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Wealth Management 2008

Date: 27th May 2008  

Location: Hilton Budapest WestEnd

Section I.: Wealth Management challenges on the changing markets

09:00 - 09:05

Speaker: Sándor Szalai, elnök, BAMOSZ

09:05 - 09:25

Speaker: Dr. Miklós Dietz CFA, Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company

09:25 - 09:45

Speaker: Michelle Dunne, igazgató, Credit Suisse

09:45 - 10:05

Speaker: Günther Mandl, Head of division asset management CEE, Erste Sparinvest

10:05 - 10:25

Speaker: Gábor Sudár, Director, OTP Bank Nyrt. Compliance Főosztály

10:25 - 10:35

10:35 - 10:55

Section II.: Modern investment structures: product developement and distribution

10:55 - 11:10

Speaker: Andrea McEwen, Country Head CEE, Raiffeisen Capital Management

11:10 - 11:40

Speaker: Zoltán Nagy, vezérigazgató, IE Alapkezelő

11:40 - 12:20


12:20 - 13:30

Section III.: Private banking

13:30 - 13:50

Speaker: Dr. Paul Doralt, Partner, Dorda Brugger Jordis

13:50 - 14:10

Speaker: Peter Gorogh, Redistribution Manager - Fund Services, Standard & Poor's

14:10 - 14:55


14:55 - 15:15

Section IV.: Professional asset management techniques

15:15 - 15:40

Speaker: Sorin Ionescu, Director, Deutsche Bank

15:40 - 16:00

Speaker: Dr. Dominique Wohnlich, Director, Credit Suisse Asset Management, Credit Suisse, Zurich, Switzerland

16:00 - 16:20

Speaker: Zoltán Bereczki, igazgató, BNP Paribas Alapkezelő

16:20 - 16:40

Speaker: Balázs Benczédi, vezérigazgató, MKB-Pannónia Alapkezelő

16:40 - 17:25


17:25 - 00:00

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