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Business and Finance Summit 2021 - CFO of the year

Date: 8th September 2021  

Location: Anantara New York Palace Budapest Hotel


  • The business and financial outlook of Hungarian businesses after the coronavirus crisis
  • CFO panel: The foremost challenges to financial executives in 2021 and beyond
  • Improving financial and operational efficiency through digitalisation
  • Successful M&A deals in the shadow of the pandemic
  • Credit management during and after the loan repayment moratorium
  • Announcing the winner of the CFO of the Year award

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Andrási Gábor
AR & Service delivery manager
Howden Hungary Kft.
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Bernhard Bartels
Executive Director
Scope ESG Analysis
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Basa Richárd
CEO, Co-Founder
Oriana International Zrt.
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Dr. Csorbai Hajnalka
Head of Strategy
Opten Kft.
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Csordás Imre
ügyvezető igazgató
Accent Hotel Management
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Dávid Richárd
Head of Department, Structured Finance
National Bank of Hungary
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Ginzer Ildikó
Deputy CEO for Standard Business Services
MBH Bank
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dr. Gudra Tamás
Director of Finance
Bonafarm Zrt.
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Dr. Harka Péter
Business Deputy Country Director
Atradius Hitelbiztosító
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Hipszki Tibor
Director - Finance and Strategy Department
Hunland Trade Kft.
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Jobbágy Dénes
Chairman & CEO
Széchenyi Alapok - Széchenyi Funds
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Moiskó János
Deputy Chief Financial Officer
KÉSZ Holding Zrt.
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Molnár Nóra
Finance Manager
Pepco Hungary Kft.
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Nádasi Róbert
Masterplast Nyrt.
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Nagy Márton
Minister for National Economy of Hungary
Government of Hungary
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Novák Zoltán
Financial Management - Head Of Department
Richter Nyrt.
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Palkó István
Senior Analyst
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Poór Károly
CEO, Member of the Board
Dataxo Group Zrt.
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Rékasi Tibor
Chief Executive Officer and member of the Board of Directors
Magyar Telekom
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Ludovic Subran
Chief Economist
Allianz SE
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Szentirmay Péter
Magyar Credit Management Szövetség
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Szincsák Attila
DENSO Manufacturing Hungary Ltd.
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Vajda Attila
Vajda Papír Kft.

Why you should come?

The coronavirus crisis has brought an economic and financial change of rhythm globally and also to most Hungarian businesses, and there is probably no market player left unaffected. Some industries were clear winners of the pandemic while others suffered from it, but one thing is common: top finance officials have overseen and sometimes steered changes from the front line all along. The diverse experiences of various industries and businesses could provide valuable lessons on reducing vulnerability and planning future growth.

Aside form the networking opportunity, our conference will offer quality talks, case studies and panel discussions to provide an overview of the most important operational and financial issues of Hungarian companies. This unique event is expressly for businesses, where the leaders of companies big and small may discuss and exchange their experiences. This year, there will be extra emphasis on the financial and digital challenges and opportunities of post-crisis recovery, but the current issues of credit management will also be on the agenda in line with our traditions.


Nominate yourself and become the CFO of the Year!

We will soon find out who the top financial manager of the year will be in Hungary. At the Business and Finance conference on 8 September, we will present the CFO of the Year award, a joint accolade of Portfolio and Credit Management Group. As in earlier years, the jury will reward the CFO found to be the best prepared and most successful this year. Other top picks will receive the CFO Master 2021 award.

Nominations for the award are open to the finance managers of all Hungarian businesses (except those active in finance or consulting). Please send inquiries to cfooftheyear@portfolio.hu. We will send out the nomination sheet upon request, which should be returned to the same address by 27 August 2021. All nominees may visit the event with a 20% discount, while the top eight picks will receive free entry to the conference on 8 September. 

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Under Section 6/C, Paragraph (3) of Government Decree 484/2020 (10 November) on the second phase of pandemic defence measures during the state of emergency, our events may only be attended by people immune to the coronavirus

Net Média Zrt. as the organiser has an obligation to verify the immunity of all participants, which they may prove either by an immunity certificate as per Section 2/A of the decree, or the equivalent application-based certificate as per Government Decree  60/2021 (12 February). Both require personal ID as well. Please bring the above documents to the event, as otherwise Net Média Zrt. as organiser has the right and obligation to deny and prevent entry to the event even with a valid ticket, as per Section 6/C Paragraph (5) of the decree.

