About Money. Bravely. About Tech. Consciously. About the future. Honestly.
14:00 - 14:10
14:10 - 14:25
What is going on with AI? Is the intelligence of the future human or artificial?
The situation is that while the smartest living person on Earth has 74 terabytes of brain capacity, Google AI has 80. The same person has read over 700 books in their life, while ChatGPT read 4 million in a few years. While the new AI solution of Facebook (Meta) can communicate in over 1100 languages, we, humans can hardly understand each other. This is why it is important to see the attitude of human and artificial intelligence towards each other, creation, creativity, work and its value, and finally, consciousness, rights, and responsibility.
We must understand where we are now and how the advance of AI in simulated realities, through AI influencers or TikTok videos that never existed can or will affect us.
Speaker: Arthur Keleti, cyber-secret futurist, Founder of Info/Cybersec, Trends, Buzz & Networking (ITBN)
14:25 - 14:40
YOLO or FOMO? Both! Live, but also think about tomorrow!
When should you start investing? As soon as possible.
Are you uncertain about the first steps in the world of money? This is absolutely normal.
Is it the numbers that pay? That’s right!
Can investment be your passion? Of course!
Do you have to give up on your values if you want to make money? Of course not!
Is there life outside cryptos? Plenty!
Speaker: Viktor Nagy, Senior Analyst, Portfolio
14:40 - 15:10
Why start a business when you're young? Courage or senseless heroism?
Conversation participants:
15:10 - 15:30
The banking of the future – What will happen to us in 10 years?
Conversation participants:
15:30 - 15:45
Gen Z decoded – What is it like to exist in the digital space as a Gen Z-er?
Digital nomads, social media, meeting and keeping in touch online. In short, this is digital life as Generation Z. But how conscious are you when it comes to internet use? Do you know what data crumbs you leave behind during each browsing session? Have you ever wondered why certain ads appear to you and how influencers affect you?
Speaker: Bella Cselényi, Strategist, IPG Mediabrands
15:45 - 16:10
All about mum hotels, sublets, own apartments – Where? With whom? Paid from what?
Moderator: Gergely Ditróy, Business Development Director, Portfolio
Conversation participants:
16:10 - 16:25
Turn your pocket money into savings with Hungarian government bonds
Speaker: Dávid Havas, Economist, Retail Government Bond Manager, ÁKK Zrt.
16:25 - 16:40
Hungarian young people’s future vision and financial plans
How do they plan their future, what defines their present, and what do they expect from different companies? Mastercard's research delved deep into motivations, financial habits and perceptions of loyalty to provide an up-to-date picture of the youngest generations.
16:40 - 17:05
Strangers? Workplace couples therapy across generations in one act.
Moderator: Zita Erős, Director of HR, KPMG
Conversation participants:
17:05 - 17:30
Influencer and/or expert? Who and what should I trust?
Moderator: Gergő Bódy, műsorvezető-riporter
Conversation participants:
Got an idea? You don’t know where and how to start with it? You are in the right place then! Bring it, present it, and leave the rest to the dolphin-spirited mentors. They will listen to you and give tips to turn your dream into reality.
15:00 - 16:30
Manage your money wisely!
Be professional with your own finances: A group experience that will redefine your relationship with money, help you develop a conscious spending plan and direct your budget where you want it to go. Say no easily to unnecessary spending and yes to what really matters to you.
Speaker: Emma Lőrincz, Corporate Trainer, Grow Group
16:30 - 18:00
How can I live with myself?
It’s tricky to be born between two social systems. The world is changing drastically at an incredible pace, and we were born at the foot of this mountain. Urgency, pressure, anxiety and a large amount of nonsense. Now what?
We need healing and transformation at the same time on a societal level. We have to process what our parents and grandparents never had the chance to do. Collective digestion, re-dreaming. Try to contribute, be hopeful and lively, if you can, without going crazy. The question is: What does it take to both process the old world your ancestors have created and simultaneously step into an unknown, not yet existing, new one?
Experience how we can access the internal resources needed to rethink our collective existence. And experience with others the trust and honesty necessary for the collective well-being of human consciousness and to make the world a better place.
Speaker: Tamás Hermann, Integrál tanácsadó, csoportvezető, ICF coach, Blue Zone Budapest alapítója
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