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Clean Energy Summit 2017

Date: 16th May 2017  

Location: Hotel Sofitel Budapest


  • What opportunities does the project Paks 2 offer to Hungarian companies? Presentation of Valeriy Zorya, Head of department for Nuclear Power Construction in Europe at ASE Group
  • Changing strategies and climate change – The fossil fuel industry on new roads
  • Clean energy in public services – From the power plant to the consumer – The role of utilities and energy traders in energy supply
  • The number one favourite – Can the triumph of solar energy continue?
  • The value of nuclear energy increased – The contribution of nuclear power plants to the achievement of climate targets
  • Electric power industry and system in transformation
  • Approaching 2020: Regulation, aids and climate policy in the EU and Hungary

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Prof. Dr. Aszódi Attila
Budapest University of Technology and Economics Institute of Nuclear Techniques
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ifj. Chikán Attila
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Csomai Kamilla
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Domanovszky Henrik
Hungarian Gas Transport Cluster Association (MGKKE), coordinator of PAN-LNG Project
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Fasimon Sándor
MOL Hungary
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Dr. Ferenczi Kristóf
Andrékó Ferenczi Kinstellar
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Dr. Grabner Péter
Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority
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Holoda Attila
Managing Director
Aurora Energy Kft.
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Michael Keroulle
GE Chief Commercial Officer
Steam Power Systems
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Kiss Ernő
Hungarian PV and Solar Collector Association
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Jana Kubinova
Customer Business Manager specialising in the nuclear I&C area (CEE and Russia)
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Lukács Ákos
Climate Change & Sustainability Services
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Mező Csaba
Deloitte Zrt.
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Móró Tamás
Chief Strategist
Concorde Securities
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Dr. Nemes Csaba
Head of Sustainable Development Department
Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority
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Németh István
ING Wholesale Banking Hungary, Structured Finance and Advisory
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Szolnoki Ádám
MANAP Industry Association
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Dr. Tompos András PhD
Director, Senior Research Fellow
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Renewable Energy Research Group
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Törőcsik Ágnes
Program Director
REKK Alapítvány
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Vígh Zoltán
Managing Director
Jedlik Ányos Klaszter
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Valerij Zorja
Head of Department
Nuclear Power Construction in Europe at ASE Group

Why you should come?

Portfolio is to organise its investment-focused energy conference for the eighth time in Hungary this year. Somewhat unconventionally, the spotlight will be on clean energy sources this time. Just like at its previous events, Portfolio is once again lining up renowned local and international experts to address the key issues affecting the energy market. The participants, among other things, can find out about the supplier possibilities of the Paks 2 project in Hungary, from Valeriy Zorya, Head of department for Nuclear Power Construction in Europe at ASE Group

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Who we recommend

  • Energy companies
  • Banks
  • Lawyers
  • Industrial customers
  • Regulatory and supervisory bodies
  • Consultants
  • Investors and investment funds, venture capital companies
  • Professional associations
  • Contractors

Our Sponsors


Section Sponsor

An earth-shattering transformation is taking place in the global energy economy, which is mainly bringing the so-called clean energy sources to the fore. This process is fuelled not only by world’s increasing energy hunger, but also by ever louder calls for action against climate change, while prices, of course, remain a key factor. The phenomenon of energy transition headed towards carbon free economy is manifested in more and more areas of life, offering radically new possibilities not just for consumers, but also for the participants of economic life, thus for investors as well.

Among a host of other issues the speakers will tackle the most important local and global developments in the field of solar, geothermal and nuclear energy. They will talk about the transformation of the electric power industry, fossil fuel companies turning towards renewables, the role and higher recognition of nuclear energy, the financial side of the transition to clear energy sources, and also about what to expect in Hungary after it has practically met the 2020 target number regarding the share of renewable energy sources.



  • Valeriy Zorya, Head of department for Nuclear Power Construction in Europe at ASE Group
  • Dr. Csaba Nemes, Head of Department, Ministry of National Development, Department of Green Economy Development
  • Michael Keroulle, GE Chief Commercial Officer, Steam Power Systems
  • Jana Kubinova, Customer Business Manager specialising in the nuclear I&C area (CEE and Russia), Rolls-Royce
  • Kamilla Csomai, CEO, Mavir Zrt.
  • Sándor Fasimon, MOL Hungary COO
  • Dr. Attila Aszódi, Government Commissioner for the maintenance of the capacity of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Prime Minister’s Office
  • Dr. Péter Grabner, Vice-President, Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority
  • ifj. Attila Chikán, CEO, ALTEO Group
  • Henrik Domanovszky, Chairman, Hungarian Gas Transport Cluster Association (MGKKE), coordinator of PAN-LNG Project
  • Ernő Kiss, President, Hungarian PV and Solar Collector Association
  • András Tompos PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Director, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Renewable Energy Research Group
  • Attila Holoda, Managing Director, Aurora Energy Kft.
  • Ákos Lukács, Senior Manager, Deloitte Zrt.
  • Tamás Móró, Head of Strategy, Concorde Értékpapír Zrt.
  • Zoltán Vígh, Public Affairs Executive, Jedlik Ányos Klaszter
  • Csaba Mező, partner, Deloitte Zrt.
  • Ágnes Törőcsik, programigazgató, REKK Alapítvány
  • István Németh, Director, ING Wholesale Banking Hungary, Structured Finance and Advisory
  • dr. Kristóf Ferenczi , Partner, Andrékó Kinstellar



