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Sustainable World 2021

Businesses of the future

Date: 7th September 2021  

Location: Anantara New York Palace Budapest Hotel


  • Sustainable investments and market opportunities: ESG is the magic word
  • The experiences of a difficult but inspiring period for the most committed corporations
  • Recommended yesterday, mandatory today: what does the EU's SFDR regulation mean for corporations?
  • Virtually child's play? – Green bond issue in practice
  • In the world of alternative energy – A host of opportunities and nearly as many obstacles
  • How to go on? Grid development, energy storage and the tricky decarbonisation
  • Attack from several angles: green energy, buildings and transportation in the service of 2050 climate goals
  • New corporate strategy, new investment horizon
  • Regulations, consumers and employees all steering towards the green path – Or are they?

Our speakers among others

All speakers
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Bán Zoltán
Net Média (Portfolio Group)
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Berecz Balázs
Founder, CEO
Access4You International Kft.
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Bozsik Balázs
Senior Manager, ESG Business Services
PwC Hungary
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Bukovszki Viktor
senior consultant
ABUD - Advanced Building and Urban Design
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ifj. Chikán Attila
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Égi Zsolt
Managing Director
Progress Étteremhálózat Kft., McDonald's, Hungarian Developmental Licensee Partner
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Endersz Frigyes
Director of Strategy and Sustainability
E.ON Hungária Zrt.
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Ezer Rezső
Director of transactions and investor relations
Futureal Management Kft.
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Fejes Tibor
Managing Director
Audax Renewables Kft.
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Gábor Péter PhD
Head of Environmental Management Division
Budapest Főváros Főpolgármesteri Hivatal Várostervezési Főosztály
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Gereben Mátyás MRICS
Country Manager
CPI Hungary
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Hankó Gergely
Protecting nature engineer, Economist, Managing Director
Hungarian Association of Environmental Enterprises
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Dr Hartvig Lajos DLA
Founder, CEO
Bánáti + Hartvig Építész Stúdió, Board member of HuGBC
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dr. Hegedűs Levente
Kinstellar Budapest
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Kiss Ida
Head of Design
DVM group Kft.
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Kiss Péter
Fixed Income Portfolio Manager
Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt.
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Kovács Emese
MN6 Energy Agency
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Kurali Zoltán
Government Debt Management Agency
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Lengyel András
Head of Energy and Utilities Advisory
PwC Hungary
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Lóga Máté
State Secretary for Economic Strategy, Financial Resources and Macroeconomic Analysis
Government of Hungary
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Maczelka Márk
Head of Communication
SPAR Hungary
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Mihály Eszter
CSR Manager
HELL Energy
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Miklós Rozália
Executive Director, Head of the Budapest office
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Molnár Gábor
Head of Renewables Business Development, Manager
MET Asset Management, Kabai Solar Park
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Orbán Gábor
Richter Gedeon
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Pásztor Tamás
Head of Legal and Operation
CPI Hungary
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Pókos Gergely
Managing Director
OTP Bank Zöld Program Igazgatóság
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Pukler Gábor
Future Mobility Association
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Remete Tibor
Strategy and Creative Director
Super Channel
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Rózsai Rezső
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Steiner Attila
State secretary for energy policy and climate
Energy Ministry
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Székely Gábor
Investment Director
AutoWallis Nyrt.
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Varga László
Managing Director
MVM Green Generation
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Vízkeleti Sándor
President of BAMOSZ
Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt.
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Wieder Gergő
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Beatriz Yordi
European and International Carbon Markets, DG CLIMA

Why you should come?

Following huge interest last year, in 2021 we will be organising our second Sustainable World  conference for the businesses of the future. The unquestionable weight of sustainability and its intrusion into the economy were eyed sceptically just a year ago, but the past 12 months forced economic players to adapt so fast that many of them have already gained enviable experience in belonging to the green elite of the world.

The main objective of the event is to present the experiences of these pioneers to serve as guidelines for businesses that intend to use the advantages of sustainability to improve efficiency or to gain a competitive edge, and for whom stable, future-oriented and at the same time sustainable business is a declared goal. In addition to green financing opportunities, forward-looking investment decisions, ESG compliance and the EU's new sustainability framework, our conference will also place renewable energy in focus and will cover the emergence of new corporate strategies generated by employees and customers.

Cost and energy effective operation, sustainability goals and specific measures, and the long-term retention of the trust of customers and partners all contribute to the unique know-how and strategy that could be a green card for becoming a business fo the future.