For more details, click on the Information tab. 

Who we recommend

  • Top managers of domestic and regional corporations and SMEs
  • CFOs and other corporate finance professionals
  • Credit management managers
  • Tax, HR and digitalisation experts

Our Sponsors


Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Official car rental partner

Carbon Offsetting Partner

In association with

Exclusive coffee specialities sponsored by

The sponsor of maximum health and safety

Accessibility Partner


3rdGEN Zrt., Agent Support Kft., Allianz SE, ALUFE Fémszerkezeti Kft., Asseco Central Europe Magyarország Zrt., Atradius Hitelbiztosító, Avis Budget Group BSC Kft., Baker Hughes, BÁV Faktor Pénzügyi Zrt., Biggeorge Alapkezelő Zrt., Bonafarm Zrt., BorsodChem Zrt., Bridge Group IT, Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, CHS Hungary Kft., Citibank, CMG, CMS Magyarországi Fióktelepe, COFACE Hungary Credit Management Services Kft., Commerzbank Zrt., Cosmo Consult Kft., Credit Management Group, Danube Capital R&A Zrt., Denso Gyártó Magyarország Kft., Dorsum Zrt., Dózer-Ép Kft., E2 Hungary Zrt., EdUcate Hungary Kft., Egyéni tanácsadó, EOS Faktor Zrt., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., ESAb Kft., Euler Hermes Group SAS Magyarországi fióktelepe, Eximbank Zrt., FinSofTech Kft., Fundamenta-Lakáskassza Zrt., Graboplast Zrt., Gránit Pólus Management Zrt., Győri Szeszgyár és Finomító Zrt., HALKER Élelmiszer Kereskedelmi, Gyártó és Feldolgozó Kft., HI-LEX Hungary Kft., Howden Hungary Kft., Hungerit Zrt., Hunland Trade Kft., Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium, Intrum Zrt., KCG Partners Ügyvédi Társulás, KÉSZ Holding Zrt., Lapker Zrt., Magyar Credit Management Szövetség, Magyar Közgazdasági Társaság, Magyar Nemzeti Bank, Magyar Telekom Nyrt., Masterplast Nyrt., Mészáros Csoport / Talentis Consulting Zrt., MET Magyarország Zrt., Miniszterelnöki Kabinetiroda, MKB Bank, MKB Fintechlab, Mobilbox Kft., MTB Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank Zrt., MVM Services Zrt., NEO Property Services Zrt., Onespire Zrt., Opten Kft., Oriana International Zrt., OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP Mobil Kft., Paloma Kft., Pápai Hús Kft., Pepco Hungary Kft., Profession.hu Kft., Profirent Gépkölcsönző Kft., Prohumán 2004 Kft., PwC Magyarország, Rábalux Zrt., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Reuters, Richter Nyrt., RSM Legal Hungary, SALDO Zrt., Scope ESG Analysis, SDSYS Zrt., Seyu Solutions Kft., Stavmat Zrt., Supernova intertrans Kft., Széchenyi Alapok Zrt., Széchenyi Tőkealap, Takarékbank, Talentis Consulting Zrt., Új Ház Zrt., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Vajda Papír Kft., Viadukt Bs Kft., Vidanet Zrt., Videoton Holding Zrt., W.UP Szolgáltató Kft., ZeroKarbon by PPIS


GALLERY | 43 pictures
Business and Finance Summit 2021 - CFO of the year


Organisation, general questions

Zita Tusák
  • Zita Tusák
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36-20-334-8455
Renáta Szekeres
  • Renáta Szekeres
  • Event Organizer
  • Phone: +36 1 646 4367


Zoltán Schultz
  • Zoltán Schultz
  • key account sales partner
  • Phone: +36 20 319 9024
  • Email:


István Palkó
  • István Palkó
  • Senior Analyst
  • Phone: 06/1 428 90 65
  • Email:
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