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Energy Investment Forum 2017

Date: 7th November 2017  

Location: Hotel Sofitel Budapest


  • Novelties of the regulatory and funding environment in Hungary
  • Towards an Energy Union – What could the energy market reform package of the EU bring about for Hungary? The role of EU funding in Hungary’s energy supply
  • How is the Paks II expansion project coming along?
  • Energy efficiency: A neglected area?
  • How does the need to go digital affect energy companies?
  • A major role is being expected for the renewable energies – Can the government objective of 50% be accomplished?
  • Renewable energy may be given a larger role – Is the government’s 50% target attainable?
  • Winter is coming: seasonal issues of the energy supply
  • Workforce market challenges of the energy supply and energy transition
  • Challenges of energy supply and energy transition for the labour market
  • Roundtable of CEOs – Directions and opportunities in the domestic energy sector

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Prof. Dr. Aszódi Attila
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Institute of Nuclear Techniques
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Bács Zalán
Rosatom Central Europe (Hungary)
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Balog Róbert
Head of Department
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Bertalan Zsolt
Chief Technology Innovation Officer
MVM Zrt.
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ifj. Chikán Attila
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Faluvégi Balázs
Blue Valew Nonprofit Inc.
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Fasimon Sándor
MOL Hungary
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Hlavay Richárd
Head of Communication Department
MAVIR Hungarian Transmission System Operator Co.
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dr. Horvai-Hillenbrand Péter
Lawyer, Partner
Oppenheim Law Firm
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Horváth István CFA
K&H Értékpapír
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Istvánffy György
Director of HUPX Markets, HUPX Zrt.
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Jamniczky Zsolt
Deputy CEO
E.ON Hungary Group
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Kovács Zsolt
Chairman of the Board
EH Invest Zrt.
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Dr. Michael LaBelle
Central European University and Jean Monnet Chair in Energy and Innovation Strategies
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Dr. Légrádi Gergely
Attorney-at-law, Partner
Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda
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Márta Irén
Managing Director
Business Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary
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Pletser Tamás CFA
EMEA Oil & Gas Analyst
Erste Investment
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Ságodi Attila
Lead Partner
EY-Parthenon and EY Energy Sector
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Dr sandor
President and Chief Executive Officer
DBH Investment
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Szabó Gergely
Regional Chairman
MET Central Europe
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Szolnoki Ádám
MANAP Industry Association
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Tilesch Péter
Head of Department
Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority, Department of Electricity Supervision and Price Regulation
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dr. Velez Tamás
Deputy Head of Department
Department for Green Economy Development, Ministry of National Development
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dr. Zsuga János
MVM Zrt.

Why you should come?

On 7 November, Portfolio is to organise one of the largest investment-focused energy conferences of Hungary for the 9th time. Just like at the previous events, the latest trends, phenomena, and the hottest topics concerning the energy market will be again presented and analysed by renowned speakers.

Experts of the sector will provide detailed information about all the major international and domestic developments of the recent past, address the challenges and opportunities faced by the sector and its investors, discuss how the energy economy of the future will look like, and how all these will influence our everyday lives.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>

Who we recommend

  • Energy companies
  • Banks
  • Lawyers
  • Industrial customers
  • Regulatory and supervisory bodies
  • Consultants
  • Investors and investment funds, venture capital companies
  • Professional associations
  • Contractors

Our Sponsors

Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsor


Allianz Alapkezelő Zrt., ALTEO Group, Atomenergia Info, Atomfórum Egyesület, Brit Nagykövetség, CÉH Tervező, Beruházó és Fejlesztő Zrt., Continental Automotive Hungary Kft., Deloitte Üzletviteli és Vezetési Tanácsadó Zrt., E.ON Energiatermelő Kft., E.ON Hungária Zrt., E2 Hungary Zrt., Embassy of Ukraine, Energetikai Szakkollégium, Energy report, Engineer Team Kft., E-os Zrt., Ernst & Young Tanácsadó Kft., Erste Bank Hungary Zrt., Ex Libris Consulting, EXIM (Eximbank Zrt., MEHIB Zrt.), Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda, FGSZ Zrt., First Solar Kft., Fortrex Kereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft., FŐGÁZ Zrt., FŐTÁV Zrt., Get-Energy Magyarország Kft., Greenport, GRID Consulting Zrt., Hegymegi-Barakonyi és TársaBaker&McKenzie Ügyvédi Iroda, Hungarian-Ukrainian Partnership Association, HUPX Zrt., Iberdrola Renovables Magyarország Kft., ILCSI Szépítő Füvek Kft., I-mplémentation Kft., ING Bank N.V. Hungary Branch, IP Systems Zrt., Ista Magyarország Kft., Jedlik Ányos Klaszter,

K&H Private Banking, Kamaraonline, Kapolyi Ügyvédi Iroda, Kiswire Szentgotthárd Kft., Kotimex, KPMG, Layher Kft., Magyar Energetikai és Közmű-szabályozási Hivatal, Magyar Földgáztároló Zrt., Magyar Hírlap, Magyar Idők, Magyar Napelem Napkollektor Szövetség, Magyar Szénhidrogén Készletező Szövetség, Manitu Solar Kft., MAVIR ZRt., MergerMarket, MET Magyarország Zrt., MET Power Hungary Kft., METRO, MFB Zrt., Microsoft Hungary, MKB Bank Zrt., MOL Magyarország , MOL Nyrt., MOL Vagyonkezelő Kft., Magyar Villamos Művek Zrt., MVM OVIT Zrt., MVM Paks II. Zrt., MVM Partner Zrt., Nagy és Trócsányi Ügyvédi Iroda, Nemzeti Agrárgazdasági Kamara, Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium, Népszava, Net Mobilitás Zrt., Oppenheim Ügyvédi Iroda, Optimum Solar Kft., OTP Ingatlan Befektetési Alapkezelő Zrt., Paks-Press hírügynökség, Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Protamin Kft., PwC Magyarország Kft., Raiffeisen Bank Zrt., Reliable Energy Group Zrt., Réti, Antall és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, Reuters, Rosatom Central Europe, Schneider Electric Hungária Villamossági Zrt., SiMentat Kft., Takarékbank, T-Systems Magyarország Zrt., TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft., UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Vivaldi Kft., Wärtsilä Finland Oy, Wärtsilä Hungary Kft., Zoom.hu

The Portfolio conferences are highly renowned for their great opportunities of networking and building business relationships, merely not just giving new professional knowledge. Our aim is not to have a one time occasion event, but creating a yearly international interactive forum about the changes of the market.


GALLERY | 33 pictures
Energy Investment Forum 2017


Organisation, general questions

Kata Tóth
  • Kata Tóth
  • Conference Project Leader
  • Phone: +36 20 386 0751



András Major
  • András Major
  • Email:
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