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Tájékozódjon eseményeinkről 6 iparágban: Offline és Online konferenciák

AI in Business 2024

Date: 23rd April 2024  

Location: Marriott Hotel, Budapest




I. Section: Strategy and planning

09:00 - 09:20

The impact of the AI boom on business life – International outlook


09:20 - 09:35

Risk management from the start: How to develop a trustworthy AI application?

Speaker: Dr. Gergő Barta, Senior Manager & AI Lead, Deloitte Magyarország

09:35 - 10:30

Top managers' roundtable – AI strategies in the Hungarian corporate sector

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

Conversation participants:

  • Balázs Fejes, Executive Vice President, Associate Director for Business Operations Europe and Asia Pacific, EPAM Systems
  • András Fischer, Director of Innovation, OTP Bank
  • Ákos Janza, Managing Director, Application Management & QA, MSCI
  • Dr. Róbert Keszte, a Continental Architecture and Networking üzleti területének globális termelésért felelős vezetője, a Continental cégcsoport magyarországi országigazgatója


Coffee break


II./A Section: AI, the cloud, and innovation

Moderator: Ádám Turzó, Analyst, Portfolio

11:00 - 11:15

Is AI a tool or a skill?

Speaker: Lotár Schin, AI COE Lead, OTP Bank

11:15 - 11:30

AI and text processing – How can large language models help make business processes more efficient?

Speaker: Péter Ignácz, Manager, KPMG

11:30 - 11:45

How to build an AI assistant in Hungarian?

Speaker: Dániel Huszti, Artificial intelligence expert, IBM

11:45 - 12:30

How to use the cloud? What to save in it and what not to – Cloud strategy in a nutshell

Moderator: Dániel Dojcsák, marketing communications director, Shiwaforce

Conversation participants:


II/B Section: AI and efficiency improvement

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

11:15 - 11:30

AI revolution in administration – The "Moon Landing" project

Speaker: Benedek Szajbély, CEO, Griffsoft

11:30 - 12:15

AI-supported employee experience and productivity

Moderator: Noémi Molnár, Chief Behavioural Scientist, BeHive Consulting

Conversation participants:


Lunch break


III/A Section: AI integration in the organisation

Moderator: Ádám Turzó, Analyst, Portfolio

13:45 - 14:00

The AI transformation comes from within, but who is responsible for it?

Speaker: Anna Takács, Head of Data Science, BeHive Consulting

14:00 - 14:45

How can employees not hate AI? HR issues and change management

Moderator: Georgiu Achilles, Innovation Management Expert, CEU

Conversation participants:


III/B Section: Regulation, risks, and dangers

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

13:30 - 13:45

How blockchain technology helps with data management in AI systems

Speaker: Gyula Solymos, CEO & Chief Technology Advisor, Alpha Management Advisory

13:45 - 14:00

Data protection in the era of artificial intelligence

Speaker: dr. Norbert Vass, Head of Department, European Union Digital Data Strategy Unit, NAIH

14:00 - 14:15

The perfect weapon and the perfect shield? – The role of AI in cybersecurity

Speaker: Turul Balogh, Group Information Security Officer, Tresorit

14:15 - 14:45

How artificial intelligence is reshaping geopolitics and armaments

Moderator: Bence Ács, Analyst, Portfolio

Conversation participants:


Coffee break


IV/A Section: Let’s dig into it! AI use cases and implementation

Moderator: Ádám Turzó, Analyst, Portfolio

15:10 - 15:30

How AI assists customer acquisition, geographic expansion, cross-selling and operative processes – Use cases

Speaker: Csongor Fekete, Managing Director, HolistiCRM

15:30 - 15:45

"When AI makes the phone calls for you" – Automatic calls with Artificial Intelligence

Speaker: Jenő Bartalos, CSO, KOMPaas.tech

15:45 - 15:55

Keynote speech

Speaker: Zsolt Vadócz, Head of Innovation Directorate, K&H Bank

15:55 - 16:35

Implementing AI solutions in practice – Success factors and learning experiences

Moderator: Ádám Turzó, Analyst, Portfolio

Conversation participants:


IV/B Section: Artificial intelligence in the domestic SME sector

Moderator: Kata Tóth, Conference project leader, Portfolio

15:10 - 15:30

What does the domestic AI ecosystem look like and where is it headed?

Speaker: dr. Viktor Vajda LL.M., Deputy Executive Director, Neumann János Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.

15:30 - 15:50

Four AI use cases that SMEs can easily apply

Speaker: Gábor Vadász, CEO, BDO Digital Magyarország

15:50 - 16:10

Getting funding for AI projects from EU direct funds – How to get started?


16:10 - 16:30

Intelligence is a resource. The NRDI Office’s guide to supporting AI projects

Speaker: Péter Racskó, Head of Department, National Research, Development and Innovation Office

Networking & Champagne toast

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Organisation, general questions

Luca Viszoki-Somogyi
  • Luca Viszoki-Somogyi
  • Event organiser
  • Phone: +36 20 414 8265


Sándor Takács
  • Sándor Takács
  • Commercial Director
  • Email:
Judit Lippai
  • Judit Lippai
  • Key account sales partner
  • Phone: 06/30 311 87 02
  • Email:


Ádám Turzó
  • Ádám Turzó
  • Phone: 06/1-472-2093 / 42
  • Email:
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