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Mortgage Lending and Home Financing in Hungary 2007

Date: 17th May 2007  



  • Hol állunk - hova tartunk: Nemzetközi lakáshitel-piaci kitekintés
  • Hová tart a lakáspiac - Mit hitelezünk? Mit lát a fejlesztő?
  • Termékinnováció - Régiós trendek, banki körkép
  • Értékesítés - Hol, Hogyan, Mikor?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Bánfalvi László
Managing Director
Otthon Centrum Hitel Center
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Felfalusi Péter
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Dr. Felsen Gábor
ingatlanfinanszírozási csoport vezetője
Köves Clifford Chance Ügyvédi Iroda
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Füzes Sándor
AXA Bank Europe SA Magyarországi Fióktelepe
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Gyuris Dániel
OTP Jelzálogbank
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Hámori András
Member of the Management Board, Retail
Sberbank Europe AG
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Harmati László
Deputy CEO
Erste Bank
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Harnos András
Aegon Hitel Zrt.
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Illés Zoltán
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Kovács Zsolt
Posta Biztosító
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Annik Lambert
Secretary General (főtitkár)
European Mortgage Federation (Európai Jelzálog Szövetség)
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Mérő Katalin
ügyvezető igazgató
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Nagygyörgy Tibor MRICS
Owner, Biggeorge Holding, CEO, Biggeorge Proprty Nyrt.
Founder, Otthon Centrum
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Dr. Orosz András
ügyvezető igazgató
K&H Bank
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Schenk Tamás
Partner - Strategy & Operations Consulting
Deloitte Hungary

Why you should come?

While Hungary's mortgage market has already passed its first stage of booming growth, dynamic expansion is expected to characterise the sector also in the next five years. Portfolio.hu's mortgage lending and home financing conference puts the spotlight on the future of this segment, with special focus on product innovation, a rise in risk appetite and consumer demand. To provide the audience with a clear and unbiased picture on the local mortgage scene, the presenters include the biggest Hungarian players, as well as property market experts and foreign professionals.
The target group of our conference is the middle and top managers of retail lenders, all those taking part in the sales process and property investors.

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Portfolio.hu Conference on Mortage Lending and Property Financing in Hungary 2007


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