In many ways, we have had an unprecedented few months, and the next period will be no different - the energy sector is a crucial focal point for world events and their consequences. The past year was all about the rising energy prices in the global economy; huge redistribution processes have started not only among domestic economic players but between home and abroad. There will be a lot to talk about at the Portfolio Energy Investment Forum 2022 conference. The main professional arch of the programme will be the security of supply, divestment from Russian oil and gas due to the war, and at the same time, the feasibility of sticking to the 2030 and 2050 climate targets since it is a big question how and on what timetable these two main EU strategic goals can be achieved simultaneously. Divesting from Russian energy sources seems to be a time-consuming and costly process for Hungary, while it is also likely to lead to permanently high energy prices. The latter incentivises the spread of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, but it may temporarily increase, for example, the utilisation of coal-fired power plants and the demand for regulators, such as gas-powered stations. All of this influences the creation of a sustainable (green) EU funding regulatory framework. All players in the energy sector, including the government, regulators and advisors, as well as generators, network operators, energy traders and, of course, users, need to be prepared to deal with the crisis. Find out what the future holds for the market and how domestic energy companies respond to the challenges ahead.