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Portfolio.hu Wealth Management 2010 Conference

Date: 1st June 2010  

Location: Hotel Hilton Budapest, Hungary


  • A megtakarítási piacok szerepe egy új gazdasági modellben
  • Világgazdasági kilátások a fejlett piaci adósságválság fenyegetésében
  • A vagyonkezelési piac a válság utáni világban
  • A termékfejlesztés kihívásai az új igények függvényében, új benchmarkok
  • Kockázatkezelés
  • Hedge fundok és alternatív eszközkategóriák
  • Onshore vagy offshore vagyonkezelésé a jövő?
  • "A gyártól a fogyasztóig" - a disztribúció szerepe
  • A klasszikus private banking - mi lesz vele?
  • Professzionális vagyonkezelési technikák, intézményi kérdések

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Bartal Róbert
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Bilibók Botond
Hold Alapkezelő
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Bozsik Balázs
Head of ESG Performance Coordination
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Kevin Daly
vezető vagyonkezelő, Emerging Markets Fixed Income
Aberdeen Asset Management
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Dr. Dietz Miklós CFA
Senior Partner
McKinsey & Company
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Fatér Gyula
Head of Department
Budapest Bank
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Horváth István CFA
K&H Értékpapír
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Karagich István
pénzügyi igazgató
BloChamps Capital Financial Consulting Ltd.
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König Róbert
Bank Sal. Oppenheim
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Gianluca Manca
Head of Sustainability
Eurizon Capital, Intesa Sanpaolo Group
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Dr. Mesterházy György Tibor
Erste Alapkezelő
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Montvai Péter
magyarországi részlegvezető
Commerzbank (Luxemburg)
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Schuszter Péter
Chairman-CEO, Head of Investment - Hungary
Generali Alapkezelő, Generali Csoport
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Sudár Gábor
OTP Bank Nyrt. Compliance Főosztály
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Szabó Sándor
MKB Private Banking
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Szalai Sándor
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Szálkai András
portfolió menedzser
Raiffeisen Capital Management
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Szőllősi Ferenc
Dialóg Alapkezelő
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Greg Taylor
Head of Product Development
Financial Risk Management (London)
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Varga Szabolcs
Bank Gutmann

Why you should come?

Portfolio.hu has been organizing professional meetings about wealth management since 2005. The conferences provide an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience in the field of market processes, product development and distribution. The annual Portfolio.hu Wealth Management Conference has thus become one of the most important forums for not only wealth managers, but for their actual and potential partners and clients as well. Regular attendees of the event include investment fund managers, private bank professionals, experts from the insurance sphere, independent sales network managers and pension fund managers.

Some pictures about the Portfolio.hu Wealth Management 2009 Conference:

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Our Sponsors



In association with

Portfolio.hu has been organizing professional meetings about wealth management since 2005. The conferences provide an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience in the field of market processes, product development and distribution. The annual Portfolio.hu Wealth Management Conference has thus become one of the most important forums for not only wealth managers, but for their actual and potential partners and clients as well. Regular attendees of the event include investment fund managers, private bank professionals, experts from the insurance sphere, independent sales network managers and pension fund managers.

Over the previous year, the burgeoning financial economic crisis has only increased our event's relevance. The stabilization of financial and capital markets that have recently undergone a historic correction has yet to come, and presents an enormous challenge for all those associated with the wealth management sphere.


After years of plenty which brought significant wealth increases and substantial yields, wealth managers in nearly every segment must face a shrinking of the market and unusual challenges, whether they work in institutional wealth management, or portfolio handling and investment products for private clients. The unwritten rules of the financial market have temporarily been suspended, so without special know-how, it is more difficult than ever to achieve outstanding wealth management results.

In addition to investment decisions, the altered market environment has place product development in a new context, following the previous years' continued and widespread innovation, focus has now shifted towards retaining investors and creating products to match the different level of willingness to take risks, and special emphasis has been placed on handling the particular risks that have emerged in the system.

The difficult situation of the bank sector has also made the job of traditional sales channels more difficult, and the competition among replacement products has become palpably stronger, presenting even greater challenges for the distribution of wealth management products. Moreover, in the uncertain market situation, demand for reliably high quality products has increased among institutional clients, thus making independent quality assessments vital for sales, and among private clients, focusing attention on private banking services, traditionally based on trust.


• Capital markets and Asset Management
• Asset Management Techniques and Risk Management
• Product Development and Distribution
• Private banking


• Challenges for product development in light of new needs, new benchmarks
• "From the factory to the consumer" - the role of distribution
• Classical private banking - what will become of it?
• Pension funds - what now?
• Independent quality assessment systems in wealth management service
• Professional wealth management techniques and institutional questions


DATE: Tuesday, June 1, 2010

PLACE: Hilton Budapest, Buda Castle (1014 Budapest, Hess András tér 1-3. HUNGARY)
Hotel Information, Map & Location


