungarikum Biztosítási Alkusz Zrt., Instore EU, Intrum Zrt., Intuitech, Invitech ICT Services Kft., JPMorgan Chase & Co., Jusoft Hungary Kft., K&H Bank Zrt., KELER KSZF Zrt., KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Kapolyi Ügyvédi Iroda, Kontron Hungary Kft., LocalTime PR, Loxon Solutions Zrt., MBH Bank Nyrt., MNB, MSCloudExpert Kft., Magyar Bankszövetség, Magyar Fintech Szövetség, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Posta Biztosító Zrt., Magyar Telekom Nyrt., Microsec zrt., Microsoft Magyarország Kft., Mindspire Consulting Zrt., NCR Magyarország Kft., Nemzeti Mobilfizetési Zrt., OTP Bank Nyrt., Online Üzleti Informatika Zrt., PhenoGyde Kft., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt, Remedios ZRt., Revolut, RowanHill Digital Kft., SAP Hungary Kft., SAS Institute Kft., Shiwaforce.com Zrt., Szintézis-Net Kft., Telvice Zrt., Tresorit, Underguide, UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., VJT&Partners, Virgo Systems Kft., Visa Magyarország, X/10 Management Consulting, XPERiT - Techron Credit Kft., Zenitech, Zenud Kft., ÁBRIS Kft., Önkéntes Kibervédelmi Összefogás (KIBEV)


GALLERY | 73 pictures
Banking Technology 2023


Organisation, general questions

Luca Viszoki-Somogyi
  • Luca Viszoki-Somogyi
  • Event organiser
  • Phone: +36 20 414 8265


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Judit Lippai
  • Judit Lippai
  • Key account sales partner
  • Phone: 06/30 311 87 02
  • Email:


Ádám Turzó
  • Ádám Turzó
  • Phone: 06/1-472-2093 / 42
  • Email:
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