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Lending 2022

Date: 17th May 2022  

Location: Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest

8:00-8:30 - REGISTRATION

Section I: Are Hungarian credit market players stepping on the gas or hitting the brake?

Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

08:30 - 08:35

Welcome, opening

Speaker: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)

08:35 - 08:55

Current prospects of the Hungarian retail and corporate credit market

Speaker: Barnabás Virág, Vice President, Hungarian National Bank

08:55 - 09:15

Strategic challenges and possibilities of Hungarian banks

Speaker: Radován Jelasity, Chairman, Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO, Hungarian Banking Association, Erste Bank Hungary

09:15 - 10:05

Bank leaders’ roundtable: are Hungarian credit market players stepping on the gas or hitting the brake?

Conversation participants:

10:05 - 10:30

Coffee break

Section II.A: SME lending in a rising interest rate environment

Moderator: István Palkó, Senior Analyst, Portfolio

10:30 - 10:45

Prospects for the SME sector in times of galloping inflation, war and energy crisis

Speaker: Dr. Hajnalka Csorbai, Head of Strategy, Opten Kft.

10:45 - 11:00

Capital funding opportunities in 2022

Speaker: Bence Katona, elnök-vezérigazgató, Nemzeti Tőkeholding, Hiventures

11:00 - 11:15

Introducing corporate lending schemes

Speaker: Krisztina Borsi, Business Analyst, ApPello

11:15 - 12:15

SME lending roundtable: what is an alternative to interest rates above 10%?

Conversation participants:

Section II.B: Mortgage lending in 2022 and the market of non-performing loans

Moderator: Péter Kuruc, , EY

10:30 - 10:45

Mortgage in a few days from home – is there a real digital process?

Speaker: István Huszár, ügyvezetőigazgató-helyettes, Bankmonitor

10:45 - 11:45

Housing loans roundtable: stalling or a new momentum?

Conversation participants:

11:45 - 12:30

Non-performing loans after the repayment moratorium: what is awaiting claims management?

Conversation participants:

12:30 - 13:45

Lunch break

Section III.A: Project financing in a harsh market environment

Moderator: Gergely Ditróy, Head of Real Estate Division, Portfolio

13:45 - 14:05

Returns and expectations in the office market and beyond

Speaker: Gábor Borbély, Director, CBRE

14:05 - 14:25

Housing development panorama: how are loans taken out for newly built properties spent?

Speaker: Zoltán Sápi, elemző, Eltinga

14:25 - 15:15

Project financing roundtable: what do banks and developers say?

Conversation participants:

Section III.B: Consumer credits in the shadow of high inflation

Moderator: Attila Horváth, Regional CFO, Provident Pénzügyi Zrt.

13:45 - 14:05

Experiences of consumer-friendly personal loans and challenges ahead of the consumer credit market

Speaker: Gergely Fábián, ügyvezető igazgató, Magyar Nemzeti Bank

14:05 - 14:55

Consumer lending roundtable: what’s next, Hungarian market?

Conversation participants:

  • Kristóf Bán, lakossági hitel- és bankszámla termékek vezető, CIB Bank
  • Milán Kalmár, Chief Sales Officer, InstaCash
  • Tamás Nagy, Head of the Financial System Analysis Directorate, Hungarian National Bank
  • Péter Somogyi, Retail Business Development Head, Magyar Bankholding

14:55 - 15:15

Digital lending in consumer credit

Speaker: Balázs Németh, Chief Innovation Officer, K&H Group

Section IV: Hungary in the shadow of the war, high inflation, and energy market crisis

Moderator: István Madár, Senior Analyst, Portfolio

15:30 - 16:30

Macroeconomic situation analysis

Conversation participants:

  • Péter Ákos Bod, egyetemi tanára, az MTA doktora, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
  • Gergely Tardos, Director, OTP Bank
  • Viktor Zsiday, Portfolio Manager, Hold Alapkezelő Zrt., Citadella Származtatott Befektetési Alap

16:30 - 16:35

Closing remarks


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Organisation, general questions

Fruzsina Koncsek
  • Fruzsina Koncsek
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 327 4086


Csilla Kiss
  • Csilla Kiss
  • Phone: +36 20 287 3256
  • Email:


István Palkó
  • István Palkó
  • Senior Analyst
  • Phone: 06/1 428 90 65
  • Email:
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