AGMI Anyagvizsgáló és Minőségellenőrző Zrt., AH, Algeco Kft., ALTEO Group, Andrékó Kinstellar, ASZE cégcsoport Európai Atomerőmű Építési Osztály, Atomenergiainfo, Atomforum Association, ATOMIX Kft., Aurora Energy Kft., Bilfinger IT Hungary Kft, Black Page Consulting, Brit Nagykövetség, Budapesti Erőmű Zrt., CEEGEX Zrt., Concorde Értékpapír Zrt., Corweld Kft., Current powered by GE, Deloitte Zrt., Dunamenti Tűzvédelem Zrt., Energetikai Szakkollégium, EU-Solar Zrt., Ex Libris Consulting, Faludi Wolf Theiss Ügyvédi Iroda, FGSZ Zrt., GE Energy Zrt., GE Steam Power Systems, Graphisoft SE, Hilti (Hungária) Szolgáltató Kft., HUPX Zrt., HVCA, ING Bank NV. Magyarországi Fióktelepe, ING Wholesale Banking Magyarország, Strukturált finanszírozás és Tanácsadás, Invitech Solutions , Jedlik Ányos Klaszter, Korax Gépgyár Kft., Kotimex PR Ltd., KPMG Tanácsadó Kft., Lakatos, Köves és Társai Ügyvédi Iroda, Magyar Energetikai és Közmű-szabályozási Hivatal, Magyar Földgázkereskedő Zrt., Magyar Gáz Tranzit Zrt., Magyar Gázüzemű Közlekedés Klaszter Egyesület, a PAN-LNG Project koordinátora, Magyar Napelem Napkollektor Szövetség, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Anyag és Környezetkémiai Intézet, Megújuló Energia Kutatócsoport, MANAP Iparági Egyesület, Manitu Solar Kft., Mátrai Erőmű Zrt., MAVIR Zrt., Miniszterelnökség, MKB Bank Zrt., MOL Magyarország, MVM PAKS II. Atomerőmű Fejlesztő Zrt., MVM Paks NPP PC, Nemzeti Fejlesztési Minisztérium, NYIAEP, Országos Atomenergia Hivatal, Ostorházi Bevonattechnika Kft., OT Industries Fővállalkozó Zrt., OT Industries Tervező Zrt., Paks II. Kormánybiztosság, Paks II. Zrt., Pöyry Erőterv, Premier Communications, REKK Alapítvány, Rolls-Royce, Rosatom Central Europe s.r.o. Magyarországi Fióktelepe, Rosatom International Network, Saltem Kft., Schneider Electric Hungária Zrt., SGS, Siemens Wind Power Kft., State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, Szikszói Ipari Park, Takarékbank, UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt., Uniper Hungary Energetikai Kft., Venterfor Kft., Veolia Energia Magyarország Zrt., Vertis Zrt., Viraldi Consulting...



DATE: 16th May 2017, Tuesday (Registration: 08.30 - 09.00, professional programme: 09.00 - 16.30)

PLACE: Hotel Sofitel Budapest Chainbridge, Szechenyi Istvan ter 2, 1051 Budapest 

Hotel Information, Map & Location

COST:  74.900 Ft + VAT / person or 242 EUR + VAT / person


  • 20% on 5 or more registrations

Discounts cannot be combined!

Fee includes: conference documentation, full lunch and coffee breaks.The conference is bilingual with English-Hungarian simultaneous interpretation.


Our conference is expected not only to provide an opportunity to expand the participants’ knowledge base, but also to create an excellent forum for high-level networking and the forging of new professional relations. Our goal is more than just to organise another cut an dry event; we strive to make this conference a regular, interactive and international forum that keeps its finger on the pulse of the market.

The Portfolio conferences are highly renowned for their great opportunities of networking and building business relationships, merely not just giving new professional knowledge. Our aim is not to have a one time occasion event, but creating a yearly international interactive forum about the changes of the market.


GALLERY | 34 pictures
Clean Energy Summit 2017



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