Aberdeen Asset Managers Limited, Aegon Bef. Alapkezelő Zrt., AEGON Global Pensions, AEGON Magyarország Pénztárszolgáltató Zrt., AON Pénztárszolgáltató Zrt., AWD, AXA Bef. Alapkezelő Zrt., AXA Magyarország Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., BAMOSZ, Bankárképző, Blochamps Capital Pénzügyi, BNP Paribas Hungary, BNP Paribas S.A., BROKERNET Investment Holding Zrt, Budapest Alapkezelő Zrt., Budapest Bank Nyrt., Budapesti Értéktőzsde Zrt., Capital Communication, Carion Bef. Alapkezelő Zrt., CIB Bank Zrt., CIB Bef. Alapkezelő Zrt., Citibank, Commerzbank Zrt., Concorde Alapkezelő Zrt., Credit Suisse Ass. Man.Immo.KAG, Credit Suisse Asset Management Zrt., Dimenzió Egyesület, Erste Alapkezelő Zrt., Erste Befektetési Zrt., Erste Private Banking, Európa Bef. Alapkezelő Zrt., Évgyűrűk Magánnyugdíjpénztár, FirstFund Közép-Európai Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Franklin Templeton Investments, Fund De La Salle Alapkezelő, Futureál Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Generali Alapkezelő Zrt., Groupama Garancia Biztosító, Gutmann Magyarország Zrt., ING Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., K&H Bef. Alapkezelő Zrt., Macrogamma Bef. Alapkezelő Zrt., McKinsey & Company, MKB Bank, MKB Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., MKB Private Banking, MNV Zrt., MoneyMoon Kft., MSCI Barra, Nemzetközi Üzleti Főiskola, OTP Alapkezelő Zrt., OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP Privát Bank, Pénzügyi Szervezetek Állami Felügyelete, Pioneer Alapkezelő Zrt., Portfolio Money Zrt., Portfolio-Teletrader Ltd., QUANTIS Investment Man., Raiffeisen Bef. Alapkezelő Zrt., Raiffeisen Centrobank AG, Raiffeisen International Fund Advisory GmbH, Ramasoft, Simonyi és Tóth Kft., Stabilitás Pénztárszövetség, Standard & Poor's Fund Services, STOXX Ltd., SwissFinance Kft., Trinity Consulting Zrt., UFS Bróker Kft, Unicredit Bank, VIT Nyugdíjpénztár


- Capital markets and Asset Management
- Asset Management Techniques and Risk Management
- Product Development and Distribution
- Private banking

- Wealth management: Market and trends
- Product development, benchmarks
- Rating, investment quality
- Pension funds and investment funds
- Distribution


Our conference can give useful knowledge to
1. Private banks, private portfolio managing financial corporations
2. Fund managers
3. Independent financial advisors
4. Pension funds and other institutional investors
5. Institutions participating in investment products distribution

The Portfolio.hu conferences are highly renowned for their great opportunities of networking and building business relationships, merely not just giving new professional knowledge. Our aim is not to have a one time occasion event, but creating a yearly international interactive forum about the changes of the market.


"Probably the biggest challenge will be for us, distributors to control ourself by meeting our customers' real needs on a transparent way with a reasonable cost level. No question, we long for new direct to customer channels, keep trying to attract customers with complex products and insist to maintain profitability levels. Hardly we can do it unless giving up on transparency..."

Gyula Fatér, CEO, Budapest Alapkezelő

" The strong recovery in global wealth growth, which I have forecasted in last years opening presentation, did happen. This has clearly demonstrated the robust fundamentals behind the unprecedented wealth accumulation phase we are living in. However, with this recovery, the risks has also increased significantly. Wealth management will be a high risk, high return game in the world - and especially in CEE."

Dr. Miklós Dietz, Principal, McKinsey & Company’s Budapest Office

"Structured products have reshaped the domestic investment services landscape since they appeared on the market in 2002 (as capital guaranteed funds back then). These represent nowadays 13 Forint in every 100 Forint held in investment funds and one can very well observe that the interest in them is maintained coming out of the crisis. The regulation will most probably tend towards simplier products while investors' needs for special risk-return combinations, i.e. structured products are unchanged."

István Horváth, Chief Investment Officer, K&H Asset Management

" The long lasting financing and economic - nowadays monetary - crisis provided new framework and requirements for Wealth Management Companies in Europe, too. I try to summarize the new challenges on investors as well regulatory side relevant to Wealth Management, give a specific example on institutional, organisational response Commerzbank Luxembourg S.A. responds to these new challenges, including new distribution channels and product development giving specific product descriptions."

Péter Montvai, country manager, Commerzbank

"Domestic investment fund related legal regulation needs reconsideration and renewal for many reasons: in order to make the domestic industry more competitive and stronger, improve investors’ confidence and comfort feeling and consider the new European regulatory mainstreams. It is the right time to do it as the previous few years brought several useful new experiences."

Szalai Sándor, president, BAMOSZ


Program - András SOMI, Analyst, tel.: 36-1/428-9062, e-mail: somi@portfolio.hu

Sponsorship - Balázs AGÓCS, Deputy-CEO/Sales, tel.: 36-1/327-4088, e-mail: agocs@portfolio.hu

Other information: conference@portfolio.hu

Some pictures about the Portfolio.hu Wealth Management 2009 Conference:


GALLERY | 13 pictures
Portfolio.hu Wealth Management 2010 Conference

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