Businesses of the future
A major transformation the likes of which have not been seen for several decades has begun as the climate strategy undertaken by the EU and Hungary represent both a substantial burden and a host of opportunities for all market players. The short-term approach will not cut it in the case of a rearrangement of such magnitude, and the primary goal each and every day must be sustainable long-term operation. But how will the advantage of those reacting fastest and the procrastination of the uncertain change the playing field? What are industrial corporations planning in order to maintain or even improve their prestige while finding their place in a sustainable world? And the most burning issue: where will market players find the funding for all this?
08:55 - 09:00
09:00 - 09:15
The EU's climate strategy from a Hungarian aspect
Speaker: Beatriz Yordi, Director, European and International Carbon Markets, DG CLIMA
09:15 - 09:30
The goals are set, but the hunt for financing and implementation are just beginning – What will the Hungarian government do?
Speaker: Attila Steiner, energetikáért felelős államtitkár, Technológiai és Ipari Minisztérium
09:30 - 10:15
All industries are preparing for changes not seen for several decades. But how? – Panel discussion with executives
Moderator: Zoltán Bán, CEO, Net Média (Portfolio Group)
Conversation participants:
10:15 - 10:35
Coffee break
An increasing number of nations and businesses are committed to green loans and green bonds, while investments tied to ESG certifications are gaining ground with astonishing speed. The ESG reports and green bond issues of businesses force decision-makers to think twice about future investments, while the climate and the risk inherent in transformation have emerged as heretofore unknown sources of hazard. The time has come for the symbiosis of finances and sustainability.
10:35 - 10:50
All obstacles removed? – Green path, green finances
Speaker: dr. Levente Hegedűs, Counsel, Kinstellar Budapest
10:50 - 11:35
Sustainable investments and market opportunities: ESG is the magic word
Moderator: Balázs Bozsik, fenntarthatósági és ESG üzleti szolgáltatások vezető, PwC Magyarország
Conversation participants:
11:35 - 11:50
Green bond, international practices
Speaker: Péter Kiss, kötvény portfóliómenedzser, Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt.
11:50 - 12:35
Virtually child's play? – Green bond issue in practice
Moderator: Máté Lóga, gazdaságstratégiáért, pénzügyi forrásokért és makrogazdasági elemzésért felelős államtitkár, Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium
Conversation participants:
12:35 - 13:45
Lunch break
The amount of available carbon quotas are decreasing each year, and we are closer and closer to the introduction of carbon credit trading not just in the energy industry but also for transportation and buildings. There are now several green and innovative solutions to replace fossil fuels, as in addition to wind, solar and geothermal energy, green hydrogen has also emerged as an option to be explored. The clock is ticking, and the energy industry is in a race against rising costs and the climate disaster.
13:45 - 14:00
Tricky decarbonisation – The goal is clear, but what can the energy industry do?
Speaker: Gábor Molnár, Head of Renewables Business Development, Manager, MET Asset Management, Kabai Solar Park
14:00 - 14:15
The present and future of the hydrogen economy - A guide to businesses involved in this epochal transition
Speaker: András Lengyel, Head of Energy and Utilities Advisory, PwC Hungary
14:15 - 14:25
Panel introduction speech: Sustainability in energy
Speaker: Frigyes Endersz, stratégiai és fenntarthatósági igazgató, E.ON Hungária Zrt.
14:25 - 15:10
Renewable energy: not an alternative but an improvement – Opportnities and osbstacles
Moderator: Ákos Szemán, Analyst, Portfolio
Conversation participants:
15:10 - 15:30
Coffee break
Sustainable businesses are the businesses of the future. They are the ones using sustainability and the green label in their plans and ongoing projects not just as a marketing gimmick but as a well-considered business strategy. So far, sustainability has been a competitive edge, but it is now becoming a basic requirement. The balance is shifting, the playing field is being rearranged, and the winners will be those who do not shrink away from dynamic and innovative transformation. Businesses of the future operate in a sustainable manner, placing a minimal burden on the environment, but are still cost and energy efficient. Thanks to a high degree of digitalisation and a committed workforce, they are prepared to serve conscious consumers who are looking for safety.
15:30 - 15:45
Green legislation game changers: how will the EU taxonomy and the expansion of the ETS transform the real-estate market?
Speaker: Viktor Bukovszki, senior consultant, ABUD - Advanced Building and Urban Design
15:45 - 16:30
The thousand faces of renewal: green planning, production and operation
Moderator: Emese Kovács, Partner, MN6 Energy Agency
Conversation participants:
16:30 - 17:10
Liveability, transportability and development - How will Budapest become a sustainable city?
Moderator: Tibor Remete, Strategy and Creative Director, Super Channel
Conversation participants:
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