Portfolio.hu is to hold its green energy conference. This event, with a regional investment focus, will be a unique forum in Hungary. The European Union aims to raise the share of renewable energy in the overall energy consumption from 8.5% in 2005 to 20% by 2020. EU member states are requested to submit their respective strategies to the European Commission by the second half of 2010, presenting how they wish to meet the previously pledged renewable energy ratios. This opens a whole new chapter in the history of European green energy projects. Hungary and other CEE states will also need to come up with very specific plans, including green energy supporting schemes, if they want to achieve their targets set for 2020. In the energy sector this is considered a rather short time indeed.
The niche conference organised by Portfolio.hu will host respected international and local speakers on the key subjects of green energy projects, in the best tradition of Portfolio.hu’s several other events. Our main goal is to create a forum for the region’s opinion shapers, energy experts and the best professionals in the renewables sector.
THE TOPIC OF THE CONFERENCE With the help of our speakers at the Green Energy Investment Forum we wish to give you an overview on where, in what and under what conditions it is worth investing on the green energy market. You will learn about the special characteristics of the sector, and see what opportunities and obstacles you may find there. Experts from the banking and financial sectors will shed light on the financing details of renewable projects, showing the host of possible funding solutions and risk management methods to be used in green energy projects.
FOCUS TOPICS OF THE CONFERENCE: • Which way is alternative energy headed?
• How far has the region progressed in the renewables race?
• Growth prospects in the green energy sector
• Which path will Hungary choose in the area of green energy developments?
• What financing conditions do the banks offer?
• How can the state support renewables projects?
• Potential green energy investment areas in the region
AERD Megújuló Energia és Régiófejlesztési Zrt., Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány, Andrékó Kinstellar Ügyvédi Iroda, ALTEO Energiaszolgáltató Nyrt., Aon Magyarország Kft., Asia Center, AVHA Szolgáltató és Tanácsadó Kft., bnt Szabó Tom Burmeister Ügyvédi Iroda, Brit Nagykövetség, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, CEGE Zrt., Citibank Europe Plc Magyarországi Fióktelepe, CoolTech Hűtéstechnikai Kft., Corvinus Kockázati Tőkealap-kezelő Zrt., EBRD, Elmib, EnerCap Capital Partners, Energiaklub Szakpolitikai Intézet és Módszertani Központ, Energy Hungary Zrt., Erste Bank, E-Star Alternatív Nyrt., Euroinvest Central-European Investment Corp., Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda, FHB Bank, FHB Jelzálogbank Nyrt., Forgó, Damjanovic és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, GrECo JLT Hungary Biztosítási Alkusz Kft., GREP Green Public Lighting Zrt., GSG Partners, Hold Befektetési Zrt., Honeywell Szabályozástechnikai Kft., HR Partner Consulting, HungaroConcept Kft., HydroEnergy Zrt., Immergas Hungária Kft., ING Bank N.V. magyarországi fióktelepe, K&H Bank, KBC Securities - Corporate Finance, Klnsys Kft., KPMG energetikai tanácsadás, Lendvai és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, Magyar Energia Hivatal, Magyar Szélenergia Ipari Társaság (MSZIT), Magyar Területfejlesztési és Vagyonkezelési Társaság, Mannvit, Market Építő Zrt., MATÁSzSz, Mágus-CAD Kft., MKB Bank Zrt., MOL Nyrt., Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium, NovEnergia II Hungary Holding Kft., OTP Bank Nyrt., OTP Energetikai és Infrastrukturális Projektek, PannErgy Nyrt., Pannonpower Holding Zrt., Pe-Zo Kft., Polgár és Bebők Ügyvédi Iroda, Porr Építési Kft., Primus Capital Zrt., Quaestor Pénzügyi Tanácsadó Zrt., Raiffeisen Energiaszolgáltató Kft., Réczicza White&Case LL.P Ügyvédi Iroda, Saxum Corporate Finance Zrt., Simándi Bird & Bird Ügyvédi Iroda, Sinergy Kft., SEEGER Engineering AG, STS Group Zrt., SWR Bauconsulting Kft., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., UniCredit Leasing Hungary Zrt., UNITRADE 94 Kft., Vallyon István, Videoton Holding Zrt.. Wallis Asset Management Zrt., Wolf Theiss...
THE EVENT: DATE: October 11, 2011, (9:00 am.-5:00 pm.) PLACE: Hilton Budapest, Buda Castle (1014 Budapest, Hess András tér 1-3. HUNGARY)
Hotel Information, Map & LocationCOST: HUF 79,000 + VAT / person
Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks.
The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation.
DISCOUNTS:- 10% discount is available for 2 registrations,
- 20% on 3 or more.HOT TOPICS:• Global and regional trends on the renewable energy markets
• Loans and subsidies for renewables projects
• Potential green energy investment areas in the region
• Equity financing in renewable energy projects
TARGET AUDIENCE:The Green Energy Investment Forum is to provide indispensable information for:
- Energy companies
- Energy equipment manufacturers
- Energy investors
- Private equity companies
- Investment funds
- Banks
- Consultants
- Lawyers
- Regulatory and supervisory organisations
- Professional organisations
- Large consumers
- Environmental protection experts
- Constructors
Portfolio.hu’s conferences not only provide access to new professional information but also create an opportunity for high-level networking and open the door for new professional relationships. Our final objective is not to have one-off events but to organise annually recurring conferences, interactive international forums with agendas adjusted to the most recent market changes.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Program - Gábor PATKÓ, Analyst, tel.: 36-1/327-4080, e-mail: patko@portfolio.hu
Sponsorship - Balázs AGÓCS, Deputy-CEO/Sales, tel.: 36-1/327-4088, e-mail: agocs@portfolio.hu
Other information: conference@portfolio.hu
The official homepage of conference:
www.greenenergyforum.hu (in Hungarian language)