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Portfolio.hu Fund and Asset Management Conference

Date: 6th June 2006  

Location: Hilton Budapest WestEnd


  • Európai trendek és magyar jövőkép
  • Globális tőkeáramlások és mérési lehetőségük
  • Alternatív befektetések a vagyonkezelésben
  • Innovációk a strukturált termékek piacán
  • Termékdisztribúció és hálózatok
  • Nyugdíjpénztárak: kicsik a nagyok ellen?
  • Új befektetési lehetőségek a pénztári piacon: fókuszban az ingatlan

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Anspach Krisztina
értékesítési igazgató - Közép és Kelet-Európa
BNP Paribas
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Bauer Mathias
Vice-president EFAMA
CEO Raiffeisen Asset Management, Wien
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Bilibók Botond
Hold Alapkezelő
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Jean-Marc de Fety
Director, Head of Central/Eastern Europe coverage
Barclays Capital, London
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Brad Durham
Managing Director
Emerging Portfolio Fund Research, New York
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Gaál Attila
Aon Pénztárszolgáltató
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Gellényi Zoltán
ügyvezető igazgató
Sempra Metals Limited Hungary
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Horváth István CFA
K&H Értékpapír
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Kostevc Péter
elnök, társtulajdonos alapító
BROKERNET Holding Zrt.
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Kovács Zsolt
Posta Biztosító
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Pellei József
ügyvezető igazgató
Mobilitás Nyugdíjpénztár
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Christiaan Sterckx
Head of Product Development and Private Clients
KBC Asset Management, Brussels
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Vízkeleti Sándor
President of BAMOSZ
Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt.

Why you should come?

Portfolio.hu, Hungary’s most recognised economic and financial medium and BAMOSZ, the Association of Hungarian Fund Managers, are organising Hungary’s first fund and asset management forum for the 6th of June. The outstanding quality of the conference is ensured by presenters from the most widely acclaimed Hungarian and international firms. The professionals come from Budapest, Boston, New York, London, Brussels and Vienna to present their views on the European and global trends of the sector, as well as an outlook for the Hungarian market.

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The liberalisation of this market will revamp financial markets to the core and the Austrian example can serve great lessons for players on the Hungarian market, as well. For many it is a vital question whether the proliferation of foreign products poses a danger for domestic companies or it is rather an invigorating element that would promote higher quality and more sophisticated services for clients. A presentation on capital movements in emerging markets will be one of the most absorbing episodes at the event. Fluctuation in liquidity is especially important in terms of exchange rates and prices in small markets such as Hungary.

As client needs diversify, investment services providers are faced with the challenge of meeting every single one these demands. Absolute strategies have recently been pushed to the foreground by the need for risk management and balanced, high-quality performance. The so-called structured products have been gaining terrain in achieving higher efficacy (proportionate to risks).

The marketing of investment notes and other investment products means huge challenges. Our presenters will tackle the following: to what extent should own channels be ceded to others, how big a role independent networks may assume, what products should be expected to appear on the market and how could these be sold.

Beyond investment funds, the most important area of asset management is pension funds. The pressure for higher yields is mounting at Hungarian funds as well competing models are gathering ground and absolute yield is taking over from benchmark-based strategies. An increasing number of pension funds are seeking alternative means and the real estate market appears to be an exciting choice. But how could this be included in the portfolios?

The answers are waiting for you at Portfolio.hu’s conference on 6 June.

Who will you meet there?

Executive officials of fund managers
Portfolio managers
Asset managers
Private bankers
Insurance executives
Financial regulators
Senior officials of pension funds
Sales officials of financial service providers
Developers of financial products.

The event presents an excellent opportunity for both gaining knowledge and exchanging professional views - in a five-star environment.


GALLERY | 34 pictures
Portfolio.hu-Bamosz: Fund and Asset Management Forum (Budapest)


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