Download the Portfolio Events mobile app where you can find Portfolio’s professional events in one app, personalised for you. You can access the event’s detailed programme, the list of participants, and your conference ticket, among other things. We even offer a virtual business card exchange. How? The QR code on the badge is your personalised online business card - scan each other's QR codes and you can keep in touch after the conference. Profession, experience, networking. Install with QR-code from desktop >>


Under Section 6/C, Paragraph (3) of Government Decree 484/2020 (10 November) on the second phase of pandemic defence measures during the state of emergency, our events may only be attended by people immune to the coronavirus

Net Média Zrt. as the organiser has an obligation to verify the immunity of all participants, which they may prove either by an immunity certificate as per Section 2/A of the decree, or the equivalent application-based certificate as per Government Decree  60/2021 (12 February). Both require personal ID as well. Please bring the above documents to the event, as otherwise Net Média Zrt. as organiser has the right and obligation to deny and prevent entry to the event even with a valid ticket, as per Section 6/C Paragraph (5) of the decree.

For more details, click on the Information tab. 

Who we recommend

  • Decision-makers of innovative and green businesses
  • Energy suppliers and generators
  • Business executives
  • Conscious energy consumers
  • Financial investors, businesspeople
  • Banks and financers
  • Consultants
  • Investment funds

Our Sponsors

Gold+ Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Sustainability partner

Silver Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

Official car rental partner

Carbon Offsetting Partner

In association with

Exclusive coffee specialities sponsored by

Media Partner

The sponsor of maximum health and safety

Accessibility Partner

Agrár-Vállalkozási Hitelgarancia Alapítvány AgroStratéga Államadósság Kezelő Központ Zrt. Alteneva Kft. ALTEO ALX Magyar-Török Kereskedelmi Központ Amsa Higiénia Kft. Amundi Alapkezelő Zrt. BCSDH Beltaste Mórahalom Kft. Bon Port Kft. Budapest Főváros Főpolgármesteri Hivatal Budapesti Értéktőzsde C&A Mode Kft. CÉH zRt. CPI Hungary DANDELION Kft. DBH Group Denkstatt Hungary Kft. Design Terminal E2 Hungary Zrt. Ekol Logistics Kft. Embassy of Canada Emerald PR ENCO-LG Energia Kft. ENSZ Kormányközi Klímavédelmi Tantestületének Mérsékléssel foglalkozó Munkacsoportja Közép-Európai Egyetem Erste Bank Hungary Zrt. Eston International Eurochem Agro Hungary Kft. European Investment Bank FAKT Szakkollégium FestiPay Zrt. FŐTÁV Zrt. Geonardo Kft. Greenbors Consulting Kft. HeatVentors Kft. HG Energy HuGBC (Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete) IFUA Horváth & Partners Kft. Immofinanz Services Hungary Kft. InnoEnergy HUB Hungary Iscar Hungary Kft. ITM Jalsovszky Ügyvédi Iroda Jones Lang Lasalle Kft. Kék Bolygó Klímavédelmi Alapítvány Kemendy és Társa Kft. Környezetvédelmi Szolgáltatók és Gyártók Szövetsége KPMG Magyarország KPMG Tanácsadó Kft. Kuube Hungary Kft. Kviksz Kft. Magyar Gumiabroncs Szövetség Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Meraki Marketing Kft. Merkbau Kft. MKB-Pannónia Alapkezelő Zrt. MNB MOL Csoport MOL Nyrt. MTB Magyar Takarékszövetkezeti Bank Zrt. Nestlé Hungária Kft. NextNine Kft. Optimum Solar Home System Kft. OptimumWay Kft. OTP Bank Nyrt. PANNON Green Power Kft. PANNON Pro Innovációs Kft. PTE ÁJK Richter Gedeon Nyrt. RTG Vállalati Felelősség Kft. Sárköz Green Plan Kft. SolServices Kft. SUPER CHANNEL Kft. Supercharge Sziget Kulturális Menedzser Iroda Zrt. Techwave Hungary Zrt. Telenor Magyarország Zrt Tersano Magyarország Tesco Globál Áruházak Zrt. TSPC ÚjHÁZ Centrum Vitafort Zrt. Zactual Kft.


GALLERY | 28 pictures
Sustainable World 2021


Organisation, general questions

Gábor Ócsai
  • Gábor Ócsai
  • rendezvényszervező
  • Phone: +36 1 472 2095


Csilla Kiss
  • Csilla Kiss
  • Phone: +36 20 287 3256
  • Email:
Péter Mihály
  • Péter Mihály
  • Senior Sales Manager
  • Phone: +36-70-544-0164
  • Email:


Roxána Pásztor
  • Roxána Pásztor
  • analyst
  • Phone: +36-30-908-9711
  • Email